The absolute state of western women

the absolute state of western women

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> t. university rapist

i don't see what's wrong with raping literally the one person in the universe that deserves it

Wot, isn't wanting someone to fuck you considered consent and she was simply role-playing

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something very similar actually happened to me at one of my jobs when i was 25. girl was 19 and was 10+ out of 10. she did all of the usual shit. grabbed me. smiled me at me. rubbed my inner thigh. gave me little impromptu back and neck massages. told me how sexy i am and how much she hated her boyfriend.
i worked with this woman 10 hours a day, every day. it was constant.
finally one night she comes over and we get drunk, but instead of raping her (what im pretty sure she wanted me to do), being a sort of super-traditional Jow Forumsack, right-winger, conservative type, with morals and not giving a fuck about peoples bullshit, i ended up giving her this high-handed lecture about what an asshole she was. how it was horrible that she was doing this when she had a boyfriend. she should be ashamed. wtf is wrong with her.
we sobered up and i drove her home at 5 or 6 in the morning. never slept. worked the next day, 10 hours, on our feet. about a month goes by and our work relationship is hell. we never patch things up. it's tense and sometimes ends up in full-blown shouting matches in the middle of the store we worked in. somehow we manage to not get fired. none of it is my fault. literally none of it. all i'm guilty of is not wanting to put up with her bullshit and mindgames. then boom, she decides to up and quit and make a rape accusation against me. the only thing that saves me is that the store managers and the cops who do details at the store have all seen her shit over the last few months and essentially step up and say "nah, it was her. it was all her. she's the one who the problem".

lesson? women are tremendously fucked up and probably secretly desire to be raped. they're just as likely if not more likely to get mad about NOT getting raped as they are about actually getting raped.

This sounds like fake, like it was written by someone who gets off on this. Why would you go into such specific details like having your face pushed into a "grimy" wall as if you're writing prose.

>literally none of it
Wrong. You let her come over when she clearly wanted to fuck you. You should have kept your distance.

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>Husband tells you to try and get raped
>Woman agrees
I'm not sure if she's a good wife because she does what her husband tells her or a shit wife for committing adultery.

>Wrong. You let her come over when she clearly wanted to fuck you. You should have kept your distance.
what the fuck is wrong with that? lmfao. she was a coworker and we worked together constantly 10 hours a day, 60 hours a week. often in practically a 1 on 1 setting. this is someone who i knew very well. nothing odd about that at all, unless you're a basement dwelling neckbeard who doesn't know what the real world is like.

i think you're just pissy and bitter. prob no woman wants to hang out with you, so that's why you adopt such a rotten and mean attitude.

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Yup. I'm not even convinced the author is a woman. Probably a horny dude who fantasizes about this happening.

Nigga i aint reading all that

fake but not gay.

>don't fight it baby... let this happen
Author has never met the head of a department, ever.

>t. roastie

This reads like a rape fantasy story.

denial. not just a river in egypt.
hey im also curious exactly how wrong you think it would have been to sleep with her. i think not very wrong. i mean her bf was obviously a cuck. BTW, he was literally giving her a place to live for free and stuff. she was screwing this guy over hardcore. he must have enjoyed it on some level. he was a dopey, onions-type who read comic books all the time and stuff
thing is, i just felt bad for the kid. and i told her if you want to leave the kid then maybe something can happen, but i wasn't interested in being "the other man".
i think it was wrong from HER perspective, not wrong from my perspective to bone her. it was more of like a "im losing respect for this woman because of what shes doing to her boyfriend" kind of thing.

but truth be told, it really was a shame. i actually liked her a tremendous amount. if she wasn't a fucking psychobitch, i would have married her because we got along good other than that and she was really exceptionally good looking. i dunno. fucking shame. "romance" really isn't that romantic in the end. i hate that.

no, but its not wrong from my perspective. i didn't even know the guy. the wrong is on her. if you bone a woman who has a boyfriend, the onus is on her, not you. sorry, but those are 100% the rules. you should know that. nobody is "guilty" for sticking their dick in a hot woman that wants them to. you'd have to be nuts to think they are. the responsibility is on the woman to remain loyal to her BF.

>OP thinks degenerate fan fiction is reality

They're both profligates who deserve nothing less than holy fire.

Giving females power was a fucking mistake

They ruin themselves and others

Please tell me this isn't real.

Western women ?
What about the fucking husband here ? Double standard ?
KYS faggot, men are mainly responsible of the shitmess we face today

reads like bullshit


that bottom left panel hit me right in the feels

Ohhhh yes mutt they are, they let the women vte, they let the women work,they let the women take power on men



If the white kind doesn't begin to act manly, there is no way out.

