Robot City

There are often these Robot Settlement/ Robot House threads here, and there's generally some interest but I think there's a big reason they don't take off, and that's because they're often a large investment, and a lot of reliance on other people (from this board, where being unreliable is pretty expected)

So instead of doing a Robot House, what do you guys think of a Robot City?
>encourage robots to move to the same city
>this city has a low population, so robots become a significant demographic without huge numbers
>Robots don't need to rely on other robots to be ready to go, you can come when you're ready
>Community of robots to help you settle in
>Won't run out of room for new robots to join in later

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Other urls found in this thread:

The reason why the threads don't go off is due to the inherent nature and state of mind behind a robot. It should be obvious that people who wallow in self-pity and have such a rudimentary grasp of their psyche would be unwilling to contemplate moving somewhere and socializing, if such a person were to be on here then I wouldn't call them a robot at all.

If a robot had a comfy place to live, with other people nearby to understand their feels, they would feel a lot less alienated

It wouldn't feel like a big enough break from society
Also what about the city natives? If they're low pop they probably like it that way. Then suddenly they're overrun with what to them might as well be a cult? Idk pham sounds obtrusive.

I have a city in mind, 12-13k population, and there's a big demand for more people moving in. Lots of unfilled jobs and housing, and lots of new commercial spaces coming soon. It's an old massachusetts mill town that is just starting to come out of an economic slump. Best part is the town is surrounded by rural areas so you can find a place away from society, and there are a lot of open fields + a tiny houses company in town so the Robot Settlement plan could still come to fruition someday (once a good robot population is settled in town)

I've been involved in dozens of these threads and half a dozen discords. They've all failed but I keep checking because I only want one to succeed.

same, i really want to see the idea take off.

look how comfy this place is, i'm going to dump some pics of the city I want to make the destination for this plan

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Some more facts:

>Legal Marijuana dispensary opening in 2019 in town
>Two large music festivals a year
>lots of large victorian houses to have roommates in
>low real estate prices currently
>2 former mill buildings currently in renovation for commercial space (pic related is one)

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That's practically an impossibility with time, children will be born and raised by robots and since they are around other robots, people who are like them, that they can socialise with, they will form into normies.
And then the next generation after that will be full blown normies, people who socialise easy with the ones around them because the ones around them have robot-type personality that they have.

And then eventually, outcast will be born into that community too, creating robots but still keeping them a minority.
This just wouldn't work, it's as simple as that.

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>two large music festivals a year

>located on the appalachian trail
>lots of hiking
>multiple lakes and ponds, places to swim and be outside
>beautiful mountain scenery
>dozens of artist galleries for artist bots to display their works

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Worcester MA has all of that but is better in every way and has more jobs. Also closer to Boston.

Worcester has a much larger population and is way more urban and sprawled out than North Adams. For a robot looking to escape from society, a low key place like North Adams is much better.

If robot children grow up and incorporate into society normally, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe Robot City is only meant to exist for a generation, only to popup in another location for the next generation, where the economic conditions are suitable

What's the name of this town, I'm interested now

North Adams, MA

so comfy in the winter too

Attached: berkshires-north-adams-berkshire-visitors-bureau.jpg (600x395, 163K)

Some of the buildings are really gorgeous too. You don't have to go far out of the way to take super comfy walks

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thread don't die boomshakalaka

i just wish a bunch of us would just throw bacpacks on and gather a few belongings, and become homeless vagabonds together, just wandering from town to town. if there was like 50 of us, we could probably help each other out. we'd be like a band of travelling gypsies.

I was just about to bump the thread! Thanks for beating me to it. I went and had lunch at a great little pizza place on main street.

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who are they gonna have sex with?

according to the most recent census, there are 91.2 males in the city for every 100 females. It gives Robots some slightly better odds.

the only thing that scares me about mass is it gets super cold and snows. im afraid id die

I was gonna add this picture of a beautiful residence from the city to the last post but I forgot.

Well I lived through 3 winters in a shitty, poorly insulated apartment in downtown north adams, where the heat would come in from the baseboards, straight out the windows, and with a little help from an electric blanket i made it through. It gets as low as -10 to -20 for a week in january, but that's the coldest it gets.

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wow, pass

I liked the idea but then you highlight all this faggot shit. no thanks

fair warning to others who are actually hard workers, queer degens will drain you

was it hard for you to find a job and find an apartment? did you just show up there and begin looking?

So your solution is that there is one generation of robots until everyone is dead and it's a ghost town?
Females will move there y'know, regardless whether you want them there or not.

you'd fit in with a loud minority of the people in the town. There's a lot of people who are very against the dispensary opening, and they've done a lot of stuff to stop it including enforcing a distance from school zones and other zoning regulations like that.

The music festivals are pretty big, hosted by the contemporary art musuem, and the town and local businesses get a ton of revenue and tourism from it. The headliner band at one of the festivals, Wilco, has even invested in opening a hotel in town, as well as investing in other real estate projects in the area.

the apartment was pretty easy to find. I was going to the local college and working an internship as a programmer at a startup company, along with the guy who was my roommate. We found that kinda shitty place for 520 a month pre utilities and moved it at the end of 2015. It wasn't that difficult.

As for other job opportunities, there is a massive shortage of people for low skill wagecucking jobs in town, and there are plenty of other opportunities open in trades and human services. If you're looking, finding a job should be pretty easy.

Pic related, the yellow building on the second floor in this pic was my old apartment

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forgot to mention, since it's not really my thing, but north adams also has a skate park, and is beginning development of a dog park and a bike trail.

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that does look really comfy

is having a car a requirement? or do you survivie without one.

