Militarybots of Jow Forums, what was boot camp like?
Militarybots of Jow Forums, what was boot camp like?
Sincerely hope my country doesn't re-establish shit like this because of boomers thinking that there are too many effeminate and faggy males so apparently they will man up and stop being fags if they waste months of their life locked with other men.
It sucked. t. Army Infantryman
Ask any questions you have.
I went to army bootcamp in 2013, it kinda sucked because i was the designated trap, so i spent most of the time being railed by the other guys and didn't even get to participate in most of the training.
Why did you join? Where are you stationed? What was the worst part about boot camp?
As long as you can handle getting yelled at it's not that bad. It's one of the few times being invisible pays off.
what do you need to do to survive bootcamp
What country are you in that doesn't have military boot camp? Vatican City?
I joined partly out of patriotism and partly because I was a homeless alcoholic at 19 so I wasn't off to a great start. Currently I'm stationed at Fort Myer, Virginia with the Army's ceremonial unit, the Old Guard. I shoot the rifle at funerals. The hardest part of basic emotionally was just being so far from my family, who I thought I hated and didn't need anymore. I was wrong. The hardest part physically was the Bayonet March. It was the only part that I even felt close to falling out of. I carried a 240 machine gun for a few miles. No one else would.
Just don't quit. That's really it. It's going to suck and it will for a long time. If you're really afraid, just don't join infantry. Other MOSs have it easier and it's far shorter too.
Lots of exercise. Don't stand out. Don't ask stupid questions. Don't be noticed. Don't quit.
I heard there's a lot of rape in boot camp. Is this true, or just a meme?
Completely untrue. When I went through boot camp, five trainees had an orgy out in the woods though. Everyone knew but the Drill Sergeants didn't find out and nobody out of 100+ of us snitched. Truly amazing.
Don't go airborne or option 40
It's literally a dick measuring contest
>five trainees had an orgy out in the woods though
Between women and men?
Are men and women usually kept in the same barracks? How common is sex between the two genders in the army?
Don't ask questions to the drillys. Just ask other privates. Try to stay close to the prior service guys, there's always a couple. They'll steer you in the right direction and keep you out of trouble. Try to go into basic already in shape. Google the APFT standards and try to meet at least the minimum before you get there. Absolutely a meme. No one gets raped anymore. All sexual assault claims are exaggerated as fuck. That may happen in the big army but basic is super strict and they watch everyone like a hawk.
Air Force boi here, it wasn't hard as much as it was 8 weeks of endless tedium.
We're different in the Army in that there is an almost autistic focus on attention to detail. Beds had to be perfectly aligned and made, proper facing movements and reporting procedures, all clothes perfectly folded and in their exact spots.
This guy has it right. The worst part was night #4 where I felt so sad, because I wouldn't be able to see my family aside from a few times a year. I think the guard/reserve guys didn't feel it so much because they were just there for 2 months and then back home.
Don't quit, and don't do shit that's going to get you in trouble. Don't admit to anything that you didn't already tell them at MEPS, because that's a fucking great way to get put in hold for months while they discharge you.
Amazing. In boot camp, do the first and last words out of your mouth really have to be sir?
I would argue that airborne is fine but only if you want to be held to a higher standard than normal infantryman after basic. Some people are hooah like that, I was but I ended up volunteering for Old Guard instead.
NO. You only address officers as sir or ma'am. Drill sergeants are drill sergeants.
USN here
It was bearable. The first three weeks suck, but after that you get a handle on everything and then you do training- firefighting,
It was 3 girls and 2 lucky guys. Men and women are separated by gender in basic when it comes to living arrangements. Sex is very rare in basic and can get you kicked out if anybody finds out. You would have to be an idiot to not just wait a few weeks.
Disclaimer: I'm the Airman.
Sex during our boot camp was nearly impossible. Male and female flights were kept in seperate living quarters, and we only interacted for training things, and there were all kinds of instructors and shit present for that.
After boot camp, it's just a bunch of young people so every fucks each other because horny.
