Can I smoke dank daily and make good gains?

Can I smoke dank daily and make good gains?

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Weed is degenerate

cheers tradcuck, now back to Jow Forums

yep. it can even help you eat more.

No. It'll just make you a lazy retard.

>weed doesn't make you lazy
>being lazy won't make you skip workouts


I smoke weed when I want to do work

It depends on you personally, I don't think there's anything about weed itself that would rob you of gains but when I smoke that last thing I want to do is train and eat clean but that's just me

>weed doesn't make you lazy
indeed, it depends on the strain. look up sativa, and the stimulating properties of THC

>won't make you skip workouts
let's assume OP prefers indica. then that's fine to, since he doesn't have to smoke BEFORE the workout. he could do it later in the day, eat a ton of food, relax, and gain.

also: I don't smoke. I don't even drink.

"to" -> *"too"

Weed never made me skip a workout, i mostly smoke after im donde with both work and exercise

I have to say, i've been through seasons where i smoked every week, and seasons where i only smoked once a month tops, and i can't tell the diference when It comes to gains
As long as you don't smoke right before your workout you should be good
Also you could use It to chill out at the end of the day and sleep really good

weed can destroy your life but only if you let it

helps me eat past the point of being satiated

Is that the guy who just smokes weed and gets millions of views?

I have no idea. I smoked some sativa with a bro once before we went to the gym. Synced up the music with bro so we listened to the same thing. Went hard as fuck on the weights, good workout overall and fun as well. But honestly, I highly doubt weed does anything beneficial to you, it's just a drug. If you want to relax and take it chill after a workout, learn how to meditate instead.

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Bitch you have no idea what addiction to weed looks like. You have no idea what it’s like to wake up wishing you’d died and scrambling to grind a bowl into your MFLB and going through three batteries just to feel like what you think you remember normal felt like. You have no idea what it’s like to keep your ABV and stems and grind them when you’re out of weed so you can still get high. You don’t know what it’s like to be on your hands and knees trying to pick up little flecks of weed after a spill while bawling hysterically. Weed is the devil’s plant and it stole years from my life, years I’ll never get back. Sure I’m trying to get Jow Forums now but I lost my prime years to that green devil. It’s bad stuff man. Stay away from it. Stay far far away and never go anywhere near it.


>only used a mflb and claims to have weed withdrawals
Ok poser

no you really shouldnt

Depends if you become severely addicted.
If you don’t work and you’re a NEET it’s fine, because you wake up work out and then smoke.
If you work, you’ll get up, go to work and then after a long day have to decide between going to the gym or smoking a bowl. After 8 hours of work with a weed dependency (smoking every day) if you’re like me your hands will get all sweaty and shit and it’s awkward handling dumbbells, plus you sweat more leading you to be more dehydrated and have less muscle gain.

tl;dr weed is a gains goblin

Is that Jason mewes?

>im a weak willed fag
i spent literally every waking minute of my life this summer stoned as fuck, and as soon as school resumed i quit cold turkey and did not have a single problem. getting addicted to weed says more about you than it does about weed.

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Nigger get a arizer solo 2. Muuuuch better

bro, indica and sativa are so mixed now, its just a joke. You cant tell if its sativa or indica anymore.
stoners are fucking retarded. kill them all.

Hell yes you can. Lift high, you’ll get in the zone and enjoy it. Go home and eat hella calories. Easy mode op no more dumb questions

Please brother no more

pay no attention to this pasta

all these fucks coping.
OP its very healthy to enjoy a night with friends but there is also such a thing as too much

Was an example you degenerate

Dumbbells should not be your go to example.

as someone who smokes daily and feels like a degenerate, i feel i can give you good advice. smoked for close to 4 years now daily with some minor 1 month breaks maybe three times in that span and i'll just subtract maybe another 3 months of time that i just didn't have weed. i would recommend you use it as a way to "take a load off" with your friends, that's the keyword here, WITH YOUR FRIENDS.. if you start doing it alone you have a high chance of being that guy who sits at home all day and the hours will fly by because you're so baked and you're not even sure why you do it anymore. overall it's a waste of money and that's the perk to using it socially, stoners are usually pretty conscientious and will try to throw in to earn their fair share of the cheeba and if they don't it's a great way to filter out shitty friends. i wouldn't doubt you can still make good gains but it can easily lock you in place if you're already predisposed with an addictive nature or really any sort of mental illness.

Smoking is bad, get edibles.

i know a guy who DABS every day and it's the first thing he does.. rips a dab and then hops into the slug lanes to go into the city to work. bought his own house at 26 and is truly making gains all over his life.. depends on the individual ultimately

I smoke before workouts and typically once or twice a day. It wprks but the only thing that keeps me smoking is the fact i grow good weed that tastes Good. I need a good appitiet stimulant with a more energetic but eughoric head high

My dosido x sinmint cookies as pic related does the job. Pic of her outside
I feel like its better to grow it yourself like all the veggies i eat.
I know where it grows
I know its not grown with pgr's
I know its pesticide free
I know its organic

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Your experience doesnt sound justifiable. I think it goes person to person. Been growing for 8 years. From bubble hash to wax to sift to edible ive grown it, ive made it, and ive injested it.

Tbh, i could take a few puffs after a tolerance break and jump onto my punching and speed bags for hours, i could hit the bench and sqaut rack for hours, etc.
And i damn near always smoked alone.
Just throw on some good music and start going

Pic of this same phenotype/cut indoors

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Daliy smoker here, am ottermode and use it to eat more. T-breaks aren't hard, but honestly I wish would smoke less lol
don't smoke, just get fockin yuuuuuge

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you sound like a faggot kill yourself

I thought it was proven that weed doesn't cause any chemical dependency, so quitting is a matter of discipline. I don't understand how some people get "addicted" to it, honestly. Perhaps they were depressed in the first place and weed help them out?

There are some studies showing that weed lowers testosterone a little bit, but it could be because of the life style of the subjects of the studies. I know many people in very good shape that smoke pretty much everyday, some of them even play football.

the biggest stoner i know is also the strongest guy i know, go figure

yeah this is either not true or you smoke less than an ant

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If you feel like you need a smoke just to feel normal or to get rid of boredom than its a problem. It can change your pathological thinking and behaviour after years of smoking. Best to stay away and enjoy life for what it is

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I always smoke a joint after my workout. Probqbly shouldn't be done every day. Feel like my muscles restore a little bit slower.

one of the fittest dudes I know used to smoke weed daily while he worked as a fitness trainer. 85kg manlet with a 300kg+ deadlift. The way I get it weed makes you weaker but also helps you lift with better form.

Nothing quite like smoking a joint with ur pals after a hard week of work

how the fuck did you get addicted to a non addictive substance