>therapist trying to convince me to become a wageslave
>literally said it could be fun
>wants me to bring in practice resume next time I see him
How do you break up with a therapist? Ive only seen him 3 or 4 times. Do I just call and cancel and never reschedule? My problem is that I have a psychiatrist at the same place that prescribes me benzos and I think if I dont see a therapist I wont be able to get them.
Therapist trying to convince me to become a wageslave
Maybe instead of dismissing people who are trying to help you, you could indulge them and try it out. Better than doing nothing with your life.
>Help you
>By turning you into a wagie
If that's help I don't want to know what normans consider hindrance
Depends man if it's a fun job like I have terrorizing normies who don't pay their electric bill then that's fun af. If it's like retail wageslaving then fuck that.
Why wouldn't you be able to get them? Find someone else and tell them you're prescribed shit and it works, they won't change your meds.
work sucks, but I love $$$
>make 138k a year as ATC
Man are you an ostrich? Because you're heads in the fucking sand. Being a wagie is terrible, being a cog in the machine sucks. Yes. You know what's worse?
Being unemployed with no structure, no ritual, and not earning enough money to at least squeeze an iota more enjoyment out of this shitty consumerist society we've been reluctantly born into. Stop thinking so binary and accept that sometimes doing something shitty is a lot better than being utterly doused in shit.
Speakfor yourself, my NEETbux and minimalist lifestyle are enough for me. Fuck wageslaving.
There's nothing wrong with working. You're only a "wagie" if you have to work in order to maintain your financial commitments/pay off debt, getting yourself stuck in a cycle and having no self control. If you're living with your parents then all that money will essentially be cash in the bank. It liberates you a little bit, doesn't enslave you
Spoken like a true wagie. Once you accept that life is pointless and everything you feel is something you can actively control is when you can enjoy life, you have to disassociate and manipulate your own emotions. You only think you need consumerist goods, a girlfriend and other things because society tells you; you allow your self worth to be dictated by others and this is the folly of the wagies.
>Making money
>Meeting new people
>Learning new skills
>Seeing how the world works
He's actually trying to help you faggot. AT LEAST do it so you can say you tried it and didn't like it.
easiest way out
say you are cured, thank them for the help
>therapist telling me to try to build my position by being nice and try to make people favors. also tells me that overaggresive men will find it really hard to find people to like them
>aggresive man is literall;y the archetype that women fall for
>tfw deadline to matriculate into college is on september the 10th
>tfw shit at math
>already spent 50 bucks just to apply
>thinking of just incurring the loss and going neet before offing myself
>tfw no talents
>tfw body falling apart and I feel muscle weakness all the time
>tfw just want to fucking die but can't conjure up the courage to actually go through with suicide
Fuck capitalism man why can't I just be a faggot who watches anime plays vidya and listens to albums
I'm on autismbux though.
>you can actively control is when you can enjoy life, you have to disassociate and manipulate your own emotions
What the hell are you on about?
I try to do this like 8 hours a day for months and am still feeling fucking miserable. I know that life is pointless (or rather 'meaningless' in the sense that we're just a freaky mistake of evolution going down a specific path of complexity).
The only times i can ever disassociate when I've been drinking and have been awake for 30 hours straight.
Now YOU'RE the one lying with a siren song you fake motherfucker. If my mind was so easy to change don't you think I would have already gone and done it considering how much time and effort I spend on it!?
Geeez lad!
With Schizoid Personality Disorder it is impossible for me to work because my mind overpowers the need for survival.
My Clinical Psychologist spends every session trying to get me out of the Schizoid mindset, which is hard because the smallest of stresses makes me withdraw into isolation, being in the real world and working has many stresses and I could not function.
If it wasnt for my parents supporting me financially I would have been dead long ago.
The Clinical Psychologists have also helped me get NEETbux, which helps take the burden off my parents.
But I dont even spend my NEETbux, nothing interests me, I sometimes buy some food here and there, like a steak or fish, but that is it, I have no interest in doing anything, I dont get any enjoyment out of anything
I have about $17,000 NEETbux in my account now.
I have lived on $0 for so many years that getting just $1100 per month seems like so much money
I didn't know there were wise people in r9k
gib me sum monies user
But capitalism gave you all of these things. A non capitalist society is a minimalist one.