Drill Sergeants in the AF are referred to as sir, but no sir at the end.
Sorry, I mean what do you have to do to get ready for boot camp, physically.
What branch are you joining?
If you can run 2 miles in 14 min and do like 80 push ups and sit ups you will be fine.
The APFT is measured in 3 areas, push ups in 2 minutes, sit ups in 2 minutes and your 2 mile run time. Do those things.
>all these potential discharge/kick out
I thought the military want more people in their services.
We had a dude get all sweaty and admit he smoked weed "70 times" during his clearance interview.
He was gone.
They want strong people. If you're a murderous psychopath you'll probs be fine. If you're a suicidal little bitch who talks to himself they'll get rid of you. If you have a mental disorder that you think will hold you back, don't join. For your own sake. Trust me.
They kinda do, but remember the military covers all your medical needs.
They want to try as hard as possible to keep people who will cost a ton of medical money from joining, or people who will be some sort of danger.
Otherwise it's hard to get kicked out.
Honestly try to pass the graduation standards before you even arrive. Everything will be so fucking easy for you then. There will be times of course when you're fucking exhausted and feel like dying but those will be few and far between for you. Then all basic will be for you is mental games and you can focus yourself 100% on them without having to worry about the physical stuff.
If you want to be ridiculously sneaky, you can pretend to be a bit weak in the beginning. Then when a Drill Sergeant yells at you to pick up the pace or "squeeze out" some more push ups, you can easily do that to make you look a bit better. It sort of cheats yourself in terms of personal development, but you never want to be the best or the worst at anything in basic. Ideally, you fly under the radar and at graduation day the Drill Sergeants don't even know you.
Bulgaria and we do but it's not compulsory
It's not in the US either, are they talking about making it mandatory in your country?
The worst part is the Army takes so fucking long with paperwork, especially when it comes to discharges. So these guys just sit in a holding company for weeks or months doing busywork while their papers make the rounds at some office somewhere (where 50% of them will inevitably be lost and have to be restarted).
On a semi-related note, we had a kid break down and tell our commander that he had asthma and the commander just let it slide. She was all "I never want to hear the 'A' word out of you ever again, I didn't hear it"
It weird because of how I kept seeing the media wanting more soldiers or how there should be a draft in the past 25 years after the Gulf War.
Alright, that makes more sense.
was thinking about joining the navy
Same with us. Our MTI told us "if you don't like it here, the fastest way out is to graduate."
We had a dude quit by making up some story about how he used tons of drugs before basic and "just felt too guilty". He was there for like 6 weeks after we had graduated.
One guy had asthma, didn't tell anyone, and when we went into the gas chamber, he freaked the fuck out (because his throat closed) and being built like a linebacker, shoved the MTI out of the way and ran outside. All the staff was freaking out, meanwhile we're still sitting in the gas chamber coughing and dying like a jew in 1944.
We need more infantryman. All units are understaffed.
Not a bad choice, my buddy is in the Navy and likes it most of the time.
What jobs are you looking at? Navy PT standards are online, check them out and start working out.
I always worried that I'd be too schizo to join the military, is it true that they don't like overly sociopathic soldiers?
Depends on how well you can hide it. Can you handle stress without babbling to yourself or being otherwise cringy?
How often do your wives/gfs send you pics of them getting rawdogged while you guys are deployed?
>Can you handle stress without babbling to yourself or being otherwise cringy?
Well yeah, I don't talk to myself except in my head.
I forgot who but one of the more famous mass shooters tried to join the army but was turned away for being too crazy.
I don't have a gf.
I also don't get deployed.
How much will I be bullied for being a friendless virgin?
I never had a wife or gf
I haven't deployed yet. The government gives me an allowance to live off base with my mom so she came with me. The cover my rent and shit
i didnt mean mom lol
Did you claim your mom as a dependent?
I really wanted to do that but my mom wouldn't let me.
How much do they give you?
My girlfriend of over a year fucked another guy while I was in basic. I was her first. There were a few others in my company that had similar experiences.
Youre probably fine.
