>Achieve great looking body through hard work and dedication
>Completely ruin it with tattoos
Why? Y-you didn't fall for the tattoo jew, right, user?
Achieve great looking body through hard work and dedication
Daily reminder tattoos are a form of degeneracy
Women are attracted to degeneracy.
at least it looks better than tattoos on a tub of lard-esque or hungry skeleton body
>He still cares about women
Not wifeable women
I am currently getting my one shitty tattoo lazered off
Good tats look good on good bodies you fedora tipping beta
>actually caring about what other people put on their bodies
tattoos can be cool
personally im never going to get one because im just not the kind of person but why do you have to be so butthurt?
BROTIP: If your wife was into you because of degeneracy, when it's time to settle down and have kids she's going to cheat on you.
Or, you can try to keep up the rockstar lifestyle forever, but unless you're literally a rockstar you will just look like a straight up loser who never grew up and she'll still cheat.
Tattoos are the mark of a slave. You not only allow another man to permanently etch his will into your body but pay him to do so. Much like a cattle farmer who does not remember branding any particular cow the tattoo """artist""" does not recall doing any particular tattoo while the bearer of his mark will never forget it.
That's why I do my own tattoos
wow that tattoo is so cool, omg let me put it on snapchat. surely it will still be cool in 2,3,5,10 years and will not fade into an ugly blurry mess. besides, everyone knows sleeves are so deep and meaningful, that is why you can't see the parts on the back of your arm and shoulder, because you didn't get it to impress other people, you got it because you're such a unique individual that you needed to do the same thing half your generation does and did so in a place where you can't see all of it but others can, because you don't care what others think about your tattoo that can only be seen by them, plus it's so cool!
wow its almost as if people mature with age and a girl who might have found tattoos attractive when young doesn't care much for them as she gets older
god you're a fucking retard
if you read my post again you will see that i don't have any tattoos and never plan on getting one
>marking yourself as a slave
Great job, I'm sure they look fantastic and you will never regret them
I have one on my calf and it gets seen at the gym, the bedroom and the beach.
You paid a man to tattoo you so others can see it?
Yeah sure. I like it and so do most that see it.
My tattoos have meaning behind them and I wear them with pride
I won’t lie, I love me but I don’t have an Instagram.
wow you are so smart user, definitely not pontificating. thank you for sharing your wisdom, you highly successful man
I have tattoos, and so do my wife.
Like all things, it's okay if you're not a retard about it.
Not on forearms/hands, not on the face, that kind of stuff.
No stupid casual stuff like a butterfly or a tramp stamp, no tribal shit, etc.
>Tattoos are the mark of a slave
You're retarded.
A tattoo, like most things, is what you make of it.
Haha! Nice
I think this one is excellent
My only tattoos are on my hands. I was a dumb teenager
>Achieve great looking body through hard work and dedication
Same, wrist tattoo. Fuck me
Jesus, just remove that shit.
I've decided to not hire some people because of that.
Why? Just wondering. Also
It's halfway gone. 3 more sessions
Women don't, you fucking retard
I'm a 25yo boomer, technical supervisor, so with HR and my manager, we're three people choosing new candidates to hire for my team.
And anyway, I simply don't employ people with tattoos that cannot be covered with a shirt. Not only do I have bad experiences with them, because they're statistically more likely to not give a fuck about their job and be the table-flip kind of guy, when the client comes by my office, I don't want them to see a bunch of low-life as my technicians.
So yeah, no visible tattoos. No face, no neck, no hands, not even you, little cunt with the collar bone tattoo and a cleavage. Women do not fit well within my team anyway.
Enjoy being cheated on partyboy
Women don't come back from degeneracy, and you're forever a childish moron with crayon marks all over his body
Never effected me as far as work goes. Then again I'm a train driver so 99% of the time I'm on my own at work anyway.
I’m a man but yeah anyway, isn’t a wrist tattoo covered by a shirt?
Not that user but getting tattoos especially somewhere like on your hand or wrist and ESPECIALLY if it’s trashy looking suggests that you have poor discipline and impulse control. You are more likely to end up stealing some shit or starting a fight or calling out sick every Monday cause you’re hungover and didn’t sleep.
Of course none of those things are guaranteed but it is more likely.
>Never effected me as far as work goes.
>Then again I'm a train driver
Same bro.
