tfw no female Travis Bickle gf
Tfw no female Travis Bickle gf
She looks like the kid from The Sandlot.
>tfw no illegal immigrant to kill another roastie
wtf i'm for open borders now
What, that nigga Ham lol?
I've met these assholes before, they're literally proud of what a disgusting rotting overcrowded overpriced soul-crushing nigger and Jew infested boring shithole their city is. I think it's a survival mechanism, like some battered housewife, Helsinki syndrome type shit.
NYC is truly a mongrel infested shithole.
Someone should really nuke that city.
>another why do coloured and Jewish people exist episode
For fucks sake leave is alone you pigskins these threads always derail into some stupid racial bullshit because of you cunts.
Why do you associate the smell of piss and trash on the ground with coloured and jewish people?
it was once clean
here's that the public transit used to look like
boring, right?
Once we were clean. Now we are filthy. We must seek to be clean again.
I went to NYC to do some work for the first time a couple of years ago and noticed this as well. It really is the smelliest city I have ever been to and the only thing I would go back for is Central Park. Everything else was smelly and crowded and overpriced.
that is a fucking luxury cab on a train not a fucking city metro
Damn I thought subway dancers were a norcal thing. Wish these nogs would get a job.
>it was once clean
Nigger, what?
This and the other image are literally street performers
White people are just so much better.
Now here are black people on an actual metro thats clean
The image that was forgotten is original in content
Those aren't black, they're mestizos.
Which retard decided to put all those fucking advertisements? It actually used to look good before now it looks like one of those porn websites with the 50000 pop ups.
>not a single nigger for miles around
NYCs only purpose now is to serve as a giant advertisement for various companies.