Let's end this debate for all: Which is the best for body builders? Nutritionally they are very similar.
Greek Yogurt vs Cottage Cheese
I prefer cottage cheese since it's kinda neutral in taste
Honestly, I like the taste of cottage cheese way better and it doesn't have the sugar all of the fruit on the bottom yogurts seem to have
The cottage cheese in my area is loaded with sodium. I don't know if it's generally the same with other brands.
>and it doesn't have the sugar all of the fruit on the bottom yogurts seem to have
Get 0% plain Greek Yogurt. One of the best foods ever. You can add whatever. Ground Flax seeds is great.
>per half cup
>other information is in grams
Why the fuck dont they just list the nutrition per 100g? Like a regular food label ffs
>consuming any dairy at all
Or put it in a brotein shake for dem good ass macros
But that tastes disgusting
This is the kind my college gets, 110 calories and 15g of protein. I throw em in my shakes
I’m dumb
>But that tastes disgusting
Tastes like sour cream.
Same here bro and I'm in Canada.
The only good brand are really expensive.
My go to is costco brand greek yogourt because of it.
>Same here bro and I'm in Canada.
Also Canadian. No Name Cottage cheese was loaded with sodium. I'll check the others next time I'm out.
>not mixing cottage cheese with yogurt for best of both worlds.
In all honesty I prefer the yogurt.
>Consuming millions of microscopic creatures to enslave them in my intestines and force them to assist in digestion, nutrient absorption and poop gains.
Big problem with cottage cheese is it tastes too damn good. I eat a whole thing in one go.
greek yogurt when cutting bc more satiating per calorie, cottage cheese when bulking
Western brand cottage cheese seem godtier but its damn expensive.
I eat both every day.
you know that flaxseed is estrogenic right?
>not being white