Women only care about looks about looks and penis size. So it doesn't matter if you robots improve your personality. You'll still be in the same place you started. This also brings the question of how detached from reality normies really are.
Face it
Yeah we already know that dumbass lol I could care less now. Im just here to piss off feminists and normies
On fucking /r9k idiot?? This place is anything but feminist and normie. You need to lurk more normalfag
Girls care about personality. Its just that hot alpha males with a lot of experience have good/interesting personalities while beta robots and incels dont. For some reason they think thet just because theyre ugly they must have personality, which in reality they dont have either. I mean really can you robots just imagine yourselves on a date - what exciting convo can you create besides staying in all day, playing video games and fapping to anime?
It's all looks. What is I told you I did all the normie advice shit to become more interesting. Trust me an ugly Incel that climbs mountains and hunts won't ever beat a good looking Chad that only goes to the gym.
>This also brings the question of how detached from reality normies really are.
Okay. I'm very below average in looks and I have a pretty wife. Usually answers to this will be met with baseless insults and moving the goalposts.
Just find a girl whose values match yours, share a decent amount of simple pleasures and you're set.
They care about a relatively long list of things:
> Face
> Muscularity
> Height
> Penis size
> Personality
> Income and assets
> Being famous or having power
Almost nobody is good in everything, since these are mostly independent from each other. You could for example have a good personality, a large penis, a 5k wage and be muscular, and that could be enough, even though you were ugly.
>inb4 someone says ugly guys could get girls with personality without proving it
Yeah, but have ever in your life heard of a thing called money? No? Wonder why.
Yeah exactly. Luckily the list is long.
Sucks to hear that, but you just havent figured it out yet. I'm an average/below-average looking guy, I'm 5'9 and I'm not rich. I got into the whole pick up thing 4-5 years ago and since then I have lost count of the number of girls I've fucked. A few were girls way out of my league, girls with thousands of followers on their instagrams or just general dimes. I'm now settling down with a sweet girl that I love that I click with on all levels and it's awesome. Anyway, looking back, what has changed the most about me is I just became a more interesting person through my experience. My personality/behavior is much much different now than it was years ago. Personality is something a lot of people take for granted, they think it's this thing you can just change over night, when in reality it takes a lot to make yourself more interesting and acquire relevant social intelligence to attract high quality women. But in your defense I do have a really big dick.
You're right to some extent, physical attract is one of the most important things BUT you don't have to be a 10/10 male model to attract women. Otherwise, stuff like how you act (which I would call personality) also contributes. An "ugly incel" can't climb any mountain because by definition he is a shut in loser that never gets laid. An ugly incel is someone who has shit personality but for some reason fools himself into thinking he has a good personality because something has to counter-balance his shit life. "Oh well, I'm ugly, so of course I have a good personality. Grr, why don't girls care about personality."
nice pasta, now gtfo
Well, I would agree people wouldn't seek out others they're physically repelled by, but certainly if you're not hideous/ugly and if you border below average like myself, you can still get a pretty wife with good values.
>But in your defense I do have a really big dick
whole post invalidated
there is not a single proof that you can be below average and not have a big dick and get girls. so what you're doing basically is just gaslighting people who are less genetically fortunate by making them think they're doing something wrong when they're just fucked from the start
read the other day about a guy with a small dick who fucked over 300 girls to compensate. the guy posting it said that that guy's girlfriend fucks him on the side
dickcels should just go ER desu
>asking us to "face" something we've already come to terms with
Looks are a good fall back if your personality is shit to be honest
I'm ugly and do cool shit and get laid all the time.
Does it ever hurt anyone to think that even if you did have a girlfriend she'd want you to have a bigger dick? It fucks with me pretty badly. I know I could probably get a girl if I talked to enough and got used to it. But even then I feel like unless I had a shit ton of money or was really fit I would be too insecure to be confident around her.
How would the girls know that this person has a big dick?
What the fuck are you doing I'm not doing I'm tired of women telling me that I'm boring or that I'm not their type. What's the trick?
Keep in mind I have these traits
>Ugly round face
>2 inch Benis
Please help me.
They can ask how big the cock is can't they?
im another user here
do cool shit, like skateboarding something like that, like typical social activities where you can make friends and shit without looking like a loser. I have the same traits as you, except I'm 5'6, asian and my benis is 5 inches.
i play in a rock n roll band and i get laid all the fuckin time with chicks and shit. just get a 'cool' hobby and socialize
Is modifying cars a cool hobby Asian bro??
manly stuff just go ahead and do it, work out too, make friends, vidya is a waste of time, so is anime and shit. porns alright
PS what works for me might not work for you, but if you keep trying youll get somewhere probably
jk hahahaa 2 inch penis boy hhahah!!!!
Men only care about looks too. *clap*
Women care mostly about looks, but somewhat about personality. Look out in the world. Cute girls date pretty normie looking dudes all the time. They aren't ugly dudes, but they aren't that great either. Being cool goes a long way.
A lot of you complaining aren't even ugly either, you're fucking fat, which is something you can change
>Normies with good looks
All you're doing is reinforcing OPs original post.