this is how it looks when a 5'8 manlet escapes the pit disgusting how do manlets cope

Attached: pit.gif (1210x609, 343K)

If i was 5'8 i would have roped by now

by fucking 4chans sweetheart

Attached: 2CBE7DA200000578-3248769-Sparking_romance_rumours_Tye_Sheridan_and_Sophie_Turner_put_on_a-a-196_1443 (634x963, 188K)

You can see the sadness in his eyes yikes

Attached: images (1).jpg (332x444, 27K)

Back to the pit manlets

he looks like tom hardy

stay mad lanklet

when will they learn

Attached: 7686556.jpg (640x640, 70K)

The lanklet looks better though


Oh I wasn't sure what you were implying. I get jokes

dat cope

Needs a 5'11 and 6'1 tag

You guys are fuckt in the head

did we hurt your little feelings poor thing

> little feelings

lol this guy is always clowning around at the tropicana in mykonos

Based and gaypilled

Went out on a date with a girl that looks like her but just 100x hotter

That guy is ugly as shit

good for you, no one asked

COPE. Your'e probably a DYEL Faggot

Attached: COPE.png (426x542, 486K)

post body


good answer. next time try fitting more Jow Forums buzzwords into a sentence to make it even better