why dont we construct a town in the desert and make our own socialist community of NEETs, how could we actually make this real
>no internet
Yeah what could go wrong at all.
That's where you got me. No Venezuela for me.
This would actually bring fulfillment and joy to our lives. We would heave friends, people who share a set of goals with us, and a community to call our own.
The only problem is that you can't be NEET in the middle of no where. How are you gonna continue to collect your gibs in the desert? Plus if the whole point of NEETdom is never working, doesn't working hard to eek out a living in a NEET community defeat the whole point?
>that one infiltrator that hates every robot and knows well enough to play dumb until you reach critical mass and then perform some mass murder
for one
its only socialist so that we could live equal NEET lives, if people take advantage of others for monetary gain that's how you start a society full of normies
>in the desert
Some niggas can't even move out their parents house and you want them to live in the middle desert, yeah, good one
Two thirds of Venezuela's economy are on the private sector. The means of production are not owned by the community as a whole therefore its not socialist.
blacks wouldn't be allowed in my NEET community
Well 3 things need to happen.
1. We need a way to collect our NEETbux in the desert.
2. We need Internet funds and high speed internet for multiple people to be able to stream, Satellite is a no go as its to slow and would require more than 20 dishes to run more than 30 people, and that would attract attention from the law.
3. We need a source of food available in the desert, Before you say climate controlled greenhouses how are we going to pay etc etc.
What we need is funds, A will, and eventually we will make a way. But thats against NEETdom, the reason to be a NEET is not to work.
This idea pops up like once a week and it's generally agreed that robots are selfish and gross and the ones with personality disorders would abuse the meek robots.
Personally I wouldn't mind living next to quiet single males who keep to themselves but there's always a few assholes that ruin it for everyone.
>If we live in a town of robots are we all now normalfags?
>constantly interact with everyone for everything just to avoid touching money
socialist communes are for sociable extroverted normalfags
if someone made a reality TV show with this premise i would unironically watch it
Why not just do it yourself? Honestly don't wait for a community, it'll never happen.
why dont robots get together and make our own trailer park, it would have internet and we wold be close to a city
Murder yourself
I give it 2-3 days before it goes full Jonestown.
>Desert edition
So everyone equally contributes...nothing? That community doesn't seem like it would be successful.