>what the fuck is wrong with that? lmfao. she was a coworker and we worked together constantly 10 hours a day, 60 hours a week. often in practically a 1 on 1 setting

Getting drunk with a woman, alone, means you stepped over the line. WTF did you expect, you'd play some Go Fish and some Jenga and then she'd sleep on the couch?

also, checked
t. actual adult

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NO. The onus is on the men to maintain the social contract, which is why boning another man's woman would have gotten you killed through out almost all of history. Women cannot be trusted to do anything of value except birth and raise kids. That is the only thing they are good for. The values of culture and society lay upon our shoulders, as men, to uphold.

dude come on what are you some kind of feminist?
getting drunk with a woman alone means you "stepped over the line"?
come on dude, that is rotten.
besides, its her line to step over, not mine. i could have banged her 6 ways from sunday, its no fault of mine. no bad thing on my conscience. its her boyfriend, not mine. i didn't even know the guy.
i should prob get a medal for what i did, NOT banging her when she was IN MY BED WITH ME!
to tell the truth, in the moment, my only goal was to try to talk some sense into her. i was young and naive and i didn't realize that women are actually completely senseless yet.
>NO. The onus is on the men to maintain the social contract
lmfao dude this is some hardcore virginal shit.

if i ever get the opportunity to bang your girl though, i'll be sure to take it.
oh wait, you dont have a girl.
ok, well if i get the opportunity to bang your anime waifu i'll be sure to take it.

Is she retarded? How is this rape if she flirts with him beforehand and ask him to find a quiet place to fuck



>I realized i'm a true rape slut

What in the actual fuck. Wew, women are animals.

Women's rights were a mistake.

I was actually curious if this was some sort of i looked it up
unfortunately seems to check out
The amount of people in the comments actually suggesting she file a false rape report is mind boggling

www reppit com/r/Rapekink/comments/99gw45/i_rape_baited_a_coworker_and_it_worked_im_not/

one of the comments

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Can you link thread

I did in my previous post

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The absolute state of some weird guy writing weird rape fantasies online

i gotta say, this almost makes sense?

it's in the same vein of "to catch a predator" except someone actually gets fucked. p.s. i came thrice

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99% Percent probability its a fucking kike bitch.

The worst part about To Catch A Predator was they would always confront the guy too early. They should have had the decoy say "Crap my parents are home!!!" and make the guy hide under her bed or in a closet, and then the "parents" bring in 15 other adults for game night or something. It would have been top tier television watching the pedo try to escape.

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This is bullshit. Even if a woman is cocktease, it's not worth a 99% chance of a long prison sentence. Secondly, how did she see the blood running out of her ass if she was looking up at the ceiling?

And the husband was there might have literally murdered him anyway. Total fanfic.

Fake and gay.

you can feel it and see it when everythings done and done
i hope the """rapist""" find that thread and uses it as evidence in the likely case these two cucks take him to court

Why not go all the way and do Scare Tactics style performances to really fuck with the guy. Have the parents come home and drunkenly beat the kid to death while the pedo is hiding under the bed. Have the kid lock the pedo in a cage and pretend they're going to sacrifice him to Moloch. Have robbers show up and take the pedo and the kid hostage; then for a plot twist have the police show up a the house while the robbers mysteriously disappear, leaving an utterly bamboozled pedophile to try to explain why he's alone with a tween.

what if the marks themselves just beat the shit out of them?

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Wow you're stupid

>I'll bang ur girl
>muh dik
You're also a piece of shit

ITT: Jow Forums autists think rape fantasy fiction is real life

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Ah, reddit, truly the cornerstone of our civilization.

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>I've been married for about 10 years
>For nearly all of those 10 years... swinging
You're not married then. We need to make even voluntary adultery a crime.

You would be wrong in thinking that. I just know what boundaries are. You clearly knew she was after you so it was wrong to let her come over without at least being clear in advance.

I like how she doesn't even consider if her husband asked the guy to cuck him first. Seems like like the exact sort of degeneracy they'd engaged in.

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You’re an ignorant fool if you think getting drunk with a woman alone at your place wouldn’t lead to sex. She probably tells people she thinks you’re gay cause you didn’t bone her

This reads like a really poorly written literotica submission

Also this

Faggot mods move the thread knowing this is a sociopolitical issue. Fuck em

You're a dumbass and/or a roastie.

If you're a man with any kind of foresight and self respect, you wouldn't put yourself in a situation where a thirsty ass eloped dramawhore is at your house, at night, alone, and drunk. In fact, you'd just keep your distance and work relationship as professional as possible. Especially if you wanted to keep your job.

Men in the workplace are more wary to this shit than you'd like to believe, roastie. And yes, you're right about your coworkers avoiding your HR-prone ass like the plague. For good reason too.

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>when she wanted to be raped

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I can't find the source. 404'd?

I forgot to post the usual non-related pic.

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