It is that easy but you've become complacent in your routine and invite suffering in because you believe due to your own ego that you should suffer. Using escapism, psychoactive substances and shitposting on Jow Forums isn't controlling your emotions; it's giving into them. You are letting your ego and complacency fuel your suffering when there is no need for that. I want you to try smiling as hard as you physically can for several minutes while listening to upbeat music user, did you know it's that simple to alter your psyche? You'll hear others say the reason you suffer is due to others or the lack of a significant struggle in your life but that's incorrect. You suffer because you want to suffer, the weak fear happiness.
I wish this was true. I am trying REALLY FUCKING HARD to believe it, but the truth is you're full of shit.
And it makes me mad, and I'm trying to actually stop this anger because - if you're right the rewards are greater than wallowing in this self induced hell. But unfortunately you're full of shit.
I want you to be right but there's an even scarier thought here - it's not that I'm miserable because I want to be miserable: it's that I'm not "in control".
Fuck you for making me realize that my hands are on the wheel, but the car's not turning.
Youre fucking pathetic and should just die. Im a schizoid with a laundry list of problems that works literal retards with Downs can work at a grocery store youre just a soft lazy coddled bitch that has never done anything hard and doesnt want to because you are a coward to the core. To live is to work user man has done it since the beginning because it takes work to survive. Dont want to survive? Then kill yourself so at least you arent a burden to people who arent pieces of shit
m Schizo affected and i still find joy in working youre fucking weak scum living off others i hope you realize how much of a kid you sound like
This user is completely right I even screenshotted for the absolute truth that this is
stop your fucking complaining if only you could actually see yourself but I bet youre afraid of mirrors and your own shadow because they remind you that you exist.
It's merely a subjective opinion about reality. You are a slave to your own consciousness which you begrudgingly admit, you agree somewhat with my opinion but it upsets you because you can't see how to control your ego. I am not you, I can only make informed guesses based off the bit of text I read from this thread. Ultimately user I think we can both agree that your suffering is due to your ego and the way you perceive reality, if your goal is to minimize suffering and maximize enjoyment then you must find a way to control your ego instead of letting it control you. I suggest meditation. Best of luck with controlling your reality NEET friend.
>stop your fucking complaining if only you could actually see yourself but I bet youre afraid of mirrors and your own shadow because they remind you that you exist.
What the fuck does this mixed metaphor gobbledigook even mean?
Let me just say you don't know me, but that doesn't mean what you've said isn't true for you or other people. I don't have control, but obviously there must (PLEASE let there be one!) be a means but it's fucking difficult, complicated, and not totally self-willed.
>Best of luck with controlling your reality NEET friend.
Thanks friend.
Don't do it OP, don't prove that you are capable of working. Worst mistake you can make. This is coming from someone who was a NEET till 26 and has now been employed for over a year. I even have a "good job" making $20/hr. I have 13K just sitting in the bank, it's useless. It's not worth it. I'd say try to get a job, but make sure you fail hard on the first day of work. Get fired, break a leg, fight a coworker anything. You're therapist needs to know you are not fit for work.
Go to your psych first and tell him this therapist isn't a good fit. See if he has any other recommendations
fuck off scum you know very well that OP is gonna run his money dry, eventually once he lives on his own, if anything theres a certain of amount of hours he CAN work while getting NEETBUX
>having this much cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics to justify your miserably life
give me your money then. money in the bank is not useless. it's a great privelege and safeguard from an even more miserable life
>aggresive man is literall;y the archetype that women fall for
think about the hero archetype. our heroes aren't assholes. they look like chads, but are kind and intelligent and influence people through good social skills rather than force.
do schizoids feel stress? how do you know you're not just depressed?
Fuck off you retarded norm cuck.
both of them get women. Your point?
Just give your therapist as little information as possible about you until he or she realizes that you're a lost cause for manipulation
that you don't have to be overagressive and that he's right that that can backfire
Hero gets them because of his looks and good social skills he is able to dominate every social encounter. aggressive guy get them because of his alpha behaviour. he just intimades everyone
Its hard to explain but the moment I get any kind of stresser I just withdraw and isolate myself and dont function, my brain just switches off.
It makes living in the real world impossible
You're a fucking retard, you said "it could be fun" and your therapist probably thought you wanted a job. If you said you didn't want a job in the first place, your therapist wouldn't have told you to become a wageslave.
Your therapist is there so you can find your answers, the therapist has no bias. He's literally guiding you to become the person you actually want to be. He's not biased like a parent or a sibling, fucking get over yourself and be straight up honest with your therapist.
Tell him that you don't want to be a wagecuck and go from there.
This user is literally a God
I'm a robot but I had a lot of fun when I got my job. The first few weeks were stressful, but when I got comfortable with the people there we had a lot of fun. Night shift fast-food worker btw.