Involuntarily celibate

>involuntarily celibate
what is stopping you from paying an escort?

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>what is stopping you from paying an escort?
My dignity

It's not about the act itself, it's about getting the validation that another human is willing to be intimate with you without seeking monetary gain. It means you're actually worthy of being loved/wanted. To compare it to prostitution is pointless.
Which leading to surprising amount of mental gymnastic.

The sex is actually not that important

semantics, this is a class struggle.

I don't care that I don't know what it feels like to put my dick in someone. It's the fact that nobody will let me. Paying for it doesn't count. They have to actually want it.


putting pussy that high on a pedastal

That's not what putting pussy on a pedestal means fucking retard


"Celibate" means unmarried, not unfucked.

Your the retard you give her money she accepts thats validation.

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Was there an idea that you wanted to convey?

I have. I always do it when drunk and lonely and always feel shitty the next morning from my feelings.

I still buy prostitutes. i just can't get a relationship

I dont know where to get one, im in NZ btw, in a backwater town

Means both
But in the way it's used, it means voluntarily going without pussy.
The involuntary part is what is added as both an insult and an admission.

The woman who thought that word up when describing herself is kind of a loser.

Saying anyone can get laid by getting a hooker is like saying anyone can dunk if they lower the basket.

It's cheating. It doesn't fucking count.

What's next faggots? I'm saving myself for my soulmate?

Nobody gets a hooker to tell their friends they get laid. They do it to get their dicks wet.

It still doesn't fucking count.

It's like beating a game with cheat codes, if you brag about it you're a fucking loser.

what game is it you are playing in your mind user?

Civilization... oh wait, that's already a thing.

I could pay for a an escort and heave sex but at the and I will still be a NEET friendless loser who is hated by girls and people in general.

What faggot does things to just impress other people? Do you jerk off so the neighbours know you nutted this morning? No, you do it because you can't afford a prostitute.

So nothings changed but I get to have sex. Hmmm. Why is this such a difficult decision.

You get to learn how to fuck and not be a sperg around girls which translates into confidence.

You need sex constantly which is extremely expensive.

I want to lose my virginity with someone i love

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The law, dumbass. I would get arrested. I would have a criminal record. I would lose my job. My family would disown me. Since I still live with my parents, I would become homeless. It's not worth literally ruining my entire life over.

killing them mafias in the train with big smoke..

After you're done with an escort you feel guilty and bad that you had to pay for something as basic as sex - someone might give you free food, clothes (friend), free shelter (government/friend) but you'll never get sex for free. You have to pay for something so natural

Enjoy dieing a Virgin

The fact that I live with my parents

It's illegal in my country and virtually non-existent in my local area.
I don't really mind that it's illegal, I am sure you won't get caught in 99.99% of cases if you are smart about it, but combined with the fact that I would literally have to travel 4 hours to the nearest metropolitan area just seems like too much hassle for some illegal and expensive pussy.
I want to do sex traveling, though. In fact, it's one of the reasons why I continue living. It gives me some hope for the future.

it doesn't matter if you pay or not
there is a way to get laid but smelly neckbeards have their standarts so high then wonder why they are still virgins and lonely

or they think they are lonely because they are ugly or fat
you can just walk up to a hooker and offer her some money and she will do everything rest but robots dont have the courage to even do that much
your fear has been holding you back with other girls as well its nobody elses fault

>I have no friends
>Just pay people to pretend to be your friend, no difference brah

>I want to be a succesful musician
>Just pay people to pretend to like every note you're playing, no difgerence brah

>I want to climb a mountain
>Just pay a helicopter crew to fly you there and then pretend that you climbed it up yourself, no difference brah

>I want to be good at chess
>Just pay chess players to deliberately lose against you, no difference brah

Do you see the problem here?

i want to love and feel loved. or at least desired.