>tfw no 140+ IQ
Is there any point in even trying? You will never succeed at anything in life with a 110-140 brainlet tier IQ. You are just another loser, one of 100,000,000 other mildly intelligent nobodies who thought they were special because they were the smartest in their school class of 30. You will never be a genius and you will never do anything noteworthy with your life. Why not accept mediocrity and spend the rest of your life playing video games?
Tfw no 140+ IQ
>Why not accept mediocrity and spend the rest of your life playing video games?
That's already what I do, user. It's a comfortable existence the one I live. Receiving praise and standing out were never things I desired anyway.
>You will never achieve anything noteworthy in your life.
Having a 140+ IQ doesn't guarantee greatness. Look at Chris Langan, he was literally a bouncer for most of his life.
But my IQ is 145 user. I have absolutely the capacity to do noteworthy things. Of course, they'd never be conventionally considered "success", but neither were any of the great scientists and researchers. Society praises them now, hundreds of years after their deaths, but at their time they were just considered stupid losers who stayed inside all day doing dumb shit like looking at the sky. I'll get there yet, and when I do I'm going to make sure everyone knows what kind of a loser I am, and that people they hate can become so much better than them. Neither you nor anyone else can persuade me to do otherwise so it's pointless to try.
What would you do with an IQ of 140 that would make your life so much better?
I will remind you that having a high IQ is associated with crippling depression and numerous mental disorders.
>do anything noteworthy with your life.
If you aren't as rich as this man, your life is already over.
Why even try? He and others like him can kill anyone in a heartbeat.
>A high IQ would just make it easier
user, I have a really high IQ, mid 150s to 160s if you compare to my last test as a kid. I'm pretty much an autist genius but everything becomes philosophy and thinking. You don't stop thinking about everything, the meaning of it all, what you could do, what you should do, how you could do it. And it's the thinking that drives you insane. You're in a constant state of existential unease and light depression. So while I might be able to write an original novel in a week or come up with a new economic model, I barely function around others because I can't dumb myself down to normal people levels without becoming an autist supreme. Most intellectuals in the 130s region are kind of my thing, and that one guy with a 148 IQ I know is almost enough to intellectually converse with at max power. So what I'm really saying is, being mega fucking smart does a few things to you. It makes you reject social norms because you realise how dumb and emotional normans are with their silly rules. You become individualistic and entrepreneurial because you hate anyone interfering with your business. They don't usually understand you anyway. And you can't socialize properly because you're too advanced for them. Smart people have few friends for a reason. The advantage is, if you're smart and devoted, you can easily become hella fucking rich. I haven't yet but I hope to. Almost everything I put my mind to goes at 110%. So there's a payoff to being naturally nihilistic and confused about reality.
It doesn't take only a high IQ to be "noteworthy", user. There are thousands, maybe even millions of extremely high IQ people who waste their entire life being lawyers, e.g., climbing the corporate ladder to make a few million dollars. Being "remembered" is a meme and only a brainlet would unironically set that as a goal.
"smart people" < "motivated people"
It's the motivated businessmen that employ "smart" people for wage slavery. And being that motivated is all a result of random chance.
What an absolute nerd!
>I haven't yet but I hope to.
Doesn't matter how smart you are, matters how much money you make in the least amount of time.
I know I sounded like a smug piece of shit but I feel like killing myself and living a bit more at the same time, like some crazy Schrodinger's dilemma. I'm more of the alcoholic philosopher than the nerdy kid with a shirt, tie, glasses, and perfectly tidy pen collection.
And kill many more for one more hearthbeat.
>Be 131 iq fag
>Genuinely considered a genius by everyone who gets to know me
>Had anger issues as a small kid but learn to suppress it and keep myself toguether
>Obviously not healthy
>I dont make effort for school
>Rest of the class start seeing me as a selfabsorbed prick
>Get bullied
>Try to go for more humilty
>Start putting even less effort to fail sometimes in order to not look so different
>No reaction from classmates, now teachers hate me too
>Get tired of this shit, go get myself friends from the bullied bunch
>Guess what, bullying makes you grow to be mentally ill and an asshole to other people
>They are all fucking unlikeable, but learn to understand them because i had no option
>Grow fond of them, but slowly re-learn that they are pieces of shit
>Get a mentally ill gf
>Piece of shit friends start hitting on her
>She also starts treating me like shit
>Not an idiot, dump her ass, lost v card so who cares
>Stop talking to "friends". None of them got a piece of that ass ever so no, im not a cuck
>Now hate most of humanity except the onlw two cyborg friends i made at school that werent bullied or bullies themselves
>Go to uni instantly after finishing school because entrance exams are a piece of cake
>Start to try and be sociable
>Have no developed social skills, a weird sense of humour and know absolutely nobody.
>Also be the youngest faggot there, you can guess how that went
>Somehow people think im very social and shit when i ask that for online tests and other stuff
>Only true friend i get is a super tall robot. He is surprisingly nice but really distrustful and autistic
>Oh wait thats a perfect description of me too
>Get no other friends or gf, and get fat because stress
>Get back with ex gf, fuck some more
>Since im still underage at this point she buys my shit(Alcohol, ciggarettes)
>Learn one day she is on tinder, talking to guys from my uni
>Dump the bitch, realize that if i was more social i would be known as a cuck by everyone
No thanks, what a shit fucking story.
I have like 13x IQ, which means I'm in the 99th percentile. But there are people who are in the 99.99th percentile that run circles over me. I do get sad that I can't understand the universe like Neumann, Feynman, Boltzman, Landau did. It makes me sad that my work is meaningless compared to them. I don't advance the scientific knowledge of humanity. I just write will be outdated shitty software that fuel consumerism and make my corporation more money. I cope by just occupying my time with work and consuming media and information. I have a slight existential dred always hanging over me. It would probably consume me when I get old and crippled and my days are numbered.
just be a pseud for the pleasure of it. doing something noteworthy is a narcissistic fantasy rather than a sign of how much you appreciate knowledge.
>I recently found out my female coworker, mid 40's, has a 147 IQ. She has an incredible memory, obscene attention to detail, was a unix admin for most of her career making $80k without blinking an eye and... now she doesn't give a shit about any of it. She just wants to work part-time, travel with her friends and take care of her mom. Success is perfectly and inescapably relative. You need to work on uncovering all the dark parts of your heart so you can do what really makes it happy.
>Pic related: doesn't even know how to read music.
But now he writes racist posts on Facebook.
pic related couldn't read music either
>Even geniuses shitpost
Truly a sport for gentlemen.
Clinically tested IQ of about 135-145 here. I'm a failure and want to kill myself and I am bad at everything while also somehow being great at everything I actually set my mind to. It's awful.
138 here. I honestly feel more impressed with the 110-120's in my life than with most of the geniuses.
>I took a borderline pseudo-science online iq test, its so depressing being smart!
you're a retard user
110-120 IQ means you are clever but not so smart that you can't properly function. My parents and sister are in that range and have great careers and personal lives while I am apparently higher and a complete failure. However, they're all also rampant alcoholics who need to drink to function a lot of the time, so make of that what you will.
it's even worse, i have a below average IQ and suck at video games
I'm barely room temp iq. Much better to be smart than anything else.
>unironically believes that IQ means jack shit
some of the biggest retards to ever grace the earth are rich, powerful, and famous, if not the majority. Don't let a subjective measure of something nobody can even see control your life. There's a big difference between being smart and being wise.