I lived for a year and a half without a car. If you live downtown, it might even be better without one. Public transportation is a little sparse, but buses will stop at all the big apartment complexes and go to main street, walmart, pittsfield, williamstown and the nursing home in south williamstown (as well as some other places iirc) but when i lived in the yellow apartment, i could walk to the gym, the grocery store, my work, several friends' houses, my college, and the laundromat pretty easily.

I'm applying to UMass Amherst for grad school in a couple of months. Is that place comfy too?

Amherst can be pretty comfy, but it's very dense populationwise, and certain times of the year traffic is a gridlock. To be expected of a city with 3 big colleges there.

Here's a view of North Adams from the top of the tallest mountain in MA. You can see how comfy the town is, nested in the Berkshire hills

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another sampling of the comfy architecture here

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>real estate projects
so you're a developer

it's not going to stay quiet and comfy you dumb nigger, but you already knew that

no, i'm a programmer at a startup company here

The town is growing but it's going to remain comfy. Most of the development is reclaiming abandoned historical buildings and converting old industrial buildings into commercial space. There is no public will to put up new buildings around here currently.

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the Tourists hotel featured in the article I linked, for example, was originally a roadside motel where drug addicts would go to shoot up before it went out of business 5 years ago or so. It wasn't a new structure.

Can i live with you OP
Will give you the suck

you can live in the city with me and hang out at my place sometime, but I don't want to have people living with me. I just got my own place and I enjoy it being mine.

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I talked to a guy once from New Hamshire. He said that its pretty much a state of robots in that its the New Hampshire way to leave everyone else alone. Think about it, low population, lots of wilderness, no obnoxious neighbors, whitest state in the union. Perfect for a robot colony

I think everywhere in rural new england is like that though. It's just a matter of picking a location for the robots to congregate.

Bumping b/c it's a neat idea

if you want to move to North Adams and start the robot migration, allow me to help in any way i can to get you on your feet here!

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If we had
>bikes (I'm assuming fuel would be too expensive for those of who can drive cars)
>bike trailers for storing our few non-backpack belongings
>ultra-portable dry/powdered food, hopefully a one-time investment that would last a few years, but I have no idea how expensive it would be
We could go reasonably anywhere
The only problem is that numbers that high are bound to dry attention from cops

Yeah, I think that it'd be a bad idea wandering in those numbers, not to mention that you would have to trust everyone in the group, and no offense to robots, but they're not a consistently trustworthy group. Living on the road and in the wilderness makes you extra vulnerable, not just to malice, but also stupidity and incompetence. Gypsy's have a tradition they adhere to for survival, which has been tested and refined over generations. We're mostly just a bunch of out of shape nerds, unfit for normal society.

I just wish we could do something like that in Europe

So uh, do any robots want to move to North Adams with me?

OP here, I'll help you get started if you're serious about moving. Contact?

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Tbh, having a somewhat significant robot minority in town would be... Well, interesting to say the least. I'd go there just to see how that works out

Let's go to Slab City, California!

>complete lawlessness
i don't think robots with no social skills would be able to navigate interactions with crazed lunatics who will steal any stuff they try to bring with them

No, Robots will unite against the fuckers and take over the town like some Billy Bob badasses.

OP here. Phoneposting right now, but when I get home I'll post the discord server for this idea.

Nah sorry to mislead you. I have aspirations of moving elsewhere, and meant if I was lost I would follow-up

OP here and I'm back at home. Some folks who are also potentially interested in doing a IRL robot community thing are in a discord room and so can you be too! QyXfhr

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask

no worries user, I hope the place you move to is everything you hope it would be.

If it isn't, you can always come to North Adams. The thing I love about this plan is that we don't need a quota of people to agree before we execute the plan. I'll be here to help you move in if you ever decide to come to Robot City

Is it Chernobyl?

that sounds awful, constant socialization like that should be a form of torture.

move to Robot City, you can get a small cheap apartment and never leave except when your robot buddies wanna drink and play smash bros or whatever

>if such a person were to be on here then I wouldn't call them a robot at all.
This sums it up.

I've found with my attempts at joining with robots is that many just resort to trying to be the king of the dead, using normie tactics to try and undermine robots. The robots who actually want to meet others are the usually ones who have tried to socialise in real life in the past but people outcast because the "robots" are just horrible (Usually dumb, full of themselves, and bullies) people.

I guess this is the failed normie which runs this place now.
Robot: Choose to not socialise with others based on other's behaviour
Failed normies: Others choose not to socialise with them based on theirv behaviour

It seems like the only way to make this work is to catch the interest of a couple certain financially capable people at once, have them move in together around the same time, and see how it goes. If it succeeds, they can help you invite more people and slowly build the place up. If it doesn't then it's a failure and you can try again with different people or wait for the next big idea.

The problem with these robot residences is that nobody sticks to their guns and the idea dies off after one or two weeks. That's why it's important to connect a few people who are really interested and take them as far as you can.

OP here

The city I've chosen is close to where I grew up, and I own property in this city. Whether other robots move here or not, I'll be here. I'm not trying to create an organization of any kind, because I don't want that responsibility. I just think that this town is a good town for low key folks who want comfy feels, and if I've been friends with anyone in my life it's been robot types, failed normies, cyborgs, and other such folk. If a number of you guys come over here and find the place to be a suitable home, then I'll be happy. If it's a thing I busy myself with for a few weeks before everyone loses interest and nobody comes, well it'll have been fun.

As I've said, the beauty of robot city is that no bankroll is needed, each robot can migrate here on their own schedule and on their own dime, and in fact I'd kind of prefer it if people came over here one at a time because I don't think I could help 5 people settle in at once without taking time off from my job.