>He is a dicklet and still thinks he can make it
Oh no no no
>He is a dicklet and still thinks he can make it
Oh no no no
It's pathetic how many people here actually spend their time to scare virgins or celibates into insecurity instead of doing something useful.
Improve yourself and don't bother with the things you can't change.
t. dicklet cope
>looks at pic
>feminazi symbol in the corner
Hello there, ms. Bagelstein! Trying to demoralise the white man while he's still young? Do you feel threatened? Good!
Well said, fellow Jow Forumsizen! May the blessings of Kek bestow upon you great gainz.
cope more dicklet
The majority of men fall in the 6" range, so that amkes ~75% of men "barely ok"
One of the reasons this scale is being pushed (besides ridiculousness of porn and jews) is because women are bigger than ever. They have a couple extra inches of fat inbetween you and them, so bottoming out takes a bit more. If you don't fuck giant gaping holes 6" is fine. You won't find a petite/slim chick that's a "size queen". The only women into fisting and large insertions are landwhales
All those sizes include the balls and base parts, which easily add an extra ~1-1.5 inches
You can't fool me BBC lover
>easier anal
>easier deepthroating
>god gave us fingers and a tongue
Not my fault that the dick carousel destroyed your cut Stacy.
t. walletlet cope