I need help brobots

I need help brobots

I just lost my virginity with an azn, but we didn't have condoms and it felt so good that I didn't want to pull out.
I know interracial pregnancies is really difficult, but how difficult is it?
The girl is freaking out because she says she's ovalating and I'm trying to calm her down that I couldn't get her pregnant anyway because we're too genetically different but it's not working and I need help.

The only wmaf couple wth kids I can think of is the facebook faggot and his wife but he's such a cuck I know they got a bull, so is interracial pregnancy a complete meme?

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Plan b you fucking idiot

Humans interbred with Neanderthals. I think you're in the clear.

Get plan b at the pharmacy I think you have 48 hours to do it, and tell that retard she should be on birth control

Isn't that the opposite of in the clear for me? I don't want her to get pregnant

Everyone else, I'll get plan b but it looks really expensive

>I'm trying to calm her down that I couldn't get her pregnant anyway because we're too genetically different but it's not working

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fuck her again so hard that it cancels the pregnancy

It's $50. Cheaper than your mongrel baby is gonna be

lol at this bait

Holy shit OP is retarded, I really hope the girl didn't get pregnant because OP shouldn't pass anything on.

>user literally achieves god status by losing his virginity to and impregnating an asian qt
>this is somehow a problem

If she is ovulating she isn't pregnant, you don't have your period while pregnant.

Why don't men know anything about womens bodies?

Have the kid. Nothing will bring you out of manchild-hood quicker than raising a family, and if she's a reliable grade-A Asian then you'll have a good partner by your side.

For once OP being a faggot might've been his salvation.

i'm so fuckin sick and tired of the LARPers

Show me something natural like greentexts of gettin cucked

holy fuck you're retarded, i hope this is bait
OP said he JUST lost his virginity, which means they had sex recently, which means if she was ovulating when they had sex she can great pregnant because there was an egg to fertilize
fucking retard

i fucked a asian hooker and my condom came off and I was fucking her raw until she noticed

>I'm trying to calm her down that I couldn't get her pregnant anyway because we're too genetically different
Are you an alien ?

lol that explains it

he will realize this only 20 years too late

>we're too genetically different

are you retarded, OP, or just really good bait?

do you know how expensive a fucking CHILD is
this has to be bait

Oh no... his child could become a... pianist or a cello player, maybe even a top math student. The horror!

>The girl is freaking out because she says she's ovalating and I'm trying to calm her down that I couldn't get her pregnant anyway because we're too genetically different
genius OP

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not to mention the pill is cheaper than a couple of movie tickets

>lost my virginity
you lost me there for sure, try with a better bait next time

my dream is to somehow impregnate a cute girl so she's forced to stay with me forever

>be me
>get cucked

based and wow red-pilled and this is epic

Sorry just got off the phone with her, she's crying and calling me a fucking moron and asshole for saying she's genetically different like "some kind of freak" I think I fucked up

No but we're different races which is basically like species right? Just like how donkeys and horses can't get each other pregnant

Good point. I asked her to meet me at the drugstore so we can split the cost of a plan b. Getting dressed now

I've actually dreamed of having a kid but I want to be married first, I don't want to have a bastard out of wedlock. Maybe with her even, she sis really cute

Anyway wish me luck bros, I'm going to try to smooth things over with her and buy her ice cream

>No but we're different races which is basically like species right? Just like how donkeys and horses can't get each other pregnant

This is why you don't actually take racism seriously, guys.

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so is your IQ in the double digits, or only in the single digits? maybe you really shouldn't have that baby.

>No but we're different races which is basically like species right? Just like how donkeys and horses can't get each other pregnant
This fucking thread

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say hi to elliot jr for me

I used to discuss that plan with schoolmates back in the days

Then societal norms changed and it became preferable to "live your life while you're young", "marriage is a trap", "no reason to have kids" etc

Now in older age, I'm realizing it was all a lie...

Sorry man, that sucks. I fell for that meme too and now I'm 33 and living alone, feels like the entire world past me by.
Now all that's left is a bunch of roasty rejects with kids or their romance novels.
Not even sure what the point is anymore

>No but we're different races which is basically like species right? Just like how donkeys and horses can't get each other pregnant
I hope this is b&

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>he learns science from Jow Forums

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Can't believe you guys are falling for such poor bait

>I know interracial pregnancies is really difficult
>believing pol memes
holy fucking shit
story is definitely fake nothing to see here

going to have to agree with this sir

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It seems like you have mixed up ovulation and menstruation. Sad af.

Virgin detected. They're the same thing.

>I know interracial pregnancies is really difficult, but how difficult is it?
You again. A shitload of hapas say otherwise.

no, user, it is you who is the virgin
ovulation happens several days before menstruation starts, and the period between the two is when women are at their most fertile

You're both virgins.
Ovulation happens in the middle of two minstrelations, and it's the time when the girl is most fertile

>I'm trying to calm her down that I couldn't get her pregnant anyway because we're too genetically different

Are you that one faggot eurocuck from that shitty thread saying there was no such thing as race earlier?

>split the cost of a Plan B
It just gets better and better

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>she's crying and calling me a fucking moron and asshole for saying she's genetically different like "some kind of freak"
>I asked her to meet me at the drugstore so we can split the cost of a plan b

I really hope this is bait