Sjw's are finally coming for anime Jow Forums. What are you going to do about it?

Sjw's are finally coming for anime Jow Forums. What are you going to do about it?

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SJWs should kill themselves

They influence everything they touch, are you really gonna get upset about them?

I'm going to watch it for science. Just what will come of a 100% female writing team?

>Made by Ameri-Mutts

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Does this even count as anime? They don't look Japanese to me

>i let them take my vidya, because im too depressed to enjoy it
>i let them take my western media like tv shows and movies, because I quit watching that shit years ago
>so help me god if they ruin anime life is even less worth living.

anime is my cope, if they ruin anime and mess with my lolis I love.
so help me god I hope they fucking egt killed.
>this is too far, you tranny faggots are ruining EVRYTHING fuck off pls let me have anime

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looks like that shitty steven universe show.

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Based and europilled

so this is it, how anime comes to an end
first witch academia, now this shit
i want off this ride

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That's not anime.

Anime is, by definition, made by the Japanese, for the Japanese.

>Hire dyke as a writer
>100% female writers
Why do companies keep doing this?

desu a lot of the animation is done in Korea now, they've pandered in some ways to foreign audiences with Cowboy Bebop, and foreign audiences make up a significant amount of their income now, so idk if thats exactly true.

Not saying you're wrong by saying this isn't anime, but the lines on what is and isn't anime has become a bit blurred.

>disney cartoon
>destroys anime

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Its will never be a real anime. Its not amde in japan by the japanese. The japanese will not give a shit about this trash. If SJWs try to ruin anime (which they can't) it will be like gamergate on steroids

fuck boys!! we cant let them ruin this too!!!
we have to own them epic style or theyll destroy everything

I wouldn't be so confident, friend. Look at popular anime channels on youtube, millions of views and comments by normalniggers. Just the other day i saw some roastie in a MHA shirt pushing her half black kid around

>Funded by crunchyroll
>Basically anime netflix

>what is little witch academia

Wouldn't be surprised if this post was made by the marketing team

despite all that, japan literally gives zero shits about what westerners think since japanese are by and large the largest consumers of anime and related products