
just seems to be me and one other lad awake edition

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I am legit the last one awake always

not just you lad; got at least one lurka

Decided to have the chicken curry meal lids.

Got some naan bread with it too.

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iktf too well lads, what yous up to at this hour? about to play some more shenmue
phwoar mad lad, it's 4:30am. Is it a ready meal one? Hope you got some garlic and corriander naans

Yeah it's one of those ready meals from Asda.

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ngl lads this curry talk has made me hungry

I have never had a curry in my life and I feel too overwhelmed by all the varieties to start

Not missing out much, it's just Asian stew with a few spices

>never had a curry
how lad? you never had a chinese takeaway or out?

any manchbros wanna meet up this weekend on fag pride?

>lots of normie roastie shitfaced women who will let uou hav3 their way on them
>laugh at trannies

lads this will be the best

Have you ever been to a pride event lad? I think you've set your expectations far too high

>wanna meet up this weekend on fag pride?
I'm fine thanks, I'll make sure to avoid Manchester this weekend

Morning all its another dark morning time for a another day of work

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I'm a tranny and would meet up with you there if you wanted

sounds great ill update u again later this week

Only if you promise not to laugh at me though! ;)

dw well do it behind your back

How are you poor plebs doin tonight? Been wankin to women you know you'll never get?

Tried to beat Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep just now but I'm too much of a fucking brainlet to figure out phases

Clutchy Bear

iktf lad, I'm playing through Shenmue for the first time since a kid and I'm constantly having to look up walkthroughs because I can't the places to go because it doesn't have a map. I don't know how I did it as a kid, I probably just wandered aimlessy for hours until I stumbled across where I had to go

/britfeel/ you dead?

ya mon

cheeky bump for the lads

cant sleep lads ffs

>hanging out bedroom window
>watching the mist roll off the hill
>neighbors comes out for work
>sees me

Does he think I'm mental lads? I doubt he could see the mist rolling from where he was standing.

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On the way to the airport to come home lads, just been craving pot noodles for 2 weeks

Nah he wouldn't have questioned it lad, no need to feel self-conscious

Keep having dreams about having a gf. It's pretty depressing.

Oh thanks I hope so, the mist has reached the houses now he must of clocked on right?

Maybe you were just getting some fresh air. Maybe he's wondering whether you're thinking something about him that he's self-conscious about. Don't worry

>Maybe he's wondering whether you're thinking something about him

Oh crap crap crap, maybe I should find an excuse to chat and mention the mist rolling off the hills then. I'm already the street weirdo who likes to look out of his window.

Morning, eating breakfast and dreading this 10 hour shift. Well I guess not dreading, work is okay overall but I'd rather still be asleep

I got paid today and have a bit more than expected, so want to get something nice for myself but don't know what.

Anyone else notice how early it gets dark at night and how late the sunrise is getting? Still quite dark when I got up at six earlier

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lol, imagine being this woman

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lmao based husband

fuck that guys lucky

probably had enough of his roastie wifes bullshit.

Lee Anthony Hoyland emerging from the morning mist with his chest forest slick with his love jooce and sleeping sweat.

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fucking normies am i right?

Sunrise was at 6:06am here in Shrewsbury today but it has been cloudy which makes it appear darker in the mornings.

Job center in a few hours lids

with my "job coach" she really is a sjw dike

its like she is horrible to anyone with white skin.

Three day weekend soon fellow wagelads!

if he was flirting with her before she was 16 it could be considered grooming and if there were any images shared between them, that would also be illegal. If you suspect either of these things was the case, then you can make a report by calling 101.

Go in blackface then

implying Lee wakes up this early

Did you see the mist rolling down haughmond hill this morning?

you think they would sanction my dole? haha

Any /britfeel/ lads want to start a lottery syndicate with me?

based and redpilled.

Wish that was me

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OK so what's the sickest thing about the world we live in lads? winner can get something under 5 squid bought off their amazon wishlist (im judging) or some other form of exchanging value

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The fact we live in an age that 99.999% of information and media is available at our fingertips and can be found and consumed in a matter of seconds.

Keep your 5 squids though treat yourself lad


well recently

our government donated 50m to SA's restructuring made me a little sick

actually based, annoys me how the woman is like
>she's attractive what could she possibly want from my husband
very superficial

>I don't appreciate my husband so why should anyone else more attractive than me?

Good for him, quite frankly. Unfortunately she'll probably get full custody because her lawyer will try to make out her husband is a paedo.

Nah he should be sound, the kid is entltled to see both parents unless one of them is deemed as a danger to it. The dad hasn't broken any laws, unless he has nudes of her or started talking to her when she was under 16. Good thing about british law is that instances like this are black and white. The judge can't deem the dad a nonce no matter how big the age gap since he broke no laws.

The comments are shit.

>she's mentally ill
>nah she does want him for his money, he seems rich to her

What a load of shit. 16 year old girls fancy older men all the time.

What's SA?
Do you mean that is sick as in good, or bad? and if bad can you explain your position slightly?

If he was getting the appreciation and respect he needed from the relationship there's no way he'd cheat on her with a 16 year old.

She'd probably been wearing down his self esteem for a decade and a sexy 16 year old being interested in him was an ego boost that he couldn't resist.

kek I misread the lads original statement, thought he meant sick in the positive way, only clocked on when the other user gave his reason

Just got a text from Ebin that says he gambled on a fart and lost.

wheeey morning lads. watched Sex Drive, got some mr noodle kimchi. what you lads got planned today

>The weird girl from uni who no one liked has a better social life than I do

she could have increased his self-esteem over years which resulted in this outcome though, too.

