What do /mu/tants think of pic related? Which is apparently your album according to it, and what do you think of that album? Which of those albums is actually your favourite? What are your opinions on the others? Do you have any suggestions for more fitting albums?
>INFP or INTP, honestly not even sure
>Pink Moon/Kid A
>Pink Moon is really good, does the comfy folk atmosphere much better than all the hacks who came after, a good, short and sweet listen - best tracks are Things Behind The Sun, Free Ride and From The Morning
>Kid A is good I guess, I don't like Radiohead as much as I used to and they're definitely Reddit as fuck, and if you honestly think Kid A is experimental you're retarded, but I can't deny that the first 4 tracks and Idioteque are really fucking good, especially How To Disappear Completely - but Optimistic and In Limbo do nothing for me, Morning Bell is shit and Motion Picture Soundtrack is nowhere near as good as a lot of people seem to think
>Soundtracks For The Blind is my favourite album of all time along with Ys, I stopped being as into music as I used to be and don't listen to albums as much anymore, but Pink Moon and Soundtracks are still top tier experiences, the whole album is 10/10 except some of the noise parts and Hypogirl, and even they're good in context, overall this album made me feel feelings that nothing else except maybe The End Of Evangelion has ever made me feel - best tracks are I Was A Prisoner Inside Your Skull, Helpless Child (top 10 songs ever written), Mellothumb, Animus, The Sound, Minus Something, YRP, Secret Friends and The Final Sacrifice
Other urls found in this thread:
>Spirit of Eden is also really good, The Rainbow and Eden are two of the greatest songs ever written but nothing else on the album is anywhere near as good and I literally can't remember how the last three tracks go
>I've only listened to MPP once and I don't really care for it except for My Girls and Brother Sport, Strawberry Jam is 1000 times better imo
>Madvillainy is a great album, Accordion, Figaro, Fancy Clown and All Caps are top tier, DOOM's verse on Accordion is one of the best verses in the genre and Fancy Clown gets the feeling of being cucked across better than anything else I've heard
>I used to love Loveless, and at one point my top 3 was OK Computer, Kid A and Loveless, but it hardcore grew off me, What You Want is underrated as hell though, overall I prefer Souvlaki but I'm not really into shoegaze
>Daydream Nation had 4 good songs including Teenage Riot which is admittedly top tier, not horrible but overrated as hell and way too long - this is coming from someone who has Soundtracks, Skinny Fists and F#A#infinity in their top 15
>I definitely get TMR, I got it on my first listen, and enjoy listening to stuff like Frownland, Moonlight in Vermont and Sugar 'n' Spikes, but it's way too long, definitely like it though even though it's nowhere near as hard to get as retards would have you believe
Totally not accurate, I doubt you can even generalize this stuff.
I only listen to Crystal Castles and Synthwave.
>Love Marvin Gaye
I am nailed broter
I don't buy in to meme personality types but id much rather be pink moon than trout mask replica
Entj and I hate rap, rather Pink Floyd or Rammstein, or Sabaton if I'm feeling it
>Pink Moon
I kinda like it
why is ESTP fresh fruit?
I don't think I've listened to a single one of those albums
INFP and for some reason I've been listening to a lot of late 70s-early 80s synthwave/new wave/rock whatever it is.
Is it any good? I don't know what it is
music is subjective my fren, but I enjoy it
not my style but thanks anyway and dubs checked
imagine being this pathetic originaly
I don't like the entj one but I wish I was able to say I didn't get it
ISTP it isn't wrong desu
I only listen to video game and anime soundtracks. Street Fighter for going jogging.
Soundtracks for the blind is the most pretentious piece of shit I've ever listened to. I Was Prisoner Inside Your Skull is just noise. Don't you fucking dare reply.
Poster above me is a tasteless pleb and is probably sitting on top of his prolapsed asshole right now.
It's okay if you hate. We all like different things.
>I Was Prisoner Inside Your Skull is just noise.
There's an album called pulsedemon, listen to that, then come back and tell me swans are just noise
I think musical taste might be a bit too hard to categorize this specifically. I'm INTP and I'm all over this chart.
t. retard
and not even original
What is the album in ENTP?
