I got a job, lads. Don't care that it's only $12 an hour. I can finally start to fix my life

I got a job, lads. Don't care that it's only $12 an hour. I can finally start to fix my life.

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Grats user. What will you be doing?

Remember to save at least 20% of your paycheck and not blow it all on the weekend following it

im glad user, i only get paid $7.50 an hour so i know you can do it!

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Enjoy your chump change helping your boss buy that third yacht.

Shop assistant at a small print shop

hoping to get my first job soon too, OP

Congratulations, you are going the right path so far.

Well done user, enjoy it!

lmfao literally impossible to work your way up from such a position. believe me, I have tried.

Thanks guys. We're all gonna make it.

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Very nice. I make 13.60 at a McDonalds as a crew trainer. I like it. Love telling other coworkers how to do their job properly and teaching new crew members how to do specific things around the store. Very rewarding.

Also, when things get tough, and they will sometimes just say to yourself, in your head and never outloud
"Bend over for Shekelstein"
"Shekelstein needs a new boat it is my duty to ensure he can buy a new boat"
"If I work extra hard for Shekelstein He'll buy me some Gatorade after he's done fucking me"

I say these things to myself in my head to help me get through the workday. It helps when we get busy and it's stressful

I have a job interview tomorow. My dad got it for me. Its an administrative position in a big company, and my resume has fucking nothing on it. I want to die.

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Fake confidence and maintain eye contact to make up for it

It always warms my heart to see robots getting jobs and starting their lives on the way to success.

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nigga you living in a third world country or something

Save money by pirating and refusing to pay for digital distribution.

nope literally just america :)

No that would be Ohio, but what's the difference

now its your turn homo

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>now its your turn homo
i already have a job

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A job feels really accomplishing, and I'd assume that you live with your parents which will let you save some money for later in life. Make sure you put aside atleast a half if not more of your income if that's the case, early life is the best time to ensure you'd have easier times later in life. Also having a goal to save money for (Im saving for an electric guitar for example), can really boost your moral and eagerness to work.
Plus 12$/hr sounds decent. I work 8$/hr and made only a little more than 1200$ last month.

Have fun getting exploited wagie

>he makes way more than me an hour
man fuck my delivery job

what do you do anono

They don't give a fuck about you, if you're interviewing it means your dad's dick is worth sucking and that's all you need
Enjoy fucking shit up with impunity

Good work OP, hope you can get what you want out of life