Why don't you guys start dressing better and paying more attention to fashion? you're not ugly, you just have no style...

why don't you guys start dressing better and paying more attention to fashion? you're not ugly, you just have no style,dress like a clueless child, and when you go to the hairstylist you don't know what to tell them. women pay attention to that shit because they care about it.

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girls dont care about what you wear.

lol ummmm yeah they do. the role that fashion plays in your attractiveness is huge. an average guy wearing cool and stylish clothes instantly becomes a sexy guy

You are making a severe error

I don't have money for a fucking stylist, user! Who do you think I am?

>women pay attention to that shit because they care about it.
Its more like it shows you have respect for yourself, and that you are a viable partner who is not only socially aware but that you care about yourself.

i dress like shit and still talk to women with no problem. The majority of women dont give a fuck.

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This.I wear camo shorts and leather vests and fuck 20 supermodels a day it's true because I said so

then you probably look bad lol

they notice. you're just lucky that most other men also dress like shit so it's an easy point to settle on

This. I'm somewhat into fashion, its a big interest of mine. I dress pretty basic but know stuff. Its nice to have a subject to talk about with women. They know Im stylish but lazy and so they respect me as a mutual. Knowledge is crucial.

being stylishly and appropriately dressed will pretty much always benefit you and never be detrimental, it's a no brainer

Caring about fashion is a great way to let everybody know you're gay.

this. niggas think they need dress shoes and some slacks to fuck some thot off the streets

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>when you go to the hairstylist you don't know what to tell them
I'm getting a haircut today. What do I say

not really. of course its common between gay guys to pay attention to fashion because they also are the ones who care a bit more. your aesthetic really easily tells if youre 'a stylish gay' or just a stylish guy. its not stylish=gay anymore

fashion isnt only dress shoes. this really shows how little you actually know. welp, its your loss if you dont care.

exactly nowhere in this thread does it say "dress like a banker"

its easier to just find a picture of a haircut you like if you dont know how to explain what you want. the main thing the person needs to know is how short you want it

if I could arsed to pay attention to fashion then I would have fixed the 10 things else I need working on too first and would no longer qualify as a robot. no straight robots care about fashion. fashion for guys is like sports for women

Caring for fashion is a thing for women and homosexuals.

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Unironically this. It is bomber tier advice but it works.

Basic hygiene, basic fashion and a good haircut contribute a significant amount to what someone thinks of you. Why do you think so many people consider going bald a bad thing?

being too insecure about looking gay to wear good looking clothes isnt attractive to women just fyi


my most comolimented outfit ever was:
white tee
carhartt wip navy bomber
carhartt wip grey cargos
navy new balances
eastpack bag

Every girl I have talked to wearing that fit said it was really good. Not even near a banker or dress shoes lmao.

this isnt fashion

Oh yeah? What's the difference? Gay guys have already appropriated the most "stylish" items: turtlenecks, skinny jeans, etc. The options left for straight guys are just straight up boring and leave you dressed like an r/MFA drone which, unless you were literally wearing fedoras before, isnt gonna flatter you at all.

I'm growing my hair long, but honestly it looks terrible. I'm not sure why I persist, figure its kinna like 'lipstick on a pig' no matter what I do. Its not long enough to put in a pony tail yet, figure it'll give bubba something to pull on when hes raping my ass in prison.

yes yes goy you need to spend all that money on fashion to flex for the ladies, you're not a consumerist slave at all and chad definitely doesn't fuck in a $10 tee and jeans

Turtkenecks and skinny jeans gay? Those are just menswear staples man. No one has ever thought I am gay even tho I wear skinny jeans, turtlenecks, knitwear and suit trousers. Everyone just thinks I dress well. Its not just clothes that make you seem gay.

People absolutely think you're gay when you drss like that. Maybe not an attractive enough gay to get hit on, but a gay nonetheless.

Fashion can be cheap and chad usually dresses okay. Chad just doesnt need to put in that much effort but it doesnt mean you shouldnt.

attractive guys wear a t shirt and jeans and still fuck your oneitis in the ass within 10 minutes of meeting her even though she has a boyfriend. clothes wont hide your poor genetics.

or you can just shop on ebay, vintage stores, & consignment/thrift stores, like most people who are into fashion do... but go off i guess...

