Why do people pretend to like their jobs when managers are not present? Is it delusion or are they just lying? If you take the money factor out, those people would change their tune really quick so how could they say they like their job? If you genuinely like your job, it is not a job anymore, it becomes a hobby that you get paid for. It stops being a job at this point
Liking your job is impossible
Here's the one way to enjoy your job: make fun of everyone. Don't vocalize it, think it. Make it a competition to see what you can nitpick about anyone you see.
it does depend a bit on the job. I'm a doctor and feel exactly like you (counting the days until the day I retire) but somehow some colleagues apparently love their job and sound quite convincing when saying they would keep doing it even if they won the lottery etc....
I suppose it doesn't apply if you are talking about a job at mcdonalds or something
My job is literally American truck simulator with mods and desu I love that I can work whenever I feel like it
Out of necessity. I work retail and have to be bubbly in order to be doing job well.
Im a calm soft spoken nihilist so yeah Im jacked on caffeine until my shift is over so I can just go on autopilot. Cant wait to finish my fucking degree and be done with the shite jobs
They lost themselves, they forgot why they are there.
It's a big bad fucking game. You go and do shit and the only victory you get is a paycheck. People lose sight of that, and think all the inane bs that goes on matters. They get to comfortable and want more.
Never lose sight of why you are there and what the conditions for victory are.
If you are paid for doing your hobby it is still a job. You dont have to hate what are you doing for a living to call it "a job". If you hate your job it will one day make you snap and steal a plane to do barrel roll
I used to like my job before I had my depression/anxiety meltdown and quit. I was a graphic designer creating advertisements and shit for other businesses. I'm also a traditional artist so getting to be creative all day made the days fly by. Plus my manager was cool as hell.
My job is literally sitting around and drinking coffee in a hotel at night. I Do not do much, and if I do have work to do its just standing around folding some extra towels in the back watching netflix, listening to music, or shitposting. I get paid $13.75/hr in an area where things are very cheap. My check was 880.00net this period and my rent is only 400. I would say I like it, there isn't all that much that is difficult, even if I have to cover a busy 2nd shift checking in people.
I'm with you op, work is prison. Only boring people love working.
Rule is your pay should be three times larger than your rent.
medfag here, I also don't understand how my colleagues ''enjoy'' helping patients. I mean patients are just random people, why should you go out of your way, get sleepless nights, study huge amounts of material and work 80hrs just to help some random normie. I don't understand it
I am with you user. People do not enjoy running reports, carrying out deliveries, paying invoices, being on patrol. What they enjoy is getting their pay check. Is enduring a boring, life sucking job worth it for a bit of paper? I would rather work part time in a job I do not mind waking up for, rather than one I delude myself into liking
I work as a teacher aide and factually like my job. I get to spend each day helping a slower kid learn something useful and get to help them avoid ending up here.
I should mention that in my country, you're allowed to do pretty diff stuff in high school at 16. So if you're going to go into construction or etc, you get "real life maths" and construction classes. So even 80 IQ brothers can manage to be successful as long as I help them get their certification in auto, manual arts, carpentry, cabinet making, business IT, photo editing software, etc etc.
My boss is super nice and appreciates me. There's really just nothing wrong.
people find meaning and fulfilment in their jobs, so in that sense they like it. The tasks themselves doesn't necessarily need to be fun, but the feeling that you're contributing to something gives a sense of purpose.
>Inb4 "no one enjoys working for mr shekeleberg"
Some jobs are certainly more fulfilling than others
Exactly! Not many people can honestly say they like their job. Most people lie
>some jobs are certainly more fulfilling than others
I suppose some can be somewhat fulfilling. Like the op said though, most peoples enjoyment comes from the paycheck.
I like my job. Not because "muh salary", "muh duty before society", or "muh career". Its just better for me then wasting time on vidya or internets, thinking about pointless of existence and relying on parents in case you need some dumb shit.