Best thing to do in that situation is leave her in the dust by the way. Don't waste your time trying to fix that while you're 500 miles away.
1300/month. I heard a while back you could go to a high cost area and live in the cheapest place you can find and pocket the rest. Unfortunately this can no longer be done
He's talking about conscription.
My best buddy had his girl send a letter to him to break up with him during basic. What a heartless cunt. He was devastated but all of us supported the fuck out of him.
Marine stationed in 29 palms here, bootcamp was pretty intense, hardest thing I've done, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
Yeah I lost all focus of why I enlisted after that. It was all for her. I didn't ask why, how, or who. Never will. Didn't have anyone to support me unfortunately. Just the people I was there with. You learn to trust and rely on those men more than anyone else in the world.
What do you originally do all day?
how smelly is 29 palms compared to other duty stations?
wake up at 0600, go to work (supply), leave for chow at like 1200, come back by 1300, continue to work until about 1700 and then go to my room and play vidya, jerk off and go to sleep by 2300 repeat until the weekend when I drink away the pain.
not too smelly, maybe Im just used to it, its hot as tits though, 105-115 everyday
What's so bad about option 40 if you want to be a ranger
You still totally can. If you get stationed in an expensive area you'll get that BAH for the city rate, just live in a shithole to pocket the rest.
Get an non-accompanied short tour? Have your waifu live in DC or some shit for max housing allowance.
How fast do you guys promote?
Here in the AF it takes 3 years to pin on E-4, then usually people get E-5 at around the 4.5 year mark. E-6 is usually earned at 9 years in.
Depends on your MOS, if youre infantry most will probably be E3 for their 4 years, but in supply we pick up rank faster, I pick up E3 in octobober and will be getting E4 about october of 2019
How long have you been in?
I got E-3 at 10 months in, E-4 at 3 years in, and test next year for E-5.
Our promotion rates are force-wide. They do only make you compete with your career field though, since otherwise you'd probably have the smart cyber/intel types acing the test and the less-gifted dirt-shovelers would never get to promote.
Little less than a year, since September of 2017, picked up E2 in March
Nice, just don't go backwards in rank.
We had a dude decide he didn't want to show up for work for a few days. He could have taken leave, but instead he's now re-living the E-2 life.
shit i wish i saw this post an hour ago. vets keep telling me I have a "high technical aptitude" and am good at just getting tons of the worst shit imaginable taken care of in a timely manner without causing any trouble, so whatever job is good for that i guess. im not even really interested in anything, i just hate my job and pretty much every other aspect of my life and the ocean is neat, so i figure a shit job on a boat is better than a shit job not on a boat.
>test next year for E-5.
Don't do it man. Stay E-4 forever. SSgt is suffering.
>not too smelly, maybe Im just used to it
Lake Bandini
Robot in the FFL (I'm sure I'm not alone, I've talked to others here).
Joined in early 2015, boot camp was fucking awful, easily one of the hardest things I've done in my life. I wasn't even fit when I joined and halfway in I had lost around 25kg, I looked like a concentration camp prisoner... but I had abs and I was no longer suicidal!
>Robot in the FFL
That's cool as fuck, man. Any neat stories?
Only in the mornings it smells, really.
Hmm, I mean that really applies to anything that's not a meme "military" job like paperwork clerk.
Look into the more maintenance oriented jobs, you'll probably get more satisfaction from keeping a ship's electricity running than scraping paint chips off the side.
Go talk to a recruiter, take the ASVAB, and that will tell you what jobs you qualify for.
lmao maybe I'll just draw a dick on the dest... what specifically sucks about it?
The SSgts in my shop just seem to be technicians like the SrA here, except a bit of EPR fun now and then.
Any robots in the DEP? Been waiting for a few weeks to get my call. Heard the average wait time is 3-8 months for air force fags
Don't become an e-5 bro. Stay e-4 and be comfy
What part are you waiting for?
Took me like 5 months from when I signed my contract, to when I went to BMT.
It is tempting.
It's also tough watching people I joined with/right around pass me up in rank.
