Fembots, what do you do all day? Explain your daily routine.
Fembots, what do you do all day? Explain your daily routine
i wake up
and then i do some gym
joking first i breakfast wait
then i laze, look for a job, talk with people
and i do gym
i eat and sleep
my life is boring i guess
at night i watch movies sometimes but most times i read
i trry to schdule things so that i dont have to go out much unless i reaaaaaaaaaally rully dulcknnwc need it
wake up 6pm eat nothing all day watch animes listen to slowcore lofi dream pop shoegaze bands cant even left my bed just when i need to buy more cigarettes or take pics to post it on my instagram pretendinf i have self steem and all the days are the same I CANT EVEN CRY i dont know where i failed
>wake up
>chug coffee
>water plants in animal crossing
>read newspaper
>read online news
>fuck around on the internet
>chug diet coke
>language practice
>eat dinner with mom
>browse Jow Forums
>sleep for 12 hours
>wake up
>drink coffee
>watch youtube and check Jow Forums
>do laundry and clean
>watch something on amazon prime
>eat lunch
>walk to the grocery store or drug store
>play games
>drink juice and read
>do yoga
>take a shower
>eat dinner
Why do none of you fap?
i just omitted that like what was the point of adding it
i also shit and bathe
I don't usually fap. I read smut fanfic for the romance and skip the actual smut.
We like reading stories about you schlicking
silly willy user, i do pillow humping (tm)
but now i also do pillow pressing
and also that shchchrli thing
masturbation is the secret to not being a crazy bitch
Are any of you in need of bf?
Thats hot as heck
After I wake up in the morning, I make breakfast for my dad and do my daily chores. Afterwards I spend most of the day in my room playing games and browsing the internet. Sometime around 6 or 7, I make dinner and my dad usually comes home around that time. Then we have dinner, sometimes we watch something on Netflix, then I say goodnight and go back to my room to continue being worthless on my computer. Then I go to sleep at a random time. Rinse and repeat, my life is really mundane.
On Saturdays I spend the day with my dad usually. On Sundays, when we're feeling particularly holy, we go to church. We don't go that often though, like once a month. Sadly we can't get over our biggest sin, being lazy.
I downloaded Shenmue today and I've put like 4 hours into it. Its still too early to formulate any real opinion but its interesting.
I want to finger you gently femanon
Where's your mom, fembot?
What language are you learning, fembot?
Please keep making nice posts worthless femanon.
You should get a trip so I can stalk you.
french and norwegian. I'd also like to learn german and russian someday.
I wake up after maybe 5-10 hours of sleep. Normally I'll lay there on my phone until my cats see I'm awake. I'll clean their box and feed them, then I'll see if my best friend wants to go play Pokemon Go, which they normally don't, but I will go play until my phone dies.
Come home, play with my cats while my phone charges, smoke weed, finish watching a series on Netflix or start a series, eat something, checking my phone between episodes.
I'll try to nap if I only got 5 hours of sleep, but then I'll usually take one last hit, before taking a shower, and getting dressed for work. Feed the cats and bid them a good night, before I drive to work. I'll try to read 50 pages of the current book I have at work during my breaks, before coming home, cleaning the litter box, feeding the cats, taking a hot bath, masturbating, and then falling asleep for 5-10 hours again.
On Saturdays, I do whatever laundry gets piled up which is usually work clothes, a towel, and underwear and grocery shop for the week, generally microwave veggies and kitty food/litter. I'll also bring my book home and either finish it and start another or just read most of it.
I've got a farm to run, takes up a lot of my time and is an every-day thing.
>wake up
>shower etc
>eat yogurt
>take pills (not depression shit)
>watch something on youtube usually political
>language learning
>probably eat some rice or something
>play games
>practice drawing
>more language practice probably
>get dinner from mother and retreat back to room
>watch twitch or more youtube
>wait until sleep takes me
I want to go back to university.
>6:20 wake up/get ready
>7:20 drop cousin off at school
>commute until 8:30
>work in office until 5
>commute back to get cousin at 6
>eat asap and retire to the internet or hobbies
>sleep at around 10
classes are starting up again soon so i will have less time to shit around online.
Be my horse fucker gf
Sorry, my horse is enough for now! Also I doubt a robot could handle the farm life.
From 0 to 10 how comfy is farm life. I guess 0
10 imo, at least for me. Comfiest I've been in my life. However it has taken a LOT of work to get to this comfy position and routine.
be my gf please originig
I've been lied my whole life then
Wake up, at 4:40, take a shower and get ready
Go to work and depending on the day:
If on call: stay at the hospital until 15:00-17:00 of next day, get home, take a 2-3 hours nap, do some exercise, dinner and then 2-3 hours of Jow Forums/twitch, sleep.
If not on call: get home around 19:00-20:00, exercise, dinner, Jow Forums/twitch, sleep.
