Anyone else here ever had strong urges to kill small animals as a child? Especially kittens

Anyone else here ever had strong urges to kill small animals as a child? Especially kittens

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only the faggot dog that bit me when I was a little kid but my fascist mom made me walk every day
I'm glad that I got to watch him grow old while I kicked him off the porch every day

yes definitely.
I dont cnsider myself to be a bitter or damaged person. I have an promising career, lift weights and am heavily involved in crossfit and have many things that bring me joy, fullfillment an honor. However the impulse to crush the skull grows strong whenever i see small animals. Mostly niglets

I can't explain the urges. But they aren't as strong to small animals as they are to babies, every time I see an infant I want to reduce its skull to an assortment of pulp and fragmented skull.

Wow user you're sooooooo edgy!!! uwu

You need to go back you pseudo concerned normie faggot

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Freaking based. Animals are just as bad as humans and vice versa

Me kinda but not kittens more just birds and stuff

no, you're literally mentally ill.

Yes and it was actually a stray kitten and it's older sibling. I went to pet it and it immediately bit me and the older sibling started hissing at me. I'm just gonna end this post right here about what happened next

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>xe says on the lowest pit of all boards on Jow Forums

please tell more, add a warning and make it a for anyone who doesn't want to see it though.

i meant to say "make it a spoiler" but i fucked it up

I'll just say this

im a subcontractor with plenty of tools that was fixing this rundown home when i across these kittens that snuck inside

w-was it fun? did you feel shame afterwards?

did anyone see anything? how did you deal with the blood and the bodies after?

Thank you for reminding me of the days when i was trying to hunt birds at my local playground

No one was in the basement and we we're all constantly throwing things into the dumpster tank.

I have my suspicions that my coworkers known how fucked up I am.

I killed so many animals as a child, from hamsters to cats. It was so fucked up and I still feel great shame about it to this day. I love animals now and treat them well, but I can never forget what I did when I was younger.

It's called prey instinct but low t sjw's call it sociopathy. Many successful and rich people have this. Don't feel bad about it.

I had a super fucked up childhood. My dad left my mom and then my mom fucking tortured me as a kid. She would beat the shit out of me and knock me out when I was like 3 years old. She'd hit me in the head so hard I'd black out and she'd hold me down in the bathtub so that I couldn't breathe. Shit was terrifying. I always figured the reason I killed animals was related to my abuse. I'm 35 years old now and I feel like a normal, healthy person. I love animals now, but I still have horrible memories of the things I did. I think they will haunt me until my grave.

No, cats are friends

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Bugs, yeah. Mammals, no.
Actually not even frogs, salamanders, or lizards. When I was younger I`d pick them up and play with them not knowing that was painful to them. Then I figured it out and let them be.
Basically I always hated bugs and respected most other life forms. I`ll still eat `em though

I used to want to strangle pokemon to death but never real animals. I grew up to be a vegetarian living with multiple rescue animals and never hurting them. Fuck I cry if I even step on my cats foot

Yeah, I used to step on rabbits and fish and such to watch them die. It was really funny.

If you don't feel the natural urge to kill then you're the mentally ill one.

>turned to animal abuse instead of actual help
you deserved it.

>Don't feel bad about it.

you should feel awful about it and also understand your life sucks because you're subhuman and incapable of basic empathy.

I was 4-6 years old