Tfw a character you really related to is commonly described as 'fucked up' or 'mentally ill'

>tfw a character you really related to is commonly described as 'fucked up' or 'mentally ill'

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Lain is a goddess though.

You know user, you really remind me of Sheldon! You know, from the Big Bang Theory.

Elliot Alderson from Mr. Robot

Who else when they walk thinks of themselves, in a third person type of way as appearing like Lain?

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Haha wowie u are a crazy guy!!!!! Haha crazy

I was honestly surprised at how much i related to Travis in the film, still feels weird when people call the film a "look into the mind of a serial killer" or some other stuff

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>tfw incapable of relating to any characters in any media
>fictional characters have more substance than you ever will

>tfw people call you fucked up and mentally ill when growing up >get schizophrenia diagnosis as adult

>tfw everyone loves the character you hate

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Don't be ashamed. If you ever knew me intimately you would say I'm a fucking madman, and you wouldn't be wrong in the slightest. Yeah being different or having a few screws loose is a shitty curse but it's a pretty neat blessing as well. You experience things in ways other people can't imagine, you're not as easily influenced by the same things the normies are. In a way you are isolated yet free. Take pride in that spark of anomaly that lies within you.

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Nobody knows me

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Look at the bright side, at least people don't compare you with characters from ecchi anime or hentai.

Fucking Muriel from Muriel's wedding. Except for the happy arc.

If there ever was a fembot I'd say it was her in the first half.

Lain isn't fucked up though. She's just on a level that others have a difficult time ascending to, that's all.

I really hate lain

>Unironically relating to fucking Sasuke

Fucking Disgusting

I'm Batman and it hurts.

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Same here, with the weird thinsg on the ground and all

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Don't worry, there is plenty of autists, you're not alone user

>tfw you relate to the character because they're fucked up

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Someone give this man some digits

tfw you relate more to this character than anyone you know

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