Hi r9k. What should i do to my sister? Only fucked up options allowed
Hi r9k. What should i do to my sister? Only fucked up options allowed
Kiss her cheeku.
genocide her
Leave her out of your will.
Sexual please
respect her
No shes a whore. Thats why she's tied up
>No shes a whore. Thats why she's tied up
Based, redpilled, and checked.
Give her a hug n tell her you love her UwU
Ok but i don't love her
What next?1038491929201003901938384
if dubs never bother her again
She stays locked up
So what should i do now guys 1038363918620
Tell her you love her and tickle her feet. Then ravish her.
Ok i did it now what next 1047391037391
What now guysq027381472917482q
Post pics you dunce
Waddle over to her and make a creamy suprise on her back
Tell me what to do first
EDIT: Oh shit she's escaping... Should i let her go?
Show some pictures, otherwise It's a dude talking to us saying he did shit
It's a very fucking originalllu larp
Post pic or sage
I kinda want to kill her
Fine, lewd her then pics
Ok 1046202192
Pist pics or it didnt happen faggit.
fuck you let her go that's immoral
Well, I want to scare her so I'm going to kill myself with her tied up. If you don't want me to give good ducking proof bitch 10381026r1
I don't have morals2946103738
why do you deny God's love? He loves you and your sister. you are bringing judgement on yourself. you are putting yourself in a hell of your own making. love your sister. let her go.
>I don't have morals
epiggggggg you have moral obligations whether or not you choose to accept them. they exist and you are making your life worse by choosing to live this way
God left us666
Force one of her fingers into her ass and post a pic
lmao, how?
how r u this stupid?
I broke her fingers so that will work alot better
He came down to earth, became man and died for us. we are saved through Him.
Op, post pics or you are a confirmed immigrant
..... how is it immoral to tie up your sister?
Immagrints are faggots and trump is being arrested
cut all of her hair off op,
God is a lie666
Im a satanist
let her go, dumbass. it's not worth it. whatever grudge you've got against her
im saying the post is bait and theyre fucking retarted
Ok. Then I'll feed it to her
what a sad way to live
You can think what you want. I don't care
i don't care if the OP is b8.
lmaooo stop larping
ur so bad at it
Im not. You can think that and its fine.
Any More Suggestions Guys?
then post pics
or r u just gonna ignore me like everyone else?
post pic of cut hair first
Should I kill myself?
Also i am going to ignore you faggot
What Should I do now?
Kill yourself on video and go down a legend!
Nah man i mean 2 mah sister
Kill yourself in front of her but film her reaction
OP, you should be nice to your sister, listen to what she has to say, maybe help with her homework. Your job is to keep her from becoming a roastie slut and/or an SJW
She is a slut. Thats why i tied her up
just cum in her ass then put it in her mouth
>Kill yourself in front of her but film her reaction
Thats smart, ok
Maybe i'll kill her... What do u guys think
do it and fuck off already
What should i do now? She has al of her hair in her mouth, she's upside down tied up, cum all over her backand shit all over her legs
Pic's you faker op is playing with us otherwise he'd post pictures
has her smell uour butthole then dab
Imma whip her
(That picture isnt current but its famous by now so u should know thats her)
Hold hands with her
No she isn't famous and you didn't put her fingers on her ass
Took the fingers out
Video or it didn't happen! Also pics