>tfw no politically active conservative qt gf
Tfw no politically active conservative qt gf
>being a cuckservative
Dated one in HS. White. German. Her mom was a tea-partier who protested Planned Parenthood and abortion. Her cousins and such were members of the Nevada Libertarian Party. Her dad was a math professor who listened to Fox News and read Drudge Report. I was the edgy liberal twat spic boyfriend.
Looking back, her folks were the good guys. If you're still alive, Professor, I'm sorry and you have every right to be smug in knowing I was won over years later. MAGA
This is why "conservatives" are cucks
Beaner you have to go back
you are on the hero's journey
They were good folk. Clearly not racist, but not cucked, either. Totally anti-abortion, but her mom actually tried to organize care/housing for the young single moms she talked out of it. She even let one live at her place and crash on their couch for a while. Had a lot of heartbreak in their family and handled it like champs.
I'm trying, dude.
On a semi-related note, those protests were TOTALLY different from the ones I attended when I was a leftist. Church protests and the anti-war ones didn't have SJW's. I had never seen or met an SJW before I joined Occupy, and it taught me a lesson that didn't sink in until 5 years later.
The only heroic journey he can do to MAGA is deporting himself to Mexico or guatemala or wherever the fuck that brown piece of shit is from.
Conservatives are authoritarian anti-individual right fucks by nature. Why would you wanna date someone like that?
>allowed their daughter to so much as associate with a beaner
>not cucked
They probably liked jews too. Gas yourself Paco.
I was born here, asshole. And so were my ancestors going all the way back to Spanish land grants in the Southwest. We've been in this land-not in the Americas, in this specific fucking region-longer than you have, and I'm 25% Injun. We've never been from south of the border. Don't confuse me with some border-hopping anchor baby.
Nah, they're the homos that are the first to try to prove to you that they are totally not racist, and that we should "judge them as individuals" like we judge termites and spiders as individuals. They believe in le BASED black man with the EPIC MAGA hat.
>25% injun
Good to know, I'd love to saw off 25% of you and put in the gas chambers. You're a fucking beaner paco, the cancer is in your blood. Your kind already ruined the Spanish Empire now it wants to ruin America. Fuck off back to mestizo land.
My family has never been FROM Mestizo-land. We lived in the Southwestern states and then those were subsumed the the United States without us ever moving. Sending us to Mexico would be sending us somewhere we've never even been.
You ever watch Drug Wars? Half the fucking DEA agents on that show are related to me. We're not on their fucking side and I have no loyalty to anywhere but here.
>pale, dark hair, and freckles
i'm cumming
>hey man it doesn't matter how hard you MAGA you will always be a beaner to me
>also you need to "go back" to a country you have literally never set foot in
>w-well actually I w-was born here sir and I'm love dem ICE agents and DEA please sir I'm one of the good ones I'm loyal please sir I'll lick your balls!!
cuckservative faggotry.
>spic excuses
You have to go back Pedro
>be me
>be female but no qt
>be leftist in high school
>go to college
>become right wing
I feel like I'm doing this wrong.
>be librarian since reading Rand in like sophomore year of HS I think
>get librul maybe at age 19 or so because muh gay marriage
>realize it's retarded, first go back to librarian and then go nearly full natsock
>slowly realize natsock is just as cucked as berner sandman
>don't really know what I am anymore, just know that I want to bomb sandies but also want hippity hoppity
Honestly? Kind of the same. I was a hardcore leftist SJW type. Then I realised political correctness is the worst meme. Then I had a (((landlord))) and realised your message ain't true if you don't name the Jew. I still see validity to the argument of workers owning the means of production and general Marxist tidbits I've acquired. On the other hand, I genuinely believe in the free market. On the other other hand (I'm a pajeet god) I want environmental regulation because I see it as infringing on individual liberty but I also love guns? Iunno, even my relationship to feminism is weird. I'm a SWERF and a TERF so 99% of modern feminists hate me and I hate them. I want to get married and have kids, but also want a husband that's more left than me. I'm sexually dominant towards men but wish I was gay and also think power dynamics in sex is fundamentally a bad meme. I generally think borders are a meme but still thought Trump dindu nuffin with those Mexican kids being separated from their families. I have a baby niece and if some fuckinh Pajeet or Aloha snackbar tried to walk all over her I'd go all Operation Rolling Thunder on their asses drone style. Hell, I can't even decide on what should be the fundamental guiding force to my worldview - if I'm a Kantian or a utilitarian? I think a lot of postmodernist critiques of "big ideas" are legit but also believe that humanity isn't beyond being subject to the scientific method and thus the construction of such narratives is plausible?
I fell out of politics for a long time because I was so exhausted by leftist stupidity and I'm slowly getting re-emersed in it.
Iunno, shit's gay. Why I contemplate things that aren't my husbando I have not a clue.
>feminist shit
christ you sound retarded
The moment a hearty cock splurges inside your disease-ridden spermhole you'll forget it all I'm sure. I'm sure raising Chad's bastard son with the hopes that one day he will meet his father will be a rich and fulfilling life for you, faggot.
Conservatives aren't authoritarian enough.
>getting this triggered by someone else having different opinions
Sorry you forgot that the internet isn't your """safe space""", lol.
>also I'm a virgin
>being such a cuck that you mention jt several times and then fantasize about other men fucking some chick on the internet
>implying I'm not fantasizing about being the grill and getting fucked by Chad's heart schlong
>implying I'm not just projecting my own fantasies onto anyone who posts while claiming to be a moist hole
ur fag lol
This is such a shitty fantasy lmao kys
>politically active
This should be a major red flag to anyone with more than half a dozen brain cells.
Literally, no u.
>caring about a girl's politics
i could not think of anything gayer