At the beach

>At the beach
>See this
Wat do?

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>Wat do?
absolutely nothing because I avoid social interaction

Kiss my wife on the lips
Pick up my baby and hold her above my head.

I heard white people adopt little niglets for social points, this maybe one of those cases. I would honestly investigate

Why would I do anything? I wouldn't bother this chick cause she was clearly busy with something and wasn't looking for a date. I don't know anything about her but if I was to assume that little girl is hers then the blonde is probably too old for my tastes and she's also a non-virgin in that case. I'm not into that

Yeah I would ignore.

it loks like a mexican baby so i would call the police and try to have it deported

>kick baby in the head
>run before this monster's dad starts running after me
>remember he's probably away or dead

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I'm black so it gives me hope.

That girl is like 25 and on vacation so not a poorfag. Probably a local baby that she's taking a photo with for instagram.

>fucked a nigger

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>implying the dad is there

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I wouldn't do anything because I'm not a racist or a freak. Why a mother and her child bothers you guys in beyond me.

Tell her its dangerous to have your pets off their leash

The Age of Men is over
The Time of Orc has come

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> small tits
> zero sagging or stretch marks

The blonde lady's body doesn't look anything like it has gone through a pregnancy before. She's just some college Stacy doing volunteer work to look good on her resume for her MRS degree.

i wonder why im at the beach instead of being locked up inside my room contemplating suicide like usual

Going to the beach alone honestly isn't that bad

I kno rite. The beach is comfy as fuck. I'm a NEET, it's the only place go besides the supermarket. When it's cold I go wading in the freezing cold water and the excruciating pain makes me forget my loneliness for a time.

v cyute

i come from england so i think why can i see her ankles lets get the stones

based and redpilled


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