Tumblr furfag roastie got btfo kek
Tumblr furfag roastie got btfo kek
Such hilarity
Much laughs
>my dick and balls
What did she mean by that?
she apologized and this cuck is trying to get her her job back
spacex is better anyway
I actually don't feel good about this.
I hate normalshit bosses enforcing normalshit rules. Communist revolution now.
she deserves a bullet to the head just for being a girl
It's a tranny which makes it even funnier
>spacex is better anyway
She's a fucking creeper larper online. They say stupid shit like that all of the time.
Do you honestly believe that fucking NASA wants a goddamned furry who says shit like that representing them?
Are you stoned?
How can this man be so unironic
Simply false, there are better sattelite launching companies, spacex can't even launch one into geostationary orbit.
Fuck what NASA wants. They're a bunch of filthy normalshits and what they want is stupid.
i feel better now that i know some dumb tumblrina lost her possible income source. hope she starves to death
>he thinks this is a healthy mindset
It's all about professionalism. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>narutoposting talking about healthy mindsets
>thinks she still deserves the internship even after proving she is a terrible fit to represent the company
Please go back to your realm of impudent faggotry
i've never been diagnosed with any mental disability so
>liking naruto reaction images means I have an unhealthy mindset
my point you're laughing at someone losing something. just LOL. LAME
>implying you've never laughed at someone else's misery in your entire life
Holy shit pal, get off the high horse.
fucking kek
good luck to her
Ah, summer.
why should we trust trannies with expensive government toys?
>being a decent person means I'm on a high horse
maybe hold yourself to higher standards lmao
You're the opposite of a decent person for being a prideful two-faced hypocrite.
Everyone knows you've laughed or made fun of someone else's misery before, it's natural to do. Don't act like you're better than others who do it.
Especially when the misery is deserved. This person, while representing NASA, posted inappropriate content on a public forum. She 100% deserves to lose her internship.
uh-huh. whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better.
Are you saying she doesn't deserve to lose her internship? That this scenario isn't somewhat humorous, given that she spoke so crudely to her boss without knowing it was him?
Hahahaha this is one of those fags who also reply "ive probably been on here longer than you xD"
you're in the wrong place buddy
On one hand, language policing on a fucking social media platform is brainlet.
On the other, this is a hell of a BTFO.
I think to laugh at someone who lost something that might be a big stepping stone in their life is sad.
To laugh at someone for stepping in a puddle and ruining their pants is one thing. to laugh at someone who lost a fucking amazing internship is another.
*mmphhh* f-f-f fhaaaaa oooh thank yooo oooh oh for the (Yo oooh ooooh oooh sss)
LOL! (laughing out loud)
Except Homer said himself that the tweet was a warning to be careful, and that the issue was that some of her followers went nuts on the nasa hashtag. He actually tried to save them their job but was not able to force the decision, but is currently attempting to help them find an internship elsewhere in the industry.
>doom makes a joke
they deserve it 100%. any politician coming after NASA looking for excuses to cut back its funding and lay off hundreds of employees would gobble a person like this up, and so would the public. by defending this brainlet furfag you're missing the entire point. it's not just because they're a furry, any person telling homer fucking hickam to go eat their dick and balls deserves to get fired, even if they don't even work for nasa.
sure, being celebratory is fine. but someone who reacts like that to a simple criticism needs to change.
how has she never seen october sky? i swear every high school science teacher i had showed us that movie
Schadenfreude, my oversensitive friend. Some people need to learn some humility the hard way. Besides, you should probably know who your boss, especially online, is going to be.
>got btfo
>the person they insulted wasn't in charge of firing them and personally wrote a letter advocated that they get hired for their position after the tweets
>then they got the job they wanted anyway
where did I say she didn't deserve it. that was never the point. the point is that youre laughing at someone who lost something that might have been life changing. youre probably a bit fucked in the head. yes the exchange between her and the guy is definitely humorous and yes she probably deserves it, but just fucking lol @ laughing at her losing a life changing opportunity.
>ITT assblasted furfags defending this shit
this this so much this!!! upboated
t. butthurt trannies. The only reason they're butthurt is because it's a tranny. That's it. If it wasn't a tranny none of them would give a fuck. Kill yourselves.
>Taking a break from twitter for a while
i fucking hope she kills herself
Samefag harder furfaggot.
my bad my bad, i thought you saw it as unjustified.
and it's not laughing at suffering, it's because someone literally told homer hickam to suck their dick and balls. it's surreal
I figured her for a girl, not a tranny, and trannies aren't nearly common enough for you to make that distinction. I'm a man and I never wanted to be a femoid.
kek yeah i hear you, I can see why someone would laugh at her after telling the dude that oversees NASA or whatever to suck their dick and balls, and then losing the internship. pretty dumb shit.