I've got a great job as a garbage man and my tattoos have never affected my prospects.
>hiring someone impulsive and dumb enough to get a tattoo on his wrist
For a person with zero education it's unironically a very good job. Pays well over average wage in my country.
Imagine deciding when you're 21 to wear the same marilyn manson t-shirt every day of your life until you die.
The t-shirt won't last and will get tattered and fall to bits, but you'll still wear it until you die, no matter how much it falls out of fashion and you hate it.
That's basically a tattoo, and that's why *nobody* respects you except kids
UGH. Orthodox Jews forbid tattoos, the body is a sacred vessel that should not be modified.
Im too poor to afford any tattoo so i just scar myself with a knife. I have a dozen of deep scars spread across my body and invented a background story for each one. It may sound degenerate, but sloots dig it.
>in b4 that anarchy scar guy
Like most degenerate things, jews promote these ideas to goyim. Like open borders, for everyone but Israel!
Somer people like them, some people don't, who the hell cares?
You know how I can tell youre immature
>anything I don`t like is degeneracy
Go back to /incel, fag
I'm a guy and I've always wanted an Industrial piercing cuz I dunno, I like cyberpunk and shit. But I'm an engineer in a conservative state and no matter how laid back they are they're gonna think that shit gayyyyyy
>also my mom would kill me :(
Sir, you forgot to tip your hat
That shit is gay though.
But at least it's not plugs I guess.
There are very few piercings that men can pull off without looking like total tools.
"Ruined" yet I'm sure he still looks better than you
dude that shit is so fucking gay
Fedora is a meme centered around immature kids trying to look like adults.
There's really nothing more immature than tattoos.
That is gay, but then you sound like a humongous fucking faggot judging by the way you type alone so you should probably and just get it anyway
No u
u ok buddy...who hurt u?
>the body is a sacred vessel that should not be modified.
Said the dudes that cut the dick of every male newborn.
Your way of typing is gay as well.
something is fucked in your head
>not giving yourself a simple tattoo that will never go out of style
Train Engineers make 6 figures lmao nigga you gay
Never met someone with a tattoo that I thought looked better because they had it. YMMV, but the human body is the most beautiful form and can continue to shine through in new facets as such as it changes--even as it ages. A tattoo is a static image done in one style that most people will either not care about, or dislike. The human body, on the other hand, has been the inspiration for great art and the fascination of artists since humanity began. Pick one.
>Y-you didn't fall for the tattoo jew, right, user?
I did. So did my ancestors, you huge fag
haha fuck ya
Yes when I think of the human leg I too think of the date of the founding of our country. Good stuff.
I totally regret had earring when i was 16, 15 yeats ago because you can see the fucking mini point in the ear imagine if i do a stupid tatoo god damm people who have tatoos are really stupid
I don't like tattoos personally. Someone said it well. It's basically locking yourself into a state of being and making it impossible to ever fully change as an individual. I don't want to be held hostage by what my younger self found cool for the rest of my life. 28 and still not a single tattoo.
Good bodies look better without tattoos.
girls only cheat with inexperienced losers (you) who spout about degeneracy and decry casual sex
>Tattoo Jew
I don't have any but people all around the world have gotten tattoos for centuries, not to mention I'm pretty sure the old testament explicitly forbids them.
this is bout the gayest shit
I like it. Would buy you a drink.
Women mature with age now?
When this happen?
It's subjective. End of discussion.
Speaking as someone who has no tattoos but finds some tattoos attractive/aesthetically pleasing.
The OT forbids using tattoos to record your victories in battle, like a certain (can't remember it off-hand) tribe did at the time, not tattoos generally.
Wow you're a fucking bitch
Kill yourself you fucking nigger
>find tattoos attractive
Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the world lol
i like medusa because peterson talked about it
I etched my initials into the ass of an ex with wire. She'll be mine forever
We all know the real peak of degeneracy is wearing blended fibre clothing.
Tattoos ONLY look cool if you are an athlete or an artist.
Otherwise they almost always look corny as fuck
Thanks man
Not true I’m the fag that posted that
this is some prime circa 2011 fedora tipping katana wielding action user
To add to this military and ex military as well
Nice drawing, but isn't griffith supposed to be a man?
I dislike the idea of having a sexually arousing man on my forearm.