What is the age where being a virgin becomes weird? If a film like pic related exists it must be pretty low
What is the age where being a virgin becomes weird? If a film like pic related exists it must be pretty low
First year of college is the absolute latest where you could still be considered normal. If you can't get laid there, you're doomed barring a miracle.
So basically 18. Maybe 19
Depending on the country. Germany for example has 600.000 more males than females between 14-35, so there are dozens of virgin males over the age of 18.
What about UK?
>That pic
Hollywood must burn sooner rather than later.
Dude, at the end of the day no normal person really gives a shit if you're a virgin or not. If it happens, it happens. It shouldn't be something that you're worrying about.
>13-16 Chad
>16-18 normalfag
>18-25 cyborg
>+25 robot (bonus stage at 30)
I have spoken to normies. If you go longer than a few months without sex while trying, they see it as weird. If you are volcel, you can go without it forever and they'll see it as "perfectly normal" or "just having a preference". They think it's romantic that I'm "waiting for the one".
>sex at 13
How did we get here?
God forgive us we should of killed the Jews when we had a chance
Being a virgin at 18 is completely normal. once you get to 21 then its a little weird. Maybe i'm just being generous but you really shouldn't worry too much about these things user.
>normals dont really care
>don't worry
i never started to worry until i started "hanging out" with normal people in college where literally everybody judges you for never having had sex
i thought i was normal
>should of
man just kys
simple answer: either stop """hanging out"""" with normals or just tell them it doesn't bother you.
That's the age I lost my virginity. Not a Chad though.
I wait for the when you're a chad when you fucked your own mom
Everyone I went to school lost it at the youngest 12 and the oldest 16
don't listen to them OP, males hit their peak sexual market value at 35 while women hit theirs at around 23, with status and confidence of a life well lived you can then wield the power that women brandish in earlier adulthood
I have only seen stacies losing their virginity to older guys at 13.
Never even heard of a guy who lost his virginity at age 13.
>Ultimate chad, you are set for life.
i didnt lose my virginity until i was 22. gf wanted to stay celibate till marriage but i corrupted her i guess :)
if you're from a traditional country like nepal then after marriage is the best. so basically 8-18
Her face reminds me of this wojak for some reason.
i can see the resemblance
I'm a 20 year old virgin but I want to stay that way. I'm very aroused by the fact I'm a virgin and no one wants to have sex with me. I want to live with a couple and jerk off while watching them have sex.
>35 year old virgin who settles with Chad leftovers
peak of sexual market boys
>tfw i'm the ONLY 25+ guy in the entire UK that's still a virgin
Jewish propaganda. Men are being fed the idea that more sexual partners = better, to the point where they will fuck every female they can, even the ugliest ones, if it means adding another tally to your scoreboard. I'm almost 21 and still a virgin. I want to lose my virginity to a virgin girl I love. I know I shouldn't care so much but I do. I value my virginity, and if I die alone then alone I shall die. I do not want to give in and have women get their cake and eat it too, that would be far too unfair.
The world today is run by women, and it is falling apart as such. Soon it shall descend into chaos. I don't know if I'll survive. I hope I do.
>The world today is run by women
If you deny that you are a fool. Trump is one man. Look at all the immigrants in Europe. Why are we letting them in? Because of the "compassionate" women who voted for the faggiest parties. Women are well intentioned but they're fucking stupid and shouldn't be responsible for deciding our collective futures. It's like letting a dog drive a sports car. Yes they look cute behind the wheel pretending they're people, but jesus christ don't actually give it full control of a sports car you fucking moron
Extremely based post
>tfw cyborg
>tfw normies want to purge me
>tfw robots also want to purge me
B-beep, b-boop, brothers....
by the time I was 14 all my female classmates had already had sex multiple times.
I'm 25 in a few months and I'll be there with you user.
nearly 26 and still a virgin. so you're not.
This can't be real
but it can be original
You realize that in the old days child marriage was a lot more common? Well at least no premarital sex.
Most girls start having sex at the age of 14 and have already did oral by the age of 12 in burger.
>dw when we're 35 we'll be able to fuck those ugly 30 year old chicks that have sucked miles of cock
It's true user, people in my school lost their virginity at 12
Wasn't the plot of this film that she was a virtuous woman her whole life and it's her degenerate friends that want to turn her into a whore?
>tfw too old to be a normie but enough young to be considered a weirdo around people
Is the life of a cyborg the most painful?