>tfw going to see crazy rich asians with asian gf
Is this considered racist?
Tfw going to see crazy rich asians with asian gf
It's got a lot of good reviews and praise for being a Hollywood film in the west marketed with a mostly Asian cast. It seems the pc social justice crowd approves or There would be some big backlash by now. It's seen as a progressive milestone sort of like black panthers was.
LEL @ an incel posting on Jow Forums actually leaving the house to go anyway especially one with yellow fever who shows you to be at the very bottom rung of incels.
MEanwhile in real-life, this is who is seeing Crazy Rich Asians.
>with asian gf
leave and do not come back
Well you wouldn't want to see a movie about crazy poor asians, I would you?
Im assuming your gf is shit tier Asian?
My wife is Japanese and she fucking laughed her head off at the idea of watching a movie about rich chink dogs in Singapore. We dont live in Japan anymore but I guarantee the box office numbers there for this movie will be less then Kevin Spaceys last movie.
No actual asians will watch this movie just asian americans who want to identify with people who look vaguely the same colour as them.
they had one it's called slumdog millionaire it won oscars.
I live in the world of crazy rich asians, I pay $1500 to rent a one bedroom.
Hongcouver? My rent is $2000 for a 1 bedroom and den condo.
post blowjob pics or nudes of asian gf.
I love that this exists and people still can't see the existence of asian "privilege".
Imagine a film called Crazy Rich Whites like that
There's no such thing as asian privilege. Most asians are literally starving, unlike whites and jews
Not in the countries that this film is made in and the audiences for lol
Doesn't change the fact that they're not a privileged race
Yes but you're white so she won't care
Asians in America for example are better off on average than whites.
Depends how you're defining privilege I suppose but I don't even really want to have this discussion desu
I dont know, user. this movie was pretty dope.
Crazy Rich Whites already exists, it's called The Queen of Versailles
My point was in regard to how it's named/framed in an explicitly racial way
>Asians in America
Asians in America aren't all Asians. You can't call them privileged because the American ones are well off. Look at the yellows that are actually in Asia if you want a real representation. They're not privileged by any means
It's called that because that's the name of the book
Take your gripe up with Kevin Kwan
Using a category as broad as Asians is the only issue here then. Do you think that Japanese people are privileged?
Do you think all Whites are privileged? Bulgarian Whites for example
god damn it anons i just want a qt asian gf
Problem is Japs aren't the majority of yellow people
How is that relevant? I'm talking about countries made by any particular race. My point is it's silly to universalise this
The truth is that most wh*Toids and j*ws are living well while most yellows are struggling. This isn't even up for debate
>a movie about bourgeois expoiters gets goof reviews by pc Hollywood
>right eingers claim hollywood sjws are communists
Really makes me think
would you a below average asian gf?
"Yellows" is too broad, so is "Whites".
Many mainland Chinese are genetically distinct enough from Japanese for example for it to make sense to group them together
It's like trying to call sub-saharan Africans and African-Americans the same - European admixture makes them an entirely different breed
Lmfao, why are asian men perpetually angry and bitter?
Still doesn't change the fact that most people with white skin are privileged while most people with black/brown/yellow skin are starving. Just say rich people privilege or something, because there's no yellow privilege
Then just say rich privilege for Whites, because there are poor and starving people of European ancestry as well
>because there are poor and starving people of European ancestry as well
Yeah but it's not fucking half or more of people with European ancestry that are starving like other races
Yeah but outside of the west East Asia is the most prosperous region of the world discounting North Korea
This. There are starving people in SEA, China, North Korea and sky rocketing suicide rate amongst South Koreans and Japanese
Still, only the cream of the crop could even be considered "privileged" over there
This guy gets it
But why the fuck are you doing it by race when nationality is clearly a more important aspect? As you know Asians do better than Whites in America so it's obviously not a matter of "white privilege" that causes whites to do better here.
How the fuck do global figures matter here?
>"white privilege" that causes whites to do better here
to add: Because they don't
You're only using the tiniest amount of yellows for you example, though. You're being disingenuous since the yellows in the west are here because of braindrain. Just because yellows in the west are doing well doesn't mean the ones back home are backwards retards
your* example
aren't* backwards
fucking phone
Japan is the 3rd biggest economy in the world, and highly homogeneous dickhead - they have had no "braindrain"
I would put my hands around her neck, and pound her hard and deep into the bed until her eyes roll back and her body convulses uncontrollably from an overwhelming first real orgasm.
And then I would take her on dates, or we could stay in and watch movies or play vidya while cuddling desu.
Japan isn't the majority of yellows, you absolute retard.
Can you define privilege and what you think causes it because I don't think we're getting anywhere here
I'm not an SJW so I don't know what the exact current definition is but if you go to any university they will tell you that only whites are privileged. Take their word for it
Because they overwork themselves to death (literally, google the suicide rate. Japans suicide rate is roughly 60 percent higher than the global average)
Is that really your response? Nevermind thought we could have an interesting conversation
You know I've just been spouting nonsense this entire time right
Poe's law my man
Privilege is term used by socialists (communists) to silence the majority, so the voices in the minority can co-opt and destroy everything they touch like usual.
They did the exact same thing in soviet Russia to silence speech by creating and using terms like racist, which we still use today. Of course, the only people you could be racist to in Russia were Jews at the time, and look at how that turned out.
It's not racist. It's just stupid.
Sorry you have to watch a movie for doofuses.
My gf is Chinese and she basically had the same reaction. This movie looks fucking horrific to her and she likes the Big Bang Theory.
SJWs are social communists. Economically they can also be communists most often they're either incredibly consumerist or too afraid to confront women/nonwhites.
im guessing your gf is more of a to all the boy shes liked before type of fan?