>wanting a social life

>tfw no weird girl from uni who no one liked gf

Not much lad, will need to do a bit of work later but that can wait until this afternoon. Thinking that I might just have a little smoke and chill in bed until 11 or so

for me it's Mallrats (1995)

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You're imagining some shy qt, but the truth is that she was chunky, masculine and only wore men's clothes. And I don't mean like a suit. I mean a sloppily dressed man.

hillsburra wosnt an accident let me tell u that i saw it wiv me own eyes, tories tryna kill norfen lads fookin disgrace it is

'eard maggie thatcha wus behind the bradford city firecaust too, ad to jump frum top nearly died i did, lost me best footie shirt an all

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Was she a lezzerbean

>tfw my first gf was the weird scene girl from school that was weirdly obsessed with me but I refused to go out with because I wanted to seem cool and couldn't be seen with the weird loner nobody liked

little did I know by the time I was 18 she was my exact type and I'd start chatting to her again and dating her for 3 years

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she dod bum stuff?

I think it's unlikely that he pursued her. No one is going to be like "Well my 40 year old wife likes me so this 16 year old model probably will too."

Weird question lad, we did it once but she didn't like it. She was a virgin when we started dating so she was very shy into exploring weird things but me being the weird dude that spent 80% of his time on Jow Forums had all these fucked sexual fantasies I wanted to try out

From what I heard, no. She was apparently with some ugly old man according to my ex-gf who used to chat to her.

not even a sneaky finger in the bum, davey boy?

Fuck you are lucky. I had a chance with a girl like that when I was 17 but I blew it. Fucking sucks because I really liked her. First girl who was ever into me and I actually liked back.

Oh you mean bum stuff to me lad? Nah unironically girls rimming me is one of my hottest fetishes but that's quite a recent thing. I doubt she would have been open to it
I wouldn't consider myself very lucky, she was mentally fucked. I probably should have took a few of the redflags from secondary school days where she would write poems and shit about me in class or had my facebook photos printed out into her diary/notepad/thing. Sadly she got made fun of a lot because of this since most people in school liked me and were thinking they were defending me or something but I felt shitty for it. She's a nice lass but very very obsessive, she wouldn't speak to me for a week if I so much as looked at another girl.
>First girl who was ever into me and I actually liked back.
I'm a generally optimistic lad and I think if a girl has liked you before, it's very likely you have redeemable qualities another girl will find attractive in you

Its another incels talking about women thread

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no i mean like sneaking a cheeky thumb in her brown eye during doggy

nani lad? it's a very normie general

one particular observation on why yanks are shite

>serve as a bullet sponge in the US army
>thereafter demand to be referred to as a veteran instead of just a man
>use every opportunity to inform people that you're a VETERAN and if you're ever in an argument you get to automatically win because you're a VETERAN

I see it so often on youtube, either some dumb yank in an argument shouting about being a veteran, or reading video descriptions and they say something like "US veteran does X" like it's relevant to anything

>not being a volcel
lol shitty movie btw

>mates are all going to leeds fest for the weekend
wish I could go lads but I didnt have the 200 quid, maybe next year

They do tend to glorify people who kill people. They do a similar thing with cops.

what what
you're barking up the wrong tree
the spotlights on me
style of the fume I howl with the moon
how you gonna buss if there's no room

In Britain if you mentioned it all the time it would be considered obnoxious but there it seems to be fine.

I quite like army guys though. Usually decent people when you meet them. I'm quite fond of Americans too. They are cunts on the internet but when you meet them in person they are usually sound.

You know what, I'll be the one to say it. Seabrooks crisps are too greasy

Got my yearly student loan statement through today lads.
That's another grand on top of the 48,000 bongs I owe then. Honestly don't understand even charging for it in the first place, I'm never gonna pay it off.


Jesus christ almighty. Is that how much it costs for everyone now?

My student debt after graduating was 18k and I thought that was a lot.

I got the pretty much the most maintenance grant you could get, and then my course fees started at 8250 and went up by 250 each year for some reason, plus 3 years of interest on that. Those I know who are paying it off only pay about 20 a month, so wouldn't even break the interest earned every year I really don't get it.

thinking of getting a weeb tattoo. wot u fink? is gonna be the brand of sacrifice

Job Centre are making me go somewhere today to do a level 1 course, Coschh I think it's called or something like that. I wouldn't mind if it were first thing in the morning but walking to the bus station in the middle of town in the middle of the day to get a bus into an even busier city and then finding the building to do this course and then having to wait for another bus to get back home is making me really nervous. I've tried my best to avoid everyone since becoming a neet so I'm scared of standing around in the town.

If you're really that anxious you should probably be on ESA.

Watch Chinese Televisual Mediums

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I work 40 hours a week just don't earn enough to pay it back yet
I'm not anxious about it, it's just a waste of time if no one's paying it back was my point.

Good Will Hunting is garbage why did people say I needed to watch this film?

Good Will Hunting 2 is better.

Good Well Cuntington is your name.

Shit sorry mate I meant to reply to

Morning lidslodslads
Comeback August boi. Been up for a few hours now, not going to mope around too much today. Bought myself some nice food as usually bad at looking after myself and going to try doing stuff I enjoy today without feeling guilty about it.
Makes me feel like a child having to put so much time and energy into looking after myself and keeping a good state of mind, but needs must I guess