>Tu quoque.
Misuse of a term.
>Burden of proof would be on you. You're also asking for definitions for terms and words without actually specifying them.
> Cultural imperialismcomprises theculturalaspects ofimperialism. Imperialism here refers to the creation and maintenance of unequal relationships betweencivilizations, favoring the more powerful civilization. Thus, cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually that of a politically powerfulnation, over a less powerful society; in other words, thecultural hegemonyofindustrializedoreconomically influential countrieswhich determine general cultural values and standardize civilizations throughout the world.
>racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Your turn.
>That's only a justification for enforcing your own views and opinions on other cultures who don't share them, and blatant racism.
You're saying alot of unsubstantiated bullshit while im talking about real things. Learn the things you argue or fuck off.
>Ad hominem.
Again, misuse of a term. I attack the way you argue, not your character, in that sentence.
An actual attack I did was in the following sentence, which is based on a fact YOU established in how your ranting began.
And here is where you fall: you assume im white.
You, my friend, are the real racist. Im not white, I am an advocator for human right and decency. You assumed I am because you associate whites with ignorance, imperialism, and "over friendliness" or whatever.
I called 'you people' ans you assumed rsce when I am just talking about frigidity. You could be a slav, an arab, a white, an asian, and this still applies.
Congrats racist, you played yourself.
Culture and race have links but are not the same. Disliking culture =/= disliking race. Google Racism. First result == not culture.