Show us your green men
Lifting for 18 months, on 5/3/1 the last 3 months
>tfw advanced gloots for sloots but only proficient chestlet
Show us your green men
Lifting for 18 months, on 5/3/1 the last 3 months
>tfw advanced gloots for sloots but only proficient chestlet
Stop doing starting strength, do more benching and rows
I don't squat or deadlift and run instead
I hit advanced/exceptional on most of my lifts after 6.5 years.
Im just going with the flow no diet no routine.
Really rare i see someone lift more than me.
You should post current body pic along with symmetric strength stats.
That would make thread much better.
never did SS have just always had stronger lower body than upper and that translated immediately into squats and diddlies
What about height/weight/numbers? That's valuable info.
27yo boomer
Just started seriously lifting and trying to get my diet together. Gonna start stacking soon and trying to get to where I am lifting at least my body weight on the big 3.
enjoy the noob gains, best part of starting to lift, try not to get demotivated once that slows down though
Only been lifting for a year. Bench 180 lbs, sumo deadlift 330 lbs, squat 285 lbs. (All raw, with use of chalk). Lats and bench are weak because I never did back until 3-4 months ago, bench i was doing it with wrong form, using front delts for around 6 months till someone corrected me. Broke my leg in february and my squat was at 265, after 2-3 months of no legs it was back at 225. Honestly kinda mad because my squat/deadlift have only increased by 20 lbs because a god damn injury.
what is this, a png for ants?
injuries happen man, I had a groin strain that stopped me squatting for 4 months, had elbow tendinitis that made most upper body exercises difficult for a few months
Over time you figure out what exercises your body reacts to the best and form and things, not a lot you can do about a broken leg though
>starting strength
>book clearly says use only for first 4 months of lifting
>body at advanced strength levels
What’s with all the retards who think starting strength is a routine to be used beyond the noob gains phase? It says STARTING right in the fucking name
it's the assumption that anyone with a stronger lower body than upper must be on SS regardless of strength levels, meme tier
2 months
seems unlikely that the average 35 year old @87kg with no training could 1rm squat 65kg, deadlift 75kg and do chin ups and pull ups
What App is this from?
3x5 master race
why do u hate on starting strength if you don't even upload a symmetric strength image? dyel
you could try reading the first post unitard
Symmetry score : -170
Very nice
Do I add the bar?
never add the bar
>Adding the bar
Yeah and don't forget to add your own weight for squats
5 more kg in bench for elite chest
dam nice, lifts?
ohp 130 kg(strict)
bench 150x8
dl 220x1
cant do squats
Stats are 177/90(5'9-5'10 and 200lbs, sorry im metric russian fag)
dam.. thats insane
1 month into SS
Mirin OHP holy shit
How far away to World class ?
fuark post body
over 15 kg more, I prefer to press the dumbbells while sitting, I do 50 kg 6-10 reps, ohp is hard to balance since my legs are dyel-mode
program do you run?
you're not bodybuilder roid "huge" for the numbers you post so assuming a more strength based program?
I don't lift weights so this is useless for me
Mainly I train for the size, but the most suitable program for me is the program of Dorian Yates / Mike Mentzer style, so the sets to failure with huge weights for me is normal and they grow strenght, especially since I was training like pure bencher-powerlifter for years and switch to size only 2-3 years ago.
Fuck i'm not used to having someone with better stats on this shit board
you put in the wrong numbers for chin ups, or you just explicitly are not doing chin ups/pullups.
Yes, of course
What your deadlifts?
5 CU weighted 60kg from dead hang.
I was only able to train them for a year because of snap city, but it's not e-stat.
>all these shitty unbalanced bodies
How jelly are you right now?
All intermediate color wise but getting very close to evolving into the green man
forgot to say, lifting for a year
5'7 71kg
What website is this?
>almost 3 plate ohp
>more than 3 plate for 8 reps
>5 plate 1 rep max deadlift
wtf? you got t rex arms and barely do deadlifts or whats going on here? and why dont you squat you fuck?
>max diddly is 5pl8
I'm just too lazy to train my legs, somewhere in two weeks I do 3-4 sets of leg-press and that's it.
Even when I'm doing DL - I can hold a straight grip of 220 kg, I do not need straps, but my ass and legs only pull 220, symmetry is -46
2 months lifting
symmetric strength
dear god why
just start squatting eventually you'll start enjoying it
holy fuck just train legs man, whats the point of training your upper body if you dont have matching legs? you're waste of oxygen
>not training tits
never going to make it
fuck you
Why do I need big legs? For what?
I only watch so that the circumference of the leg minus the arm circumference is more than 20 cm that it,
because you look like shit and people are laughing at you
because it makes you look proportionally ridiculous and a joke
legs are essential for looking strong
I live in Russia, even in summer there are only 2 months when I can wear shorts
Guys, jokes aside, I basically understand and think about it myself, I think to bring my legs to the orange at least until winter
>148lbs 5'9"
>305 bench, trying to hit 3pl8
>305x3 squat, biggest weak point
>400 deadlift
>145x5 ohp
>72.5x10 weighted chin-ups, never tries to hit a max on this lift lol
2 years lifting
This is exactly how I feel in my body and it's weird
Been at it for 6 months, Bench is still ass (170)
>305 bench
>145×5 OHP
Yeah naw try again
Apparently I traded legs for chest
148lbs? @ 5'9
are you like 5% bodyfat?