Post about drugs
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only normies take drugs unless they are on prescription
this is the truth
on meth and ghb atm
just waiting for a drug order from a selective scammer that recently got banned
haha... yeah
Oof that sucks, it's not gonna show up. What was his rating? Why did you go with him?
Psychedelics are the most fun ones. Never tried meth or heroin bcuz don't want to be addicted to meth or heroin.
ive had his stuff before and it was great stuff for the price
it was 4.92 at the time of ordering and climbed down to 4.83 then he got banned yesterday
I smoke weed daily. Is that good enough for ya?!
I have been detaching a lot lately and my thoughts are jumbled. Ordered some speed a while ago, maybe that will help.
Just got into weed, are shrooms better?
Only normalfags take drugs socially. Robots can take drugs by themselves.
Binged on 5 grams of O-DSMT nonstop for 4 days, don't think I slept at all in that time. Itched some pretty bad scabs into myself but they'll go away. Spent 3 days sleeping after that and now scheduled to have 5 lbs of poppy seeds come in on saturday. Should be getting drunk tonight. All in all, pretty comfy
don't get why people have to be social to enjoy drugs
like why can't you just appreciate the drug high itself
I took 900mg of DPH, 120mg of adderall, 400mg of modafinil and chugged it all down with whiskey a few days ago. I haven't recovered yet, I was trying to sleep in pain about an hour ago and realized I hadn't eaten in 3 days. I think I'm going to take a break from drugs anons, I don't understand self-restraint.
You could always try not being a retard
I fucking love phenibut. It's hardly the same kind of drug most people talk about in these threads, but man. It's so great to have a drug that kills all my anxiety and has no drawbacks (at least for me). And I don't even need a prescription!
I realize the toxicity and dangers the drugs cause, I can't help myself when I get in that mood though. I ordered 500 Datura seeds before I tripped so I'll probably end up breaking my own commitment.
I would like it if I didn't get heroin esque withdrawal symptoms just after 2 days of consecutive use...
Its not even a safety thing, its just such an obviously dysphoric and uncomfortable combo to do. Why would you wanna be cranked up and delirious? Just think before shoving random chemicals down your gullet
Am on amphetamines, zing zing. I could pop more but I want to sleep tonight.
Any way to cop GHB over the clearnet?
Don't try to sleep on psychedelics kids
Just don't
Fractal take a nip at yer psyche?
what. That seems pretty extreme! How much do you use at a time? I stick to maybe 2.5g, and if I'm gonna use it on consecutive days the other dose will be maybe 1.5
has anyone tried diethyl ether here ?
i'm curious about it because it seems like good alternative to alcohole
It felt pretty fuckin extreme man, I had to leave classes and everything cause I was puking every 10 minutes with cold sweats. I don't remember the dose just remember that it was caused by 2 or 3 days consecutive use then not dosing the next day. It was the average recommended dose I'm sure though, small enough amount to parachute
wew lad, it takes a certain type a person to DPH/spider trip recreationally.
Imagine how much more fucked the stims made it. Dude was probably getting sodomized by Hatman for 48 hours straight
I did this once after eating 1.5 tabs of 25c
Just as I was fading off into the darkness I heard a loud electronic boom sound and saw a flash of white before I opened my eyes
Felt like my brain had reached a firewall or some shit, very eerie in the moment
jfc, yeah, that's bad. I guess I'm just more suited to it somehow, even when I've been stupid with it I've only felt a bit exhausted on the off day.
I am aganist drugs though, Am I a robot or normie?
TurboNorman. Drugs are crutches for robots.
They're different drugs entirely.
I've not used any real drugs for two months now, hoping to stay sober until xmas. But jeez, once uni starts and I've got a room alone again, kinda wanna drop some acid or ket again in the comfort of solitude.
DXM is my drug of choice, anyone else? If so do you know any good ways to stop post trip depression from 3rd or 4th plat doses? Last time I had a 4th plat dose it was on a fucking 1.3 gram concoction of HBR and polisterix, but I had bad mood swings and depression for the following 2-3 weeks or so.
If you think robotripping is a kiddy drug, try a 3rd or 4th plat dose some time. This is probably some of the most powerful/emotional shit I've ever done.
You probably burnt out your serotomin receptors temporarily
Ideally you don't want to dex more than once or twice a month
Yea I was going hard for that week tripping more than a couple times. It's been a month since then and this weekend I went two more times, first I did 300mg dex with 300mg benadryl and got some insane results, second I did a 300mg dex dose for a 2nd plat. Do you think I should wait another month before trying another 4th plat?
