Check out this qt patrician perfect woman shes not into generic bands or anime i love her so fucking much shes the...

check out this qt patrician perfect woman shes not into generic bands or anime i love her so fucking much shes the woman of my dreams for real
while you scum keep licking these blank att whores who look the same and have zero personality, yall missing out on true 3d waifus

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can you reveal this maiden identity?

they look like every other generic girl that does this style.

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She's not as pretty as Kelly to be honest.

She's probably ogre-looking behind all of that makeup

kelly uses a lot of photoshop so whats the big deal

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Orbiting women is so 2018, talk about lame. You should start orbiting handsome Chads like my friend Jerry. Look how smug this guy looks! God, what I wouldn't do to be that smug.

Attached: JERRY!.jpg (766x765, 106K)

shoegazer girl wtf i think im in love

another brazilian generic girl

Do you have any proof of that?-

I just want to love and protect her

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you silly user just have to see her lives on instagram

I would but I don't have instagram

dont worry, i will help you

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>att whores who look the same

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That could be just a bad angle user...

idk, still a 6/10 (maybe 7/10 depending on your standards) in that photo

jesus these girls are generic. do any of these girls have an ounce of orginality in their bones?

I talked to her on instagram once and she is the sweetest and funnier girl i ever met and she also had a great taste in music, thats true.

She was nice to me when i talked to her too, maybe our destiny is worship generic girls.

she likes twin peaks

lol we're mutuals on instagram, she's super cute sweet and smart, she's studying IT and working as a web developer

i appreciate this more than you ever will know user thank you

thanks we needed a new girl kelly is too overrated

i hope she doenst have a bf im praying

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>orbiting "qt" "patrician" "perfect" "women"
Also WHO is this?

What difference does it makes? stupid faggot you think you will marry her?

>that basic bitch face
My God

She looks like Zero Two

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