Nah not really. I guess it depends on where you live. Northern Europe isnt so eager to call everyone gay judging by clothes



I look for clothes that look decent and have a good fit, that's all I care about

most guys I meet into "fashion" namedrop brands and brag about the brandname clothes they bought. at this point you're just a consumer slave

if youre dressing to attract women and people think youre gay idk what to tell you. skinny jeans and turtle necks are not "gay" theyre just not Extraordinarily Basic

Yeah its enough. I just personally like to soend money on clothes i like. Not really showing off but for fun. No one needs to know about my rick cargos or my raf simons backpack excrot for me and the ones who recognize them

lol, bullshit. the last sentence shows you're exactly the type of consumer slave I'm talking about. your ego is tied to the expensive clothes you wear, your fashion "hobby" is about being a victim of marketing and thinking you're in a special club because you own APC jeans.

you don't really seem to know what youre talking about

buying brandname clothes is not a real hobby nor is it an artistic expression of yourself.
how about you take up an actual artistic hobby instead of being a consumer slave?

I know what youre talking about. I dont really feel like im actually like that irl, just autistic online. I used to brag about stuff a lot more and be a bit of a hypebeast but I think im pretty much past that. The cirklejerk in fashion is real about really expensive brands tho

I am pretty artistic in other ways also. I happen to be an architect and I write poems too. Clothes are just a part of expressing myself in my opinion

Quads of truth, you cant deny it

>Clothes are just a part of expressing myself in my opinion
nearly everyone I have met who claims to be into fashion just follow trends and brandnames, which isn't expressing anything besides what a marketing slave you are. unless you're a fashion designer you're not expressing shit.

i have many artistic hobbies. dressing well for everyday isnt an artistic hobby, or even a hobby really, its just part of presenting yourself well. and there is a lot more that goes into it than simply purchasing brand items lol. sorry youre so offended by the notion that looking good could be part of attracting a partner

It's not hard

>Get black/white/grey color tone shirts, super cheap, grey flannel button-up goes for like $6 at costco
>Wear black jeans (also super cheap)
>Get decent dark grey/black shoes (can get boat shoes/sneaker ripoffs for like $15)
>Wear a minimalistic belt

Women love that shit, cheap and effective. Replace your wardrobe, remove graphic tees and replace with solid color or semi-solid color shortsleeves. Replace long socks with ankle socks.

Bonus points: grow your hair out. Once it gets past shoulder length it really doesn't matter what it looks like because you can tie it. Never get a haircut again and most women wet their pants.

I went from being a khv to being regularly sexually active by simply doing that and changing nothing about my behavior.

Also, when you wear button-up shirts, tuck that shit in and unbutton the top two buttons, it's not hard

I'm curious as to what the people in this thread envision as fashionable.
What would someone who is objectively fashionable look like?

yeah. its really hard for me to get why everyone is so mad about dressing well. if someone happens to care and enjoy dressing well why get so mad over it.

people donate a lot of nice clothes to thrift stores that you can then buy extremely cheaply. you can get "good brands" and rare or vintage things for less than $10, a lot of times even less than $5. you just have to know what to buy and what not to

This is an impossible question. 'Fashionable' really depends on many things and its different than stylish. Style lasts, fashion is temporary. But someone who dresses well for their body, cares about color coordination, pays attention to the overall aesthetic so the pieces wont clash together and has good hygiene would be considered stylish in my eyes.

i tried improving my fashion sense and its better than before but im still an ugly outof shape sperg that can't be out in public without making a fool of himself but at least im drapped in semi expensive clothes haha

Because I have no idea where to even start

i wouldnt say there is such a thing as "objectively fashionable", people who i consider fashionable are people who have a unique point of view theyre expressing, they look confident, and their clothes are clean and fit/flatter their body well. within those criteria it can be pretty broad. i think its very personal

Can you provide an example of someone? Maybe these folks just need to be shown how its done

fashion is the epitome of normie garbage.

spend your money and time conforming to social trends that have no functional value. fucking normalfags and their obsession with superficiality

yawn. i get that this place is "about" saying shit like this but honestly im autistic as fuck and like, even from MY point of view this is tiresome. its not that hard to put in a little bit of effort even if you dont really care. being part of society has uhh.some merits to it sometimes