How do I chemically castrate myself from sexual attraction, they are already low by themselves...

How do I chemically castrate myself from sexual attraction, they are already low by themselves, but I want to kill them for good. Bonus for emotions as well.

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Chemical castration will fuck you up even more.

Fap regularly to porn - your libido will decrease and you'll have a clearer mind. You won't think about fucking every girl you see them.

Just blackpill yourself. Then, disgust will be the base mode for everything you witness.

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I don't delude myself into thinking an attractive girl can hold a conversation or even an individualistic personality.
It's just that I wish my brain didn't waste computing resources on such a primitive urge.

Your testosterone is your friend, without it you'll make muscle growth a nightmare. Naturally our male sex drive is insatiable but it's a price to pay for our other masculine benefits.

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Why would you want to diminish the experiences of the unique one?

I want to become the purest form of conciousness, as clean of natural drives as biologically possible. An organic robot if you may.
I couldn't care less for manly or any gendered characteristics.

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Take bicalutamide or spironolactone, buy from
I take bica in moderate dose to reverse hairloss - no libido loss s ofar, but in high dose you will become reversibly castrated

If you are afraid of these you can take finasteride

Describe your experience?
How do they affect the way you think and feel?

Well I disagree, but it's up to you.

what a sperg, yea you should castrate yourself

Diagnosed schizoid, not far.

Not him, but I've also taken both of them in the past. Neither of them really effect sex drive, they demasculinize you tho.
Is a weak anti-androgen, don't expect much on it. It can have unpleasant side effects such as naseua, brain fog, and dizziness.
Generally side effect free, strong anti-androgen, you'll most likely grow tits.

Then none of these is useful for me, especially the brain fog part, can't accept that draw back.

Anyways, you're pretty much looking for feminizing hrt

How so? I thought hrt drugs increases your emotional sensitivity.

There's also cyproterone acetate, which will very quickly kill your sex drive. Or... You know... Estrogen.

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Hrt drugs chemically castrate you (at least while you take them), and it's more the lack of testosterone that causes you to express your emotions more. Think of the emotional sensitivity you had before puberty more so than that of a hysterical tranny (they have mental issues).

As a kid I was, emotinally, like a steady stone, nothing would not get interpreted im my mind before I would logically analyze it. Today I am less of a robot then I was.
As for your point on hormones and emotional sensitivity. As I see it, and I see the possibility of being wrong, both male and female hormones stimulate -different- emotions. I would assume that agressiveness/anger, for example, relate to male hormones while empathy or such relate to female hormones. Or these emotions and tendencies are at least amplified by each hormone accordingly.
As I logically predict, lack of hormones would make you cold, am I wrong?

Children lack sex hormones, are they cold?

Generally no, but I would credit that to premature instincs of a child and maybe other hormones I am unaware of.
Or maybe I am wrong and the key to coldness is the presence of hormones which seems to me unintuitive.

Coldness and emotional detachment imo aren't tired to hormones. Enuchs also experience anger, frustration, sadness, empathy. They just get to skip out on the animalistic qualities in which men express those emotions.

I can relate to that. Well, main androgenic molecules are testosterone and DHT, they act mostly through AR1 receptor, though there's small activity in nucleus and also T is transformed into estrogen by aromatase enzyme

If you want to block everything you can just block AR1 with strong dose of bicalutamide and block E2 receptor with something else, though E2 is optional

Good luck

For me 50mg daily dose does nothing, but I was already cold towards femoids.
The skin became worse, then it became better. I'm mostly after skin & hair improvement

I don't grow tits on bica, either I am weak responder or 500mg metformin I take daily helps (it inhibits aromatase in breast tissue)

What's user's bica experience if any ?

The problem with feminizing hrt is that you become a female-type of horny.

Hahaha, good luck with that. Unless you fry your brain with drug abuse until you become litterally retarded or mentally ill that your psychotic breakdowns make your anxiety and sadness feel like bliss in comparison, there is no escaping emotions my bro. No way out but forward.

So yeah, as I said. Lots and lots of drugs until you're braindead.
Alternatively, put yourself into a coma or, ultimate solution: suicide. There are no feels in death

Do you think there is no way of chemically inducing emotional detachment? From my little experience with adderall it did decrease my detachment from emotions. Though I am not sure if that was because my logical part of the personality became more dominant.

>it inhibits aromatase in breast tissue
That would do it

Which is considerably tamer than male arousal

This is true to a degree but female pre menstrual syndrome is a think and roid rage is a thing

Grossly abnormal sex hormone levels influence emotions

Then you can become cold with Xanax or antipsychotics but this is self-degradation, also there is prozac that stifles emotional range in many people (less lows and less Hugh's)

It is debatable, traps are thirsty for sex

Femoids become wet when they see a chad

Most traps don't take hormones

Wrong, natural traps are exceedingly rare, a result of mutations