Fucking phone
If it's the lesser of 2 evils then you don't like it really.
You may say so, but your personal outlook does not change the direct fact. There are indeed things I'd like to be changed, but pros overweight the cons in this particular moment.
I have a part time job teaching kids to swim and I like it.
Kids are fun to be around and I love showing off my abilities so they think I'm cool, I feel like it's my responsibility to be their role model.
>make an argument with circular logic
>'see guys it's true!'
KYS retard
a job is just something you're paid to do. You can get paid for almost anything if you market yourself properly. I'm sure theres a lot of people that hate their jobs or aren't passionate about them, and I'd say they aren't being utilized properly by society and should be in a different field or position. If you're motivated by money its because there are other things in your life unrelated to work making you unhappy.
Because you're saving people's lives?
Imagine all the children out there that are suffering.
There is a lot of suffering in the world and if you can help decrease that doesn't it bring you a little satisfaction?
I have a mother with so many health problems and mental problems as well.
When she cries it breaks my heart because I see a fragile broken person who needs to be shown love and compassion.
Doctors are given that opportunity every day.
You niggers hypothetically taking money out of the equation have obviously never had to depend on only yourself for survival.
Fact is most of us are stuck having to hold a job to get by, and if we don't want to kill ourselves we have to MAKE ourselves like the job. And the only way to do that is by actually caring about the other people - customers or coworkers or both - that are around you
I legitimately like my job, but that's probably because my parents told me my whole life I'd had to have a super stressful 40 hours a week lawyer-esque job where I lick boots and try to fight exhaustion all day long. I told them to suck it, and now I'm actually doing something I want to do; relaxing menial busywork for a small company, working 16 hours a week. I'd probably hate my job if I had to work full-time because that shit is just life consuming.
I know that. I'm an engineer working in an office and the work is a mix of boredom and stressful rushing. The people are boring and I don't really have anything in common with them.
It's not hard in any sense but it's just so stupid. The biggest complain from me though is the length of the working day. 8 hours is just too long in my opinion.
They are doing it wrong, that's why.
They need to see the importance in their work.
They need to look at their job through the lenses of history.
No break through in science or medicine happens to people who can't hustle while they wait.
Take closer looks at the things around you and learn something new from them.
The only reason you're bored of your job is because you've done it before.
You need to keep learning, the brain is always hungry for new stimulus.
I like the guys at my workplace. When it slows down we shoot the shit about anime, vidya, porn, memes, whatever.
Because I like my job, my location, my pay, my career path, my coworkers and my company.
In no particular order.
And I like my manager, and his manager too.
I work with men.
I am eternally grateful that there are no women with me.
I interact with them but I don't have to work with them
he probably gets paid twice a week so he probably makes around 1760 a month which is a little more than 4 times his rent
Lucky. Women really ruin the workplace
People don't feel good about mindlessly indulging in hedonistic pleasure. The average userbase on Jow Forums is evidence enough - spend all day jacking off, playing video games and doing drugs - yet unhappy with life and suicidal.
So meaning and fulfilment is more elusive than just pleasure. People get that from jobs. You actually do feel good after a productive day of work, granted that the work isn't totally soul crushing or evil.
Umm, this girl is 15, please delete this. I know this because I stalk her on instagram for research purposes.
Those moments are exceptional instants that make it bearable. But 95% of the time is a boring grind wearing you down mentally and physically
holy shit i know, i worked in a church and they were all so into it.
Too late, insta-saved
Yeah well those milkies are at least 21.
yeahhh buddy.
Em has so much to teach us
True, true. I learned so much from her, very inspirational young lady.
Cute braid. She has such nice hair
This is what I did. Got the degree, got the job realized I hated it, quit. Waiting to start another m-f 9-5 job where the tasks are a little more interesting but it will probably be the same. Idk what to do I hate living like this but its all I know
I think people's worlds get smaller and smaller as they work more and they start to "love" their jobs because they don't know anything else.