Eh, that happened in basic?
Our platoon started as 60 and after four months only 40 something finished basic, mainly due to injuries and deserters.
One of the future legionnaires teased this Japanese sergeant due to his height and he just closed the door to the room and fucked him up, injured the dude's leg heavily. It was recorded as a "training accident".
The same Japanese sergeant (lovely guy, btw, if a bit crazy) attached this small Chinese dude to a tree trunk and made us carry him for like 2 days cause the dude was a fuck-up and he said it was "our dead weight to take care of".
Right after basic, and since I had never ironed my clothes well before, this Moldovan sergeant ironed my vest with me in it and left me burn scars that only recently vanished, haha.
Also, unrelated to basic, once during a patrol in Vigipirate (where you go and patrol the towns and important places in French cities) we took a detour and fucked hookers in this forest, lol.
Waiting to hear which job I got picked for. Hopefully it is cyber ops or weather
Oh I don't know how that works now, it's changed since I enlisted.
3D0X2 is cool, depending where you get assigned you can literally just drink monster and write scripts all day.
>The SSgts in my shop just seem to be technicians like the SrA here, except a bit of EPR fun now and then.
That's about right, actually. In terms of things sucking it really depends on where you're at, but pretty generally:
1) EPRs. Your new rater will almost certainly have you write your own "for practice" and on top of that you'll have your troop and your other troop too.
2) Award packages. Somehow worse than EPRs and these involve murderboards where you will sit for hours while MSgts quibble about minor changes in wording.
3) You will almost always end up as the primary on some truly terrible additional duty. I was equipment custodian.
4) Meetings, urinalysis monitoring duty, and other assorted bullshit
Really though, it's not too bad. Even if you're not planning to stick it out to retirement, it's probably worth picking up towards the end of your enlistment . The management experience looks good on a resume.
>The management experience looks good on a resume
That's my main motivator, I feel like after doing 6 years you want to at least have that "front-line supervision" aspect.
You guys have SSgts sit on murderboards? We basically just have section chiefs (MSgts) do that.
LMAO ITEC oh god I'm so sorry. I swear I watched a dude lose years off his lifespan from stress during inventory time.
Are you still in?
Either way, I test next cycle. 4 year contract got me SrA a little later, but I was also able to score orders to England because the slot was for A1C. So I won't even find out for another whole year, and then probably wouldn't even sew on until March of 2020 if I did make it. I got a good chunk of time to chill as SrA.
fembot here. How do I acquire a military bf?
I'll pump and dump you if you want, lol.
>go near military base
>start swiping on Tinder
Where are you located? Some places don't have any bases nearby.
Sorry roastie, my BAH is for trap qt's only
Nah, I got out after 6
I only sat in on murderboards when they were sending the package I wrote up. I was just there in case they needed a bullet clarified or something.
And yeah, ITEC is hell. Hours spent crawling on floors and through dark forgotten places searching for that last serial number.
Get some guy who has no drive in life and build him up to join the military
No thanks. I want a pure virgin marine bf
Looking to join the Air Force. Do you have to live on a base or can you live somewhere else?
Do not ask your recruiter
You have to live on base for a few months-year before you go off to live somewhere else.
Also if you are single, stay on base for as long as you can before they kick you out and save money.
What's there to do during free time on base? Can you leave the base during that time?
What are you ethnically? Slav? Ameritard?
you do what you would do as a civilian. You can leave base after meeting certain requirements. Depending on where you get stationed there probably won't be a need for you to leave since everything you need is on base. if you want a car try to buy used from someone in your area to avoid getting screwed over by dealer ships.
>tfw conscription in my country
>Did some basic training as a rookie like everyone else
>Applied for truck driver training and got in
>After that spend like 70% of my time just laying on the bed, listening to music, sleeping, watching anime or stuff like that
>Most of the work was just chill driving and some ranfom odd jobs
>Only had to do real work at bootcamps
>Basically spend a year there without doing anything
>Got a fucking expensive drivers license as a bonus
Pretty good experience, 4/5