200 IQ

Every word from someone else is an effort to change your mind via persuasion, even this post.

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Other urls found in this thread:


some things are nonsense

I would like to add that freewill is just a joke we like to toss around.

Even this statement is to persuade the viewer that "some things are nonsense".

It's why I'm a cynical prick and if I'm not on guard 24/7 and dissecting every word and action I'm desperately trying to be alone and shut the world out.

No duh. Is 200 where you loop around to being a brainlet again?

only in neutralization

Who is this "We"?

You have no evidence implying that every action is controlled directly, but rather I would state we are like in a sandbox, only able to interact via "choice" with what is provided to us, therefore limited concept of "free will". However I do not observe any entity controlling my body except mine?

>t. 99 IQ

Wow, amazing, never thought of that.
What new brilliant ideas are you gonna tell me next, maybe that all human actions are ultimately caused by very simple and selfish reasons?

Only the first creator that ever was is truly free.

Depends on your belief in creationism. Even a "Big Bang" is an act of creation.

The whole purpose of this website is to illicit a response, is it not? So reply.

Of course I could be using reverse psychology in which I want this thread to not be posted in, but you will never know.

This is not a reply

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You're basically saying that to speak is the share information.

Your right, you are lying instead!

If I shout "nigger" in the middle of the woods with nobody around to hear, who's ,mind am I trying to change?

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It is sharing information, but it is not your information, and thus has bias/persuasion.

The average person acts without much thought then the subconscious creates a reason for these actions.

Well, your post implies you are trying to change the OP's in a hypothetical situation.

original poop

This is also not a reply

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>claiming personal ownership of memetic information
fucking LOL

I am, but I could also use words that don't intend to change someone's opinion, such as asking them a question like "what's your favourite colour" in fact the last thing I want to do in that situation is change their opinion as I'd get an incorrect answer

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Your own mind

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The biggest bully of all is the state.

Aha, but by speaking to them you are trying to persuade them to illicit a response.

So, infact you are persuading them, especially when the other person doesn't give a damn.


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Ah yes, exactly why I am on Jow Forums.

I like tacos

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>I like tacos
it's working guys I'm starting to like tacos

Perhaps, but only i believed that they did not want to share their opinion. The question is only to indicate interest. Is telling someone that they can do something they want to do already attempting to change their mind? If someone asks for directions is it persuasion to give them the correct answer? Is answering "Royal Blue" persuasion?

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You should have liked the tacos the entire time you queermosex

Nothing is "your" information, save for that which you cannot express to another. Language is the symbiotic enslavement of the acoustic man to abstract delusions, such as time. Not to imply that there is anything wrong with that; Man is not meant to be free, as the abstractions are stronger than he. Might equals right, even beyond the material.

Every attempt to resist persuasion is a possible step towards being a brainlet and paranoia is a surefire path to becoming absolutely braindead which is perhaps the more likely goal of the person doing the persuading.

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I didn't know what tacos where until I live in a different part of the world and English is second for me.

Most things I read online on imageboards are nonsense and give me complete cognitive dissonance because they're so stupid. Usually unwarranted personal attacks based on nothing but the random projection of the retard on the other side.

Smart people are good an entertaining ideas with out accepting it as fact.

God is a prisoner of his own creation.

Only you exist.

whats going on here lol

We're an interesting species. Capable of so much, but ultimately alone. All we have is each other.

We're actually all ghosts playing POV video games in bodies God made. When you realize this you can jack in and out of the matrix like Neo.

t. 200IQ

It is impossible to say anything without indirectly making a statement about yourself.

300 IQ here btw

>We're an interesting species. Capable of so much, but ultimately alone. All we have is each other.
I'm just going to say everyone knows this and nothing is smart nor deep about this.


.003mm dick size here
oh shit what are you doing

Don't inflame things. It is factually appropriate to choose love.


1000 IQ here, gentlemen. I wouldn't get arrested if I killed you because you're animals.

oh sorry that wasn't autism I saw in the post it was a bit a crazy

Luckily most people are too retarded and self centered to read indirect statements made by others

Compared to what? Anyway I have my dick so other people can't be everything.

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>All we have is each other.
Then why is every one here alone?

Wow. That's really interesting. Considering The Great Flood, I completely agree. God is, in a way, like a convict; His intention marred, He seeks solace in Heaven.

This thread is full of unique thoughts and new ideas that haven't been discussed before.

You have a taco that can only be filled by God.

No taco can't be filled by my dick, try again

I agree. I'm just glad to be a part of this new awakening of Consciousness.

What if our Heaven was His Hell?

Humans were the gods all along. We constantly innovate in an attempt to escape our humanity and seek the path to a new reality. But in doing so we have doomed ourselves for eternity.

God killed himself because he knew life is shit

Yes, but thats going to take time

Shut the fug up and suck my dick bitch

they aren't trying to change minds, we're all trying to reassure our own minds.

>Every word from someone else is an effort to change your mind via persuasion, even this post.
you can believe this if you want to but it's more important 'why' someone is trying to persaude

too many people do so in an effort for their personal direct short-term gain that isn't the betterment of humanity

some people truly want people to be closer to the 'truth' and for the betterment of humanity and existence with their own vindication on what they believe, right or wrong what it may be

We're all seekimg validation we should be getting from ourselves.

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God is dead; the big bang was his suicide; this universe is His punishment. Funny how us humans aspire to become Gods, when the answer is to overcome your instinct of self-preservation. And for what? Endless torment - feeling every atom of pain as the universe expands. You pass the chains to lesser beings of your exhausted imagination.

ur jus trying to change my mined

>validation we should be getting from ourselves
that's not how validation works

>'why' someone is trying to persaude

Probably the same reason this thread is on page 1 and 99% of posters put an IQ in their name.

It isn't?


what the fuck are you saying

your post makes 0 zenze

Validation has to be external by definition. Preferably from an objective metric.

>recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.

I don't think that means it has to be from someone else.

>no evidence implying that every action is controlled directly

>entity controlling
it is not an entity

they are chemical reactions and synapses you brainlet

>I would state we are like in a sandbox, only able to interact via "choice" with what is provided to us, therefore limited concept of "free will"
you believe this due to your life experiences and genetics

not that it makes much of a difference

Being horny is a trick created by the nature jew to make us procreate. As long as we obey this command we will never be able to move forward as a species. Stop thinking with your dick,

>muh free will is a meme because our minds are just our brains

When will this meme be over

Yes it does. How would you know otherwise?

when you convince people otherwise because people are at the mercy of their enviorments

>External validation exists

Sub 200IQ spotted

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>internal validation exists
user please you're embarassing yourself

What if I told you that was the ONLY validation possible

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but it isn't possible

We're all NPCs in your roleplaying experience user. You don't ask the NPCs to validate.

Fliggidus flingus

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By definition, we will not "move forward" as a species unless we procreate.

Yes I do. If I hallucinate something it's nice to have NPCs telling me the thing I saw isn't real


ow, dick

>Every word from someone else is an effort to change your mind via persuasion, even this post.

you're incorrect. for example: someone in another country utters the word "a." I, in my own country, have no way of hearing it. how is their utterance an effort to change my mind via persuasion?

Not always. Sometimes I'm trying to remind you of something that's your idea to begin with.

By knowing I'm right.

>eww, did you just try to change your mind via persuasion?
>eww, did you just fart?

There would be no difference. If they can't control it, then they're annoying or disgusting, but I could befriend someone who farts.

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