>don't have a smartphone
>university requires you to have a smartphone app in order to get your student ID
>head directly to IT staff at university and explain my predicament when I get there
>"you're gonna have to get a smartphone"
>see that they have copiers with scanners
>ask if I can give them a photograph of myself to scan and use as my ID picture since I can't upload via the app
>"no, you're gonna have to get a smartphone"
Don't have a smartphone
Go get a smartphone OP.
>universities finding ways to be even more expensive and exclusive while catering to women
what else is new?
Great, another bullshit thing of society that wants to fuck you over. DO NOT PRESS ACCEPT.
that sounds really stupid.
Download bluestacks
OP here. Just looked it up, didn't know this existed.
What fucking university is this? I need to know. I'm still on comfy $5 2g.
Honestly op that all sounds like total bullshit and if i were i would just keep fighting it and have it resolved some other way. College robs you enough without forcing you to buy smartphones for services that can easily be achieved through other means.
But, if you absolutely do have to get one in the end, they do sell pretty cheap ones you can pick up for like $50 or so.
>spending $10,000+ per semester
>can't spend $500 once on a smartphone
you should drop out, you're clearly not smart enough
>catering to women
Where the fuck did that part even come from??
There are smartphones that exist that cost $10. Get one, OP.
OP here again. Shit advice, kill yourselves, I'm not buying a fuckin smartphone. Bluestacks is working just fine.
i could use a smartphone for 10 bucks. no job though so no way could i pay for services or whatever. what do?
never owned a phone in my life
>>catering to women
>Where the fuck did that part even come from??
You don't think all women have smartphones nowadays? I'm willing to bet way more women have smartphones than men.
Not OP but I have a shit phone that can't store much on it. Thanks user.
Literally everyone has a smartphone unless you're a drug dealer with a prepaid flip phone. I wasn't even aware that you could still buy non-smartphones from major carriers.
I admire your integrity.
Buy it online.
Remember you can't call, text, or use data/4G without paying.
Fine then I'm willing to bet that it's only men who even think about refusing to get them.
b-but what brand. model. can you just buy a phone to run apps and games n shit? i always always under the impression you NEED some sort of contract unless you get some chinese knockoff stuff
>thinks smartphones are $500
A smartphone is like 10 dollars. You're dropping thousands of dollars on classes but you cant get a phone at walmart?
Good luck when exams roll around and professors ask to see your ID and you pull out your thinkpad with your weeb shit stickers out and launch a 3rd party program while your professor is waiting to go to the next student.
Spend the $50 for a shitty used phone, don't pay for a service and just connect to your schools wifi.
>>catering to women
>Where the fuck did that part even come from??
What is selfie culture?
what school do you go to where a professor asks for your ID?
For finals you absolutely do get your student ID checked.
Are you fuckin stupid? The app is for uploading my ID photo, not to act as my ID card. It should be ready by next week.
And no professors ask for the ID. It's for other shit. Again, kill yourself.
my school you dont, that seems very odd but i guess its to stop students from having other people take tests for them
I like the image in your OP, OP.
...you have to prove that you're actually you to sit end-of-year exams. Else people would just pay grad students to sit exams for them and get a first without doing any work.
You're trying way too hard, user
Exactly. Bigger schools need to do it to retain at least some level of academic integrity lol
maybe its because ive mostly taken smaller classes where the professor would recognize a stranger but i have never done this. what school do you go to?
they dont care as long as they get money
>smartphones that exist that cost $10
Go ahead and tell us how much that data plan costs.
>Try this for years
>not a like
>buy a skirt and wig and take a photo in drag
>not only got liked but a girl literally answered me
Now I really understand the trap shit...you guys ain't gay, it's the only way to get an answer
Get off Grindr you utter batty boy
>ask to borrow someones cellphone for a few minutes
>spend a few hundred dollars on a cellphone
i think the choice is clear