>get dream to work at NASA
>get rejected over a tweet
that must suck
holy shit dude lurk more jesus
I thought she was a girl lmao kys please
Hiring mtf trannies is the new virtue signaling for business.
Blacks and autists are so common in the workforce now that the hipsters at human resources had to step it up a notch.
Trannies are the new special snowflake hiring trend.
that doesn't make him a cuck. he'd be a cuck if he tried to help her because feminists twisted his arm, old man just wanted some respect and he got it. heartwarming that he's trying to help her now, it's honestly like something right out of how to win friends and influence people.
>insulting Homer fucking Hickam
Holy SHIT lol
You're just rationalizing your schadenfreude. A small comment made in the heat of the moment of just finding out you got such a huge internship means nothing. You're a hypocrite for pretending that this makes the guy(its a tranny) a bad person or someone who deserves to have their internship revoked after you just agreed with the argument that schadenfreude is ok because everyone does it. In the same vein, every uses profanity and everyone has blurted out inappropriate comments in the heat of the moment.
The situation was pretty funny though but only because of the irony of the guy not realizing its a NASA representative he was talking to. When you take into account that he wasn't the person who got him fired but actually went out of his way to try to get him to NOT get fired the irony is also gone and it's pretty much not funny at all. Having said that it also brings up another point. If a NASA representative believes this person is fit for the job to the point of going out of their way to try to get them to not get fired even after being yelled profanities at by that person, who are you to say that your judgement is more correct? Do you know NASA better than a NASA representative?
Please unoriginally see:
>Defending this shit this hard
So when's your new fursuit arriving?
>social justice makes your life easy mode
>ruin it at every opportunity
>Please unoriginally see
>please respond to my post
kill yourself
You first, degenerate furshit.
He got it back.
Lol. Im not a furry and furfags are cancer. I'm just saying that guy i replied to is an idiot.
If he got it back then it sucks.
Stupid people don't know what they really need.
it's completely natural to assume based on the information given by OP that this person is a bad person. it's similar to if a person honks at and flips off a police officer and then gets pulled over. you would naturally think "oh, what an asshole haha" at first, and pay no mind later. i'll agree the deer person isn't bad given she actually apologized and owned up to their mistake, but if she just tweeted that and got fired and nothing else happened it would be clear they are a bad person.
just because it's schadenfreude in context doesn't make it schadenfreude out of context. you're an idiot for putting down people who react normally to things just because you think they should know the whole situation.
also schadenfreude isn't always immoral. seeing a bad person receive punishment for doing something bad should be satisfying, unless you think justice is a bad thing.
>"She should be 100% professional! Don't they know how professional you need to be when you're working at NASA!?!
I bet you guys were enraged over that backlash over that one guy in mission control with a nude woman on his shirt.
No I didnt care, he might have deserved it anyways.
I just like to see others in despair
Except he was a central part of an extremely groundbreaking mission and was completely irreplaceable. Oh and NASA didn't give a fuck about his shirt, only feminist bitches. This cunt may as well be a drop in the ocean of good candidates for that job and most of which don't post stupid shit on Twitter to their superiors.
>you don't like x, but how aboutu y?????
i never heard of that, but yes that's stupid. don't wear fucking porn to work.
>one whole post of conjecture
what a turd of a post
You say schadenfreude is ok because it's something everyone does and has done. Then you turn around to say that yelling profanities in the heat of the moment, something everyone does and has done, makes you a horrible person deserving to get your internship at fucking NASA revoked. There is a clear contradiction and logical inconsistency there. You're an idiot and a hypocrite with too much cognitive dissonance.
kek got what she deserved. Can't fake it to make it
i know that people who lash out at others in a public and profane manner tend to be worse people than those who don't.
>everyone does this and has done it before
i'm not worried about whether everyone does this. if the majority of NASA interns lash out like this then i am being hypocritical. but i doubt that they do, seeing that this story is getting a good bit of attention.
the furry isn't a bad person, they apologized. if they were a bad person she wouldn't have apologized, and homer wouldn't have backed her up later. similarly, a person isn't bad for keking "in the heat of the moment" upon assuming she didn't apologize or anythnig.
congrats, the majority of people don't give as many shits as you or I about some random person being a big idiot on twitter for a few seconds.
You are real fucking idiot, do you know that?
I'm gonna put it to you in a way you can understand
You either acknowledge that schadenfreude makes you a bad person, or you accept that blurting out profanities in the heat of the moment does not make a you a bad person. It's really that simple. Yes, even people who work at NASA are included. They're not ACTUALLY aliens you know.
Homer Hickhams no cuck. Just a good guy.
Good goy more like it