They say you should wait a the number of weeks as your last plat before going again at most. So if you had a 2nd plat trip wait 2 weeks, etc.
I know its fun, but things can get really fucky if you do it too much. Just look at the drooling retards on 420chans dissociative board
>tfw you want a bag of coke, but no job and very little money so you decide against it.
Can relate psychedelics are definitely my all time favourite!
Never had any bad experiences with it and you don't need others to guide you if you are confident and are somewhat mentally stable.
in my opinion stimulants are significantly less addicting than opiates. With amph I only really take it when I need to study or if I'm having a particularly hard day and need a boost. I haven't taken a "recreational" dose of amph in 6 months because the crash is not worth the high.
opiates on the other hand give me cravings like fucking mad. I'm both immensely disappointed and yet immensely relieved that my oxy dealer got busted.
>40 mg vicodin
>under fur blankets watching comfy foreign movies
real robots use opiates as a neurological substitute for a gf to cuddle with and watch movies with
>no benzos tol balance that amph and modafinil out
fuck dude
I have never done any drugs
holy shit tell me about it
I have an extremely low opinion of my self, both socially and physically, and I'm an incel. Opiates are so fucking good it hurts that I can't get them anymore.
Fuck man I wish I could still find opiates, best feeling in the world.
I fucking hate this meme
Can always order poppy seeds from their UK batches have been good lately
I went through a gram of 3-meo-pcp in under a month. by the end of it I was taking 60-70mg a night. Now that i'm out I think I permanently fried my brain.
Currently trying to avoid my GHB habit turning into a serious addiction at all costs. As much as I love the drug I know that once you have a serious addiction to downers your life is changed forever. Been doing it all day everyday for 5 months on and off. Now 2 days sober and experiencing only mild intermittent withdrawls (mild to moderate headache, heightened anxiety, trouble sleeping, mild fever). The good thing is that despite these symptoms I have quite a lot of it in my stash and despite that I am finding it quite easy to resist using it.
The answer is: no, but technically yes, depending on where you live. Sure as hell not gonna tell you though, lurk moar.
take mdma and lsd among normies to become a normie imo,
What the hell man. I give you guys my rc sources all the time. I was the first person to tell everyone about Robocaugh ffs. I'm in the US. I've seen some site that sells a "car cleaning" material that is supposedly a prodrug to GHB or something, but I'd rather find a more solid source. Whats the hurt in sharing?
I just do speed every day
is poppy pod tea any good? how does it compare to some of the other stuff out there
Your NMDA receptors will have been significantly upregulated which could lead to glutamate-induced neurotoxicity while your brain readjusts to sobriety. I would strongly recommend getting some magnesium supplements ASAP and taking them for a little while.
i wish this worked user
i tried it and the normies kept taking pictures of me and laughing and calling me a retard
im even more virginic now
>all of you druggies in this thread
My doctor's on vacation and I'm all out of oxy. This is a pretty shitty feeling.
Hey I appreciate the advice, I'll look into getting some.
Only ever done PST and if you get quality seeds its a great long lasting high. Only issue is that you build tolerance to different kinds of opiates at the same time since the seed latex convert into variations of morphine and codeine in your stomach
Yeah you're on the right lines but the "car cleaner" you speak of is illegal in the USA and even *if* the site you order from is legit and not a scam (RIP safeorscam how the fuck are we supposed to know these days??) *and* willing to send to the US, attempting to import it carries a significant risk that it will be confiscated at customs and you will get some DEA meathead knocking down your door at 3am
everyone can get laid on drugs
psychedlics are therapeutic. normal meds could have never taken care of my social anxiety.
did 3 times MDMA and 1 times LSD with lady friend and her friends which I didn't really care form, and it turned my life around.
So darknet only for US then huh? Bummer. Thanks anyways.
What's the best .onion market?
Bruh if I'm drugging I'm typically so monged out i can't even masturbate
>sitting in a room by yourself
>inject heroin into your arms and hope that you never wake up
Ah yes, what a normie activity
This, especially since some drugs like psychedelics you can only get the full experience by yourself. Normans see it as "depressing" or dangerous to take drugs by yourself or something.
I love phenibut! Just wish I could take it more than once a week though.
no friends but need something to not feel like shit. ive stolen pills but thats not an option any more. where do you bots get pot an shit?
Pretty much yea. I'm pretty confident that any clearnet site that claims it will ship the car cleaner to the USA is a scam. America thinks they are the world's policeman so anybody shipping significant amounts of it there would be risking getting extradited and raped by niggers for 20 years. Sorry you can't enjoy this wonderful substance for a reasonable price bro. Tho maybe for your own good cos it is very dangerous and addictive in the wrong hands.
gonna do LSD (ALD-25) this weekend
Any recs on what to do? was thinking of cloud watching mostly.