To be fair it's my personal preference. It probably isn't for everyone.
She abandoned us when I was a baby. I don't know what she's up to but she has other kids now.
You too nice user.
>wake up
>drink coffee
>maybe another coffee
>go to work/class
>another coffee
>go home
>avoid roommates
>eat food
>imageboards/read books/listen to music
>lie in bed and think about my life
>take a shower
>read hentai
>fall asleep
yeah i'm pretty boring
>wake up
>stay in bed for 2-3 hours daydreaming
>get up to use the bathroom or grab something to eat
>go back to bed
>watch 2 or 3 movies
>browse Jow Forums until I'm tired again
>go back to sleep
You people are pretty boring, ngl.
Get married and start popping kids already, you are wasting away.
sorry i cant afford to take ninja classes or something on my wagie pay.
Lol who wants kids?
I'm saving every penny I make to spoil myself and my scrawny bf I bully one day
On days where I don't have to go to work immediately
>wake up between 9:00-10:00 am
>have a diddle
>get up and put water in the kettle
>brush my teeth and hair, wash my face
>make tea
>let the dogs out and sit outside with them for a few minutes
>return to my bedroom and fire up the computer
>sit around until I decide to either make lunch or go get lunch
>decide if I should run any errands or not
>get dressed in normal clothing
>if I decided to run any errands go run errands
>wait until my parents get home
>talk to them a little if I have anything to talk about
>eat dinner with them, sometimes helping my father cook
>return to my bedroom and wait for another night to end browsing youtube and shitposting
When I have to work
>wake up on schedule if I have to
>if not see section one
>put water in the kettle
>brush my teeth and hair
>get dressed for work
>go to work and work until lunch
>eat and mess around on my phone
>get back to work
>get off
>either eat dinner as soon as I get home or see section one, article "errands"
>eat dinner if I haven't already
>waste away on my computer waiting for a better life
fembots donut exist
You are clearly mentally ill so my advice does not really apply to you. If anything, I thank you for abstaining from having children.
Jokes on you, I'm skydiving and exploring the Caribbean while fighting Somali pirates tomorrow.
I am married. It doesn't change the same boring routine much - just adds to the food you cook and laundry you do, plus you incorporate some sex here and there.
>no mentions of bf
All lying bitches.
The boy I was interested in at uni rejected me after we kissed
Well, in comparisson to wasting away consuming media and slaving away in menial work, you actually bring human being in the world and nurture them and teach them everything.
One is generally more fulfilling than the other. Not to mention it's makes a change in the world, compared to your shitty job no one cares about.
I am not against women working, but don't even draw the comparisson between career and family, it's laughable.
If I had a bf I wouldn't be posting here faggot
What's stopping you from getting one, faggot.
Wake up at 6 AM
>stare at ceiling for 15 minutes - an hour deciding if today is the day I end it
>get out of bed start discord, steam, and blizzard
>play with my cat
>start reading the news and drink coke to wake up
>start playing a game
>get a message from usual orbiter and will reply if I'm in a good mood
>get hungry around 12 or 1 and grab a cheese stick or handful of chips
>play with my cat
>decide to play a game or watch a movie
>if my cat is feeling generous she will snuggle with me and we'll take a nap
>start heavily drinking at night until I pass out
If your life was exciting, you wouldn't be posting here user.
I mostly just laugh at the idea that there's men out there who have an ugly foreskin dick.
>post hoc ergo propter hoc
Nah, I am enjoying my morning coffee, then it's gym then it's work, then it's rowing, then it's meeting up friends for coffee, then it's working on my dissertation and going to bed.
My typical workday is pretty comfy these days, can't complain.
I don't have the chance to meet new people. I don't leave the house, I don't have any friends.
Even if I was a normie with hobbies and stuff I don't think anyone would want to date me. I'm really ugly.
Sounds incredibly dull.
I'll be your online friend if you want someone to talk with from time to time and don't act like all girls who expect the guy to initiate the conversations every time.
It's pretty fulfilling, all things considered.
I am looking at retiring in 6 years, at 35. From then on I have no idea how my life's going to be.
That's nice of you user but I don't think I could handle more online friends right now, sorry. I have just a few and talking to them is exhausting. I feel bad for ignoring them.
I plan to at 25, want a happy family and a ton of kids. Till then though, farm stuff.
That's good actually, I thought that with no friends you meant no friends at all, online included. I spent many years alone and no one should suffer this way, with no one to talk to.
You sound like a nice person. Refreshing really.
Are you still alone user?
Technically no. Got a couple of friends who force me to socialize from time to time. In practice, as in I have no one I feel connected to, yes.
Cool I draw and paint too. Portraits mainly. What kind of stuff do you draw.
>In practice, as in I have no one I feel connected to, yes.
