People born after 2000


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Other urls found in this thread:"born in 1992"/order/asc/

Time waits for nobody old man

you sound like you were born after the 90s, OP

can you please elaborate

do you understand how fucking insane it is that there are faggots from like 2005 posting RIGHT NOW!!!!

if you were older you would have already posted this 10 years before, on your twenties. If you did, no reason to come back here; you know this "web 2.0" stuff is a lost battle for oldfags

im from 94, this site is getting infested with kids from 2000-2005 and its making me sick

last post from me... this already happened and kids are worse every time. This site already underwent bloom and decline. Better search for a new place outside here; it may be a sign you're too old for this shit.

Im from 2000, who cares

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i do youre not welcome here you stupid 21st century scumbag

>people born in 2000 browsing this board
>they are only 3 years older than Jow Forums
>there are underage here that may be YOUNGER than Jow Forums
oh man

So how's that not being old enough to remember 9/11?

>born in 92
>fucking kids all over my goddamned site even though when i first found Jow Forums i was a freshman in highschool just like everyone else
Rly makes me think

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People like this are hilarious. It's the same type of people who make threads about it being 8/23/2018 already with a sad pepe and a faint clock, somehow amazed that time goes by so quickly when they live the same exact day, every single day

If this were the 1950s:
>How does it feel not remembering Pearl Harbor?
If this were the 1990s:
>How does it feel not remembering the USSR?

Time goes forward. People grow up. If you actually think you're superior for your age, you're delusional. I can't wait until other 2000fags make fun of kids born in 2010 one day, saying shit like:
>How does it feel not remembering Trump?
>I've been here since 2010. I've been here since you were born faggot.

As if that somehow means anything.

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oh go you 2000s fags are bad but im fucking sure that 2010s fags are going to be even worse

Yeah, but that's only to be expected. They'll look at us the same way we look at boomers.

There are surely people here born after 2006, too. Not only browsing, but posting, too. Most people who know of here don't follow the rule and wait til their 18th birthday to post.

>people born after 2005 posting
user that's actually disgusting

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>bro my first console was the xbox one!! kids these days with their playstation 7 will never understand!!

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>the 8th generation of consoles is so retro

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>teenager who is a self conscious edgelord.

Im a 98 fag and have been here since 2012. Big deal faggot

>tfw 97
>tfw barely made the cut
who here "90s kid"

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I was born in November 1999 do I still count as a 90s kid?

97,98,and 99 are undesirable but you are the last of 90s and are infinitely better than any post 2000 faggot

I don't want to be undesirable :(

absolutely not, you were just born in the 90s you grew up in the 2000s and early 10s

I was born in 1988 and am not a 80' kid

Feels bad man. Would have been nice.

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honestly it wasn't that different, im from 94 and things were basically the same for me up to 2007 sometime after 2011 things got really shitty and today its absolute aids

The 9th gen now that was a console generation

>born 94
>visiting home a few weeks back
>have younger bro born in 2003
>he's on his phone
>don't think much of it
>notice when flicking through his tabs a warm coloured page with images
>could have sworn it was r9k
>confirmed when I saw it open and saw ROBOT9001
>confront about it and he says I "wouldnt understand"
>just ends in a pointless argument
I know you're still around Lyon, leave for your own good

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Age honestly means jack shit on this board, most 15 year olds today have more life experience than your average 25+ r9k resident

Sorry, I got nowhere else to go.

>my nephews and nieces probably browse this board
enjoy hell my kin

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There is distinct different feeling to being a teenager which is at least halfway to being considered sentient and not having internet, cellphones and stuff. It's like a whole new era. In just a few years things changed so dramatically that people normally take eons
Past 1990 is those born and molded by the machine

Not to mention most of said 25+ posters have the mentality of a teenager, r9k really have no ground to stand on

>tfw people on Jow Forums used to complain about people that were born in the year that I was
>tfw I'm now a 26 year old boomer"born in 1992"/order/asc/

You realize OP is doing the same shit oldfags did to him, right?

Newer generations seem to not question his ancients's faggotry anymore, they just copy everything for the lulz

I guess, it just feels weird that I used to be the ">These little shits are allowed to post here" age when I first started going on Jow Forums, around 2011, but these days, I'm now the "LOL look at this old boomer" age.

Fuck you. Mom said that this website is a plowed before bedtime

>born in 2001
>shit upon for not being a 90s kid
>2000 kids get a pass
>i was born in jan 1st

Imagine being so much of a cuck that you feel threatened by the fact that people younger than you exist

I was born far enough back I remember watching the first moon landing live. When I was born the Beatles were still releasing new albums.
Not a big deal, either way.

2000 is 20th century


wtf does that mean

Not even going to give you the satisfaction of getting you banned for this shit tier bait

you will never have aesthetic trips like 1999, that year is pure kino

You'll bunch of faggots

>After 2000

So OP was born in 2k and thinks he's not as bad as the rest of the children

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Awesome I love cute little anons, the more the better!

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>Tfw born 1999.

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So was I origfif/

>been going on since i was 10
>parents weren't there
>raised by 4cucks
>turned 18 this year
>still not happy
>want to be a twink
>no friends

i don't even care, i already gave up, fuck you i don't have to be born in the 70s to fit in here of all places

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there are girls on chaturbate born in 2000

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I turned 18 earlier this month and I have been on this website for 6 years. AMA

>10 years old
>on Jow Forums
That's really sad dude

I'm 21, don't tell me you weren't all underage cancer at some point too.

not me. was 19 or something when I came here like over a decade ago

there are probably at least 150 9 year olds on this fucking board alone.

They must have really shitty parents ain't it then

What was it like spending your 20's on Jow Forums?

Hey I came here at 11 and Id say my parents weren't THAT shitty tbqhwy

eh, I don't even now what spending my twenties in any other place is like. I've had some real good times here, in fact some of the best in my life, they're just spread in between long long times of incredible boredom, ah c'est la vie

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y'all should be ashamed of yourselves if you weren't born before 1900

>tfw exactly 2000
>literally perfect birthyear

Who the fuck names their kid Lyon

Fuck man, you all should me ashamed if you weren't born before the middle age. Agh, fuck this kids.

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dude i have a cousin in 2003 with almost the same name what the fuck. pretty sure he browses here since he likes mister metokur and all those youtubers

>Gett with the times, grandpa boomer
t. born feb 2000

>born 1990
>see kids making the same mistakes I did like not valuing their qt youth
>and wanting to know the oldest memes like that's somehow a good thing
>and just being on this site in general
I don't even get when people try to shame someone for being young, shit only gets worse. It's just funny how they're wasting it, we really can't appreciate things until they're gone.

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