Crystal cafe: part 2

They are so butthurt lol. Opinions on pic related?

Last thread:

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Just leave them alone. I hate being around women as much as the next robot but they should be allowed to have their own space without us invading as much as we should have ours without them.

inb4 accused of being a cuck or roastie

I don't mind them having a place to hate men, as long as I'm not criticised when I hate women. And I fucking hate women.

>complain that normies come to your site
>do the same thing what they do

>they should be allowed to have their own space without us invading as much as we should have ours without them.
just fucking lol

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Fuck off back to tumblr please
You dont belong here

I'm trying to show you that these roasties browse Jow Forums and pretend to be """FEMBOTS""" while having 40-50 sexual partners in their early twenties.

Attached: cucked.png (1070x667, 99K)

I'm a robot and I've been here since the announcement of Jow Forums's creation first appeared in 2008. I've got no idea why you'd be against giving them a place to fuck off to.

No shit, everyone already knows this.

>without us invading as much as we should have ours without them
But they're constantly browsing Jow Forums and posting on Jow Forums in addition to CC, and they're not going to stop just because "we" don't go to CC.

Just don't give them attention. And some of them will (those who genuinely want to avoid robots but hang out with other loser women).

This is so disgusting and sad at the same time.

Attached: cucked2.png (1119x745, 155K)

>they should be allowed to have their own space without us invading

yet roasties invade here despite us wanting our own space

you will likely make any excuse to allow this
something like but muh old pre death r9k muh no topic

crystal cafe bans all people connected to me

Attached: crystalcafe.png (1080x697, 385K)

Why do you care about these roasties and their drama? Sounds really boring to me. Nice life, user.

Is this really the kind of problem that commonly arises in modern relationships?

I don't know but this doesn't seem right. What's the point in being in a relationship if you want to have sex with other people but your partner?
We live in a society that promotes sex outside of the relationship/marriage and this is why most relationships/marriages end up breaking up/divorcing.

because you arent a real woman.

that community makes me sad
"hates on men" still goes out and gets bfs with no real struggle.

come on r9k and mock robots.

feel bad for the girl being forced into open relationships due to her insecurities.
They all looked above average imo from the pics in the other thread

>being this obsessed with a roastie discord
Neck yourself you pathetic excuse of a human being.

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What are you looking for? Searching for the perspective of a female that's so human, that it'll fix your broken mind? Man, all this will do is make you crazier.

These are the same people who tell you the reason you're alone is because you hate women. What a joke

What was your reason to join?

Roastie detected
Exactly this lol
I wanted to be a cool fembot XD

why are you tracking this shit in here
I don't need to know about this place, I was perfectly content with them staying in their hole

spot check reminder that THIS is what "female internet" is

this is what money wants your website to be like

I'm in a female only discord and it's honestly not too bad. There's one or two shitty roasties but most of them are pretty chill.

I don't see anything wrong with what they've said on either picture famalam. Stop being a weirdo and lurking in girls salons what are you a sissy

>what are you a sissy

Yes a sissy for your 9in BBC bby

>I was perfectly content with them staying in their hole
>he doesn't know they lurk here all day
wew lad

reminder females are the only gender that are allowed to segregate themselves

robots are never allowed a female free board as that would be sexist

It clearly hasn't worked if you're here posting their shit