I hate women but I'm also madly attracted to them

I hate women but I'm also madly attracted to them.
What a trifling dilemma

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Just remember that, no matter what, beneath the attractive appearance lies the usual roastie sociopath.

don't get comfortable and start treating them like they are human or that they aren't your enemy.

Sexbots are the only solution.

You hate them because of how attracted to them you are.

yeah, it definitely has nothing to do with their wicked and evil nature

well if he wasn't attracted he would just shun women entirely and end up hating them less because he's not around them.

it's our attraction to them that makes them into what we dislike. less attractive girls (the ones who aren't bitter anyways) are better though. pay some attention to them.

You are a bitter, obnoxious loser who has the personality of an edgy cardboard-box who can't get any woman. That's the reason why you hate them, because your simpleton brain's only reaction is to start the sour-grape syndrome, so you don't end up killing yourself over the truth. Such a shame.

yea no

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You're down here with the rest of us, bud. No need to be so haughty.

I'm not with the "rest" of you. I was using this topic-less, original content board before you and your retarded friends started to think it was some kind of safe-space and bitter-loser hug-box.

What makes you hate them and what attracts you?

>get off my board, reeeeee

not origingilo

He hates them because they don't want to touch his pee-pee and he's attracted to them because that's human nature.

My answer to being a horny misogynist was prostitutes.

Once I was out on my own and making decent money, I started making weekly visits to massage parlors and it changed my views on women. I still think your average (American) woman is a self-centered, two-faced and opportunistic cunt with delusions of being some sort of bitch goddess, but I knowing pussy is a commodity instead of a holy grail makes me feel better.

you ok, user? *snap*

sucks to be you friend

Become one. Solved

This isn't a dilemma. You're attracted to their bodies. You hate their souls. Once humanity learns how to bioengineer traps to be 100% passable, women will become irrelevant

If she doesn't believe in God she's going to devour your heart and soul. Stay woke

>less attractive girls aren't bitter
Don't be naive.

I hate them because ill never be female myself...