Any east coast usa anons want to form a suicide pact?

Any east coast usa anons want to form a suicide pact?

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where in the east coast ?

When's the meet up?

Around the middle.
Middle of October. Preferably just want 1 other person or no one at all. I will probably make more threads about this over the coming weeks too.

Ah, sorry. I'm going to have to miss.
I love Halloween, you see...

Come to Colorado and I'll join you.
I have a gun we can use.

Immature as fuck desu. You need to form that pact with yourself.

It's not immature at all.

Will there be snacks provided at the meetup, or should I bring my own

Vagina. That is all.

Bump yo for real

New York user here what is the method of suicide and what is the ritual behind the guarantee of the pact

>say yes
>meet up
>it's user and two of his friends waiting in the woods with pistol and a shovel and zero intentions of dying that day

I think I'll pass, op.

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shit sounds like a party

NJ user only if theres fear and loathing involved bc I know youre too pussy to do it so lets just get high and have fun instead

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Alright NJ user what's a form of communication with you huh wise guy

you make this thread every day huh
if i meet with you am i also allowed to molest you before we go through with it

That's how suicide pacts work. You make sure they go through with it by molesting the underage b& and they get what they deserve for being boring.

but i dont want to molest if he doesnt want it

Where's the fun in that though?

I've always wanted to find someone to die with, but I'm not in America or Europe like almost everyone here. I'm a girl and a virgin, I'd probably let the other party make love to me as long as he was kind and gentle, and we died after that.

Where are you from and why do you wannna kill yourself?

i think you just got b8'd