I use Dream since it's all I know about but I want to know if there's anything better.
lmfao just go to a dispensary
why don't more people do mescaline? it's the ultimate psychedelic.
Cos it's expensive as fuck and quite difficult to get (depending on where you live, as ever)
Took some shrooms on tuesday, they kinda sucked, probably never gonna do them again. I was expecting them to be just like acid except shorter, boy was I wrong. I hate any sort of body load and the body load with shrooms was intense. The mental effects at best were euphoric and a bit empathogenic like MDMA, but at their worst I seriously thought I was gonna die. Also I was before I took them and still am paranoid that they were poison shrooms, it's not worth that risk in my opinion. I'll just stick to acid and DMT. Also want to do some more amphetamine at some point, and also try out some opioids.
I can take it up to three times a week without a problem, myself. I've never tried more than that though, aaand I don't think I will, for obvious reasons.
uh you can legally buy san pedro or bridgesii powder off eBay.
Traderoute was by far the best marketplace ever to exist but to my great sadness they pussied out and exit scammed just 9 months after opening shop when an infamous hacker called phishkingz started blackmailing them.
Dream interface is shit and is in serious need of overhaul but it is the best marketplace atm just because of the range of products available.
Actually I consulted my trip journal. Last time I wrote
>You don't do things on acid, acid does you
I remember trying to setup my computer to watch a movie or something and it took like 20 fucking minutes. I tracked the time on a clock. After getting it up and running I just felt like going outside for a walk.
when will MDMA become damaging?
I love how technology just seems to mysteriously stop working when you are tripping. I remember getting home once from a psy party still tripping my nut off. Ran into my bedroom excited to 420blazeit and listen to music/watch films, only to turn on my monitor and find my PC was doing an upgrade to Windows 10 that I never initiated or asked for. Confused the shit out of me at the time. Drugs lol.
I understand it's the drug making them more apparent, but synchronicities are fantastic on drugs. Even better when one or more people you're tripping with experience the same thing.
MDMA's mechanism of action is proven to be inherently neurotoxic and there's lots of empirical data showing cognitive decline in people who use it a lot. That being said occasional use doesn't seem to do noticeable harm to most people. There is no scientifically determined answer but my personal rule is no more than 4 times a year. Some people say once a month but I wouldn't wanna risk it desu (even though I used to properly abuse it when I was 19-20 and I am somewhat convinced it is responsible for the severity of my social anxiety today).
I know that after periods of doing significant amounts of entactogens I will notice having more anxious and depressed thoughts and wonder why I am feeling like this. Be careful.
Yeah, the repeated, constant synchronicity you seem to experience during and after a lot of "transformational" psychedelic experiences is fucking bizarre. Such to the extent that it can be challenging to maintain a rational mindset.
Every fucking time I trip videos on my computer take forever to load. When I did this on tuesday my keyboard wasn't working and at first I thought I was crazy and eventually I realized that it must actually be broken, so I unplugged it from the back and into the front. It worked then so the USB port on the back just might be broken.
FBI the thread
yeah because the FBI spends their time creating threads on Jow Forums in order to watch international NEETs and social rejects discussing casual drug use
I feel like I'm just in purgatory and not really living life between heroin highs
is there any way to stop this (besides not doing it which did not work btw)?
>I am somewhat convinced it is responsible for the severity of my social anxiety today
funny how that works, using it 3 times, and then never again, healed my social anxiety completely.
it showed me how people just don't give a shit.
>Is there any way to stop doing heroin without stopping doing heroin?
Not really, no :(
But even stopping heroin does not stop heroin
If you have never had a bad experience on psychs you are literally a certified normie.
I prefer weed a lot more if it's good stuff. Try a low dose if you plan on trying them because once you're in the trip you're pretty much stuck there and can't do anything about it
ya bring the kairdz??
Who else stoned as fuck, listening to Strfkr?
The itch will always remain after you give it that first scratch. Lets be honest, reality is completely fucked up and dope is the only way to feel okay with it. Fair enough that it comes with a price
Personally I didnt like taking stuff alone in the event I OD
Never have but was fund af with drugs as I kept taking them till they hit not waiting for them to hit to take more after
didn't expect to see someone on Jow Forums listening to the same stuff I am but there you have it. I love strfkr and I am stoned as hell
how do you get the stuff without meeting a dealer?
about drugs
How does this get posted in every thread? It has to be a troll right? I just refuse to believe there are people who haven't heard of the darknet