ISTP/INTP and i mostly listen to either old school rap or some 30s jazz. dunno if mbti even works
Madvillainy - Madvillain
>Not Death grips
shit chart tbqh
keep your monkey gibberish to yourself
you cant generalize on music tastes like that
im istp and i love deathrock/batcave shit and harcore punk
and honestly mu just parrots the same 20 albums over and over, theres hardly any discussions there about other things
ISTP here
I like the DKs but my top album is pic related; the other on this chart dont ring a Bell
>can't get into Kid A
>Madvillian is my favorite on the image
Intp supposedly. I like paramore, paramore is cool, listen to paramore you faggots
Things like this:
Why is this board plagued with intps?
they are the normies of r9k, i say we must purgue them.
t. intj
Eat my normie dick cunt
>tfw an NT who actually admits that he has feelings and doesn't block them out while pretending to be a hyperintelligent robot
>be INFJ
>have been accused of leading guys on multiple times
Is this a common INFJ problem or am I just a bitch?
>entj is seen as the ultra-chad, competitive, ambitious, charismatic, aggresive, dominant
>intj (literally just an introverted entj) is seen as a virgin type, autistic, as a sperg, etc
Why is this?
Denying your emotions is only done by people who are afraid of their emotions. Keep up the good work user.
I'm an ENTP with an INFJ female friend who is in a committed LTR with an ISTP friend. She's normally fine, but she can get a little flirty when she's trying to make him jealous. When she gets a few drinks in her, though, she's a straight-up turboslut who can't keep her desires in check. I mostly just use her for female physical contact/affection like cuddling, hand-holding, etc. when she gets that bad, but I honestly believe that I could have sex with her if I were a complete douche.
Not many people on /mu/ even seem to know of this guy, but I've never listened to more intp music than jerry paper. Specifically his earlier albums like international man of misery.
Some other pretty intp bands would be boards of Canada and aphex twin imo. IDM in general. My personal favorite artist is Tobacco, but I'm not so sure that really speaks to me as an intp or not.
Same, well kind of. I'm intp and I usually just feel an even keel apathy, but when I do feel emotions it's very strong and childish. Not so much it meaningfully influences my decisions, but enough to challenge me. I get this way especially if I get female attention, but part of that might be having been deprived of it for so long. Either way if a girl is ever able to get past my initial skepticism of their intentions they could probably play me like a fiddle. Good thing I'm a skeptical person r-right?
>p's are the normies
>not j's
Most people are here because of inaction, which is a very p thing, if you're j masterrace you should be out actually effecting the world, you norman.
INTJ has polr Fe, so they are remarkably shit at displaying emotions and making others feel comfortable. INTJ is still the most Chad INxx type due to their intellectual confidence.
People only think ENTJ is Chad because they're so rare no-one knows any in real life. ENTJ is like some weird rapist.
ISTP here and I hate how most of Sonic Youth's records are produced, but I agree with the whole idea of ISTP being fond of raw, energetic, noisy rock music
but I'd rather pick something by Shellac or Big Black
>tfw ISFJ
Thanks for showing me Vashti. I enjoyed it.
death grips is infp and istp territory, ride himself is most likely infp if you watch the interviews
I'm an ENTP and I'm more or less in the same boat. I act cynical and sarcastic about emotions and relationships but I know myself and I'm aware of just how much I would devolve into an eagerly devoted child if a girl ever did manage to convince me that they really loved me. My ex pretty much took advantage of that emotional fragility to milk me for all the support and devotion I was worth and toss me aside the moment I was no longer content to be a good little dog.
Pro-tip: never date an INTJ girl.
i just listen to synthwave. dont know what does it make me.
Thom Yorke is most certainly an infp. intp would be more like aphex twin. Also doom strikes me as istp.
It makes you a fucking gaylord
>It makes you a fucking gaylord
expected this kind of answer
INFJ is actually the album Dada Bandits by Rubik. That is all.
origano origanolly
INTP here
I pretty much only listen to classical, opera, psychedelic rock and folk.
INTP/ENTP, don't like both MF Doom and Radiohead, really into Jason Molinas music
I'm ISTP and Daydream Nation is legit my favorite album, so it got me. Haven't listened to three or four of these but of the rest, Pink Moon is probably my least favorite. It's too "gentle" for me or something.
intp here
i listen to rap, jazz, and ocassionally rock
i know rap is mostly populated by normans but there are some artists out there that arent shit