Why is nobody talking about this

Why is nobody talking about this

>Internets biggest stars
> white vs black
>the all american boy vs the quintessential brit
>the new world vs the old world
>Most hyped boxing match of the century
>there's also a brother match
>pretty much every zoomer on earth will be watching this

who ya got?

Attached: (3).jpg (300x168, 10K)

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Logan Paul is a Jew

Because it's a fucking cash grab bullshit partial racial jamboree fuck fest

Freaking nerd chad look at him ughhh

Logan Paul is insufferable, how do people watch that shit?

Why are you posting this normie crap here? Can't we have one protective bubble with no youtube 'stars', no Kardashians, no Ariana Grande and all the other bastions of middling mediocrity?

I hope logan gets shot in the ring, Warriors-style

>pretty much every zoomer on earth will be watching this
I will not watch this fuck you that's insulting to say

Do either of these niggas know how to box?

>every zoomer

I have better things to do than watch a shitty boxing match

>>Internets biggest stars
litteraly who mate?

I swear to god that Logan looks like the quintessential jock I see in american high school movies.

logan paul is a fucking meme and ksi, who?

I'm just gonna watch the highlights so I can insult kids in the YouTube comments section. Banking KSI winning and Deji losing either way life's just bullshit so may as well enjoy this crap.

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This. Also I hate Logan Paul's haircut and don't want to look at him at all because of it

His haircut reminds me of my bullies when I was in school.

Because they're nobodies
I'm waitin for the wilder fury fight

Just 4 goons fighting for rights to brag about beating another YouTuber for views.

Attached: huh.jpg (539x566, 80K)

Fags are actually falling for this low quality bait.

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Hold up senpai. you leave me no choice but to stand up for this white girl in the interest of artistic integrity. Ariana has pipes, I bet good money she'd sing whoever your favs are under the fuckin table..I agree with the rest

I've been gone for a few months so
What the fuck is a zoomer?
Who the fuck is KSI?

Betting $1000 on our guy Logan

What the fuck is this absolute zoomer shitfest?
zoomer=gen z boomer=gen z kid
boomer=basically everyone who's not a zoomer


I dont care who wins but KSI reminds me of my cousin so I like him more

>Why is nobody talking about this

Because its a former athlete versus a nobody amateur.
Logan Paul is four times wrestling champion. This won't be competitive.

Logan the aryan will beat down this monkey.

KSI turned into a scumbag whereas Logan was always a scumbag. Personally I hope they both fall out the ring and break their legs.

Put my money where my mouth is and bet 300 bong on Logan "The Maverick" Paul

Attached: logan.png (750x396, 12K)

>there are people on this board that care about some nigger and some chad

Watch it live @ ttv/SaltyBet

>zoomer=gen z boomer=gen z kid
>boomer=basically everyone who's not a zoomer

Nani the actual fuck? Is this a new word? Or have I had my head up my ass for a few years?

It sounds fucking autistic

Attached: mVck4vk.png (624x352, 209K)

Logan will win massively

Zoomer is very recent,it just derived from boomer.The boomer thing started on biz,and the zoomer one on /v/ I think.

How did you manage to stay away from this shithole for whole MONTHS?

My fav is a young Mariah Carey.

Bingeing hard on a vidyagaem in my free time and had better things to do after work than look at a bunch of fucking trannies and summerniggers shitting up what used to be my home board. Managed to clock 300 hours in a game in the span of a month and a half.

Haha what the fuck?

are you actually? I know Im rooting for Logan too, but I'd never be willing to bet

logan will get destroyed. and i like him

Ape vs a guy who has a gay haircut and talks like a 13 year old
Yea user so interesting i wonder who will win
[Spoiler] i want the white guy to win becuase he is white [/Spoiler]

Logan is just dumb and innocently bad, KSI on the other hand is just an evil dumb retarded ape.

Logan > KSI

now Im gonna bump this thread just to piss you off
pointing out bait on nu Jow Forums and nu4chan is pointless

Don't know who any of them are as I'm not a zoomer.