Same here user. I've been talking to some of my online friends for 2 years now but I still can't share certain things about myself or what I'm going through.
Idk what else to say, but I hope that you find someone special.
Wake up, work, sometimes hang out with friends, talk to family, then veg out in my room playing games or fucking around online. I also clean and do errands, but that's something that everyone should do.
>Idk what else to say, but I hope that you find someone special.
wake up at noon, roomate comes home with food, eat and watch an episode on netflix on the couch.
Playing video games, until he sleeps, browse Jow Forums and talk to friends on vc when he's not around. Make food again, play more games and draw until its morning, around 5-6am i go for a walk outside or try to exercise a bit then i sleep.
do you... enjoy stringing along orbiters? youre not the first fembot ive seen do this, and i just dont get it. how much is that empty validation really worth to you?
>wake up (12-1pm)
>lie in bed for 10 minutes
>walk my dog
>watch youtube videos or browse the internet for an hour or so
>go for a walk/longboard/scooter around my community for exercise
>make something to eat for lunch
>play video games/watch anime
>make dinner
>walk dog
>boyfriend comes over after he gets out of work
>eat dinner and watch whatever he wants
>cuddle while we watch shows/movies
>sometimes play video games
>he goes home later
>Go play some more video games
>walk dog
>browse Jow Forums
>go to sleep
I am starting a new job soon so this routine will change.
this sounds very comfy, and only reminds me of my furthering loneliness. i'll live vicariously through him and you, i guess.
>pills twice a day, not for depression
Those pills you happen to take twice a day aren't estrogen and testosterone blockers now user, are they?
>estrogen blockers
Trannies ingest synthetic estradiol, you mouthbreather. Why would they take estrogen blockers, even if that was an actual thing?
>wake up
>roleplay as a fembot all day long
Jesus Christ you're fucking dense.
>aren't estrogen and testosterone blockers
>estrogen AND testosterone blockers
>testosterone blockers
Not estrogen AND testosterone blockers as something to block BOTH of them. Estrogen pills and also testosterone blockers. Trannies need to block their regular hormones and then get the other sex's hormones too.
>t. little sister(male) is a tranny
I don't think you read that persons post right user.
Sure but no one here will believe me
>wake up
>smoke wax pen
>play vidya
>stand on my porch and watch the shotas go to school while i eat fruity pebbles [spoilers]pls dont arrest me FBI they are too cute[/spoiler]
>browse Jow Forums
>watch youtube
>check to see if any of my favorite streamers are online
>then pretty much do training and scrimming the rest of the day and night since im on 3 aspiring pro teams and im trying to get my Steam name known more through out the comp scene
And no i dont play a shitty healer... unless i have to i guess
How the fuck does that even happen? What did you do bite his tongue?
That's pretty cool, good luck. It sucks you can't even smoke weed if you get signed to a team though. I had the opportunity to go pro with e-sports a few years ago. They are pretty stringent when it comes to drug testing though. Long story short I chose drugs over it. In all honesty I regret nothing.
Hmm thats new... i suppose i could go clean as long as the pay is good, better than being a NEET since i could one day get a gamer BF or something
>male roommate
I knew it.
Yea, it's pretty weak. Sponsorships are getting bigger and bigger as e-sports grow, and they wan't nothing to do with anything drug related. Doping is also a huge problem, so you bet they are gonna do weekly drug tests. They even had a no drinking policy as well, even though people were over the age of 21. Gotta protect the teams public image! Anyway, good luck in your journey. Also, before you go pro, you gotta try huffing paint! I'm not joking, shit is pretty awesome. Sure, it kills your brain cells, and is God-awful for you...but you only live once right? I'm telling yea, you got rappers drinking lean, and popping xannies now, but mark my words, in the next generation all your gonna hear about is huffing paint, glue, and gas. Nothing like watching the world burn. God speed user!
>wake up
>take a shower sometimes
>smoke a bowl
>change my toddlers diaper
>feed toddler breakfast
>play with toddler
>laze around on internet when i'm not giving all attention to my kiddo
>get nothing important done except keeping self and kid alive
Im not gonna huff paint user, but anyway ill just enjoy one more year as a stoner NEET then go shoot next season for a career.
>wake up
>think about killing myself
>go to work
>plan out suicide
>get off of work
>get home
>contemplate suicide note
>fall asleep in the middle of it
>wake up randomly disappointed in myself
>wake up around 2pm
>drink coffee
>browse Jow Forums
>RedBull to stay alive
>play games for hours
>more Redbull
>pick at a meal but ultimately it just gets cold and I throw it away
>more games/tv
>walk my dog
>bed around 4am
I work 2 days a week also.
I wake up take the knot from my dog go back to sleep wake up again make some eggs and schlurp them browse my phone find a guy on tinder go out get a free meal and fuck him come back take the knot again then sleep.
Any fembots want to masturbate my willy?