Posts greentext on my degeneracy, hoping to get the help from fellow robots

>posts greentext on my degeneracy, hoping to get the help from fellow robots
>normie reddit user finds it
Haha non-epic Jow Forums loser XD
>posts to r/greentext

Whats the point of posting greentexts anymore if it will only be laughed at by chads on reddit?

Attached: 70B62AC6-6D5A-4BC2-9AC6-9FE218FF6D1A.jpg (400x400, 37K)

reddit chads

Attached: F364DB6B-2690-4F77-8322-CF3816326B83.jpg (1280x960, 164K)

>want to post robot story
>don't want karma fags to repost it
>don't post robot story
Why am I like this?

Better then ending up on Jow Forums4chan because someone thought you were joking.
Why do they do this?
Why do they have their mouth open like this?

We should find a way to troll reddit fags at r/greentext

This place is ruined. They post our shit everywhere. Reddit, tumblr, funnyjunk, facebook and fucking ifunny. In fact, I bet you that RIGHT NOW there is some faggot lurking around to screenshot le funny greentext for his shitty meme page. Why don't you screencap this: make your own shit you lazy cow

Oh fuck, you're telling me my self-pity greentexts that got lots of (you)s have been shared around normalfag spaces?
This is what it feels like to get raped

I agree, but I have no idea how because Im retarded.

Yup, there are entire subreddits dedicated to raping unsuspecting robots/Jow Forums fags

There are hundreds of these with hundreds of thousands of views.

Honestly this explains everything

Attached: i wish to die.png (510x593, 245K)

Yup. I'm positive you could find several of your own posts if you looked hard enough. at least there are other places that haven't been subverted by the eternal normgroid yet.
God, this hurts to look at. We should've never started archiving our threads instead of deleting them

they are the same people who also post dumbass videos where they look at the top posts of all time of a given subr*ddit. they literally just sort by top with some lazy commentary and it gets millions of views. This shit is all over youtube, It's on the same level as reaction channels.

The person who experiences a thing even arguably worthy of greentexting has a much more fulfulling life than the subhumans browsing r/greentext

>sorrow tv
god i fucking hate that channel and the nigger behind it, absolute shitstain

Guys, its even on fucking instagram, are you kidding me

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maybe you can start injecting a blatant conservative message in all of your greentexts, kinda how pepe stopped being used by redditors because of the association with the (((alt-right)))
or just something thats deemed social suicide on plebbit, like holding conservative viewpoints

Good short stories are always en vogue, I can see why the normans love them so much.

damn just a second off

Good idea, user. Any idea on specifics? I dont really have any, because Im unoriginal but hopefully others will be able to help stop the reddit invasion.

all normal fag sites ban racism now, if we post racism throughout our posts then they at least have to censor it and youtubers can't copy paste entire posts into a text to speech

>be me
>fucking niggers
>trying to take back Jow Forums
>deport spics
>normies get out
>hitler was right
You've driven us here and you've taken that from us too

That's a really good idea. I hope this works.

>waaah something I posted on the internet has found its way onto the internet


That's dumb. All that's going to do is flood the board with low quality bullshit, it's not like other greentexts stop getting made because of that
The only solution is to not care

>be me
>don't want to end up on r/greentext
>kill niggers
>user gets idea.exe
>add random racists shit to avoid r/greentext like we avoid original robot
>chinks have small dicks
>hope this takes off
>hitler is better than bernie

Fucking hell it's like a plague

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Cause you don't want reddit to read it


I knew it would happen. I knew there was going to be some reddit retard dragging his fat ass across this site to aim for reddit gold.

Nice try faggot, fuck off back to r*ddit