this is how it looks when a 5'8 manlet escapes the pit disgusting how do manlets cope
If i was 5'8 i would have roped by now
by fucking 4chans sweetheart
You can see the sadness in his eyes yikes
Back to the pit manlets
he looks like tom hardy
stay mad lanklet
when will they learn
The lanklet looks better though
Oh I wasn't sure what you were implying. I get jokes
dat cope
Needs a 5'11 and 6'1 tag
You guys are fuckt in the head
did we hurt your little feelings poor thing
> little feelings
lol this guy is always clowning around at the tropicana in mykonos
Based and gaypilled
Went out on a date with a girl that looks like her but just 100x hotter
That guy is ugly as shit
good for you, no one asked
COPE. Your'e probably a DYEL Faggot
post body
good answer. next time try fitting more Jow Forums buzzwords into a sentence to make it even better