Since high school I've lived with my parents. I just do whatever I want, watch anime, play video games, or funpost for hours. Dad died and mom has cancer, so I will get the house and my mom said about $50 thousand. I don't know what to do though because it won't last forever. I don't think I can get a job because I'm kind of weird, not retarded or anything like that. I'm also lazy and I don't want to have a boss. What do I do?
I am 37 and have never had a job
Im 30 and in the exact same position but both parents still. Thinking of suicide honestly..
Just get a part time job with no contact like stacking shelves. With a paid off house you can easily live on $1K a month
It honestly depends on what the house is worth. If it's over about 500k, you're better off to sell it and move someplace cheaper. But if you are already in a cheaper area, you'll need to stay put and get a job asap
If you're too stupid to survive off of $50 thousand plus the house and everything else, you should just kill yourself and give me the money instead.
here's my paypal for when the day comes
[email protected]
Use the money to go to trade school you lazy cunt
How have you not done anything for 20 years
sell the house and all-in in crypto
>How have you not done anything for 20 years
>I just do whatever I want, watch anime, play video games, or funpost for hours
Dont worry its coming just keep grinding those days out
>tfw I'm in the pic
Though pathetic and depressed bars should be bigger and stupid bar smaller.
Use that money on crypto, at this point it's your only hope.
Has anybody ever really gotten rich off cryto? And I mean real tangible wealth not just numbers on a screen. Buying real estate etc with it.
Imagine being so retarded that even when girls give u an oppprtubity to get to know them, I still turn it down. Girl wrote down her number on a piece of paper for me. I later threw it in the garbage because I was scared. I did similar things when I was in high school. There is truly no hope for me because I am my own worst enemy
Posted in wrong thread lol, too many tabs
my dad was 37 a few years ago.
cant even imagine him 'funposting' or doing anything younger people do.
You technically can sell it off on crypto exchanges. So its possible. As long as there are people who want to pay cash for it.
how do people do this without killing themselves unironically? im only 20 and have a decent potential career and social life and i still feel like its all pointless in the end. how do you justify your own existence?
You must be 18+ to post here. GTFO.
What do you mean? You think it's awful to spend all day doing what you want?
You're probably not competetent to do this but if I were you I'd rent the house out, and use the passive income to live like a king somewhere in south america or eastern europe. 50k starting nest will also last a LONG time down there, in fact i'd invest around 25k of that to get 2 income streams going. You could literally live in a beach front condo in croatia for like $900 USD a month.
or depending on how big the house is you could rent out a room to someone, and use that money each month for food and gas. Sucks having to live with a random but it beats working. You're not gonna work because nobody, not even wal mart will hire a 37 year old with zero job history.
you are no better than a 10-IQ nonverbal hog farmer in buttfuck nowhere, kansas sticking pig dick in his ass all day because that's what he wants to do. you will never make a difference in anyone's life. you will never make someone smile or teach them something new or make them glad they've met you. you have no reason to be here.
That would involve learning another language and culture. Sounds like a lot of work.
>feels the need to justify it
what a retard lmao
That's normie speak, GTFO this board
And why do I need to make someone smile or teach them something new? I'm not a clown or a teacher. Why do I need anyone's approval to exist?
Sounds more like a roastie from crystal cafe to me. Females have seriously retarded thought patterns.
You only need to know a few phrases. Stop being useless and do somethign with your life.
>you have no reason to be here.
neither do you or anyone else.
It doesn't work that way, you fucking normalshit. People like me and OP are already socially retarded in our own native language, in our own country where we were born. Getting thrown into an environment where we don't even have a handle on the language or culture is a good way to get killed.
Stop being useless and learn how to act normal then. It's not hard. Even children can do it.
If you're a good person you have a moral obligation to do something about this before your mom dies. Her husband is dead, she has cancer, and her 37 year old son is a loser. Make her proud for once in her life before she loses that chance forever! At least get a shitty job.
Best of luck
>how do people do this without killing themselves unironically?
Being NEET for 16 years has been quite comfy. Doing something of greatness is for social and likable normal people. A job will just make outcasts miserable, there is only hedonistic enjoyment for them in life.
faggot cunt im 24 dumb fuck
>you will never make someone smile or teach them something new or make them glad they've met you
Where did this come from?
your dad was 13 when you were born? what kind of Chad is he?
wow you are quite stupid arent you?
And you're most likely a shitskin born to teen parents. Checkmate.
Read more carefully:
His dad was 13 a few years before he was born!
huh an actual dumb person. Havent seen many on Jow Forums desu. How did you manage to find this website?
sell house use money to trade stocks and live in a cheap rented apartment until you become a millionaire
You type like a kid. The cross referencing of posts confirms it. There is absolutely no doubting your an underage b& now. GTFO and don't reply to me ever again, kid.
Did I hit a nerve brainlet?
Have you gained any qualifications at all? If not I suggest you do so you can gain the skills to do something that's not too dull!
Try to start your own business (even if it makes you less than the minimum wage), preferably while your mother's still alive. Involve her in it, and that way if anyone asks you what you've been doing since school, you can tell them you've worked in the family business.
If your own business doesn't succeed, try going to an agency to get some temp work.
DO NOT put your age or DOB on your CV.
Remember the real objective is to get a gf. Getting a job is just an intermediate step to that.
If you think 50k is an amount that can sustain you for long enough to never need to work, you're the moron here.
Start your own business, don't listen to people telling you to get a job lol you are way past that stage, nobody will hire a 37 year manchild with no work experience
read guides and watch videos by others, getting into selling goods on ebay can make you a good income if you git gud
I never said he wouldn't have to work
The fuck are you doing? Can't you read? I said don't reply to me ever again.
Getting a job isn't gonna change any of that.
A business doing what exactly? Sell what on ebay? I never use it.
clothes, games, it can be anything
what happened to that guy after the whole ordeal? i can only find a video of some mean spirited blacks laughing at him, where's the actual documentary at?
I didn't know that this was a thing. Sounds interesting and doable. Can you go into some more detail please?
Selling shit on eBay is baby tier
Learn to code and make a simple app that appeals to brain dead normies and throw ads on it
>fucking neuroplasticity, how does it work?
But how do I know what normies would like? I haven't socialized in 20 years.
I'm not that guy, but 50k in a paid off house can last a good 5 years if op is frugal. Then op can sell the house, find a cheap studio to rent and live the remainder of his life.
You can answer that better than I can, as I don't know what you're good at or what you're interested in. But I suggest you talk it over with your mother.
Something that requires low amounts of effort to partake in but offers instant gratification and functionality that broadcasts their activity on the app to their friends
If you wanna do more than just ads your paid options should speed up the rate at which that gratification is received
Here's whats popular: Faggot ass music talking about sex and drugs, overpriced merch of any kind, and vaping
So, basically like Snapchat?
just live off the 50000 until it runs out and then kill yourself. Make sure to burn down the house as you suicide too so no normalfags can have it.