Literally just take a bath, get a haircut, work out and wear trendy clothes.
Literally just take a bath, get a haircut, work out and wear trendy clothes
Other urls found in this thread:
>wow thanks for the advice! ill try it out
How the fuck is this post original?? Everyone on this site already did your shit advice and we're still here.
The real redpill is getting girls is 99.999% social skills. If you're a stuttering, lisping autist that everyone picks on it does not matter if you dress well.
>wear trendy clothes
None of those things are keeping me from it.
The fact that I'm a low functioning autist does.
Looks are the ultimate factor of getting girls dumbass.
T.ugly guy with a likable personality.
>countless threads going into detail about what is unattractive and depressing about this dating culture that punishes romance and thoughts of sexual faithfulness in a meaningful way, and encourages shallow flings and discarding each other in the name of finding yourself
>uh, so you guys are just too dumb to take a bath??
>likable personality
Friendly/likable/etc doesn't matter with getting bitches, you're a niceguy. Ugly guys can still get pretty cute chicks as long as they're like 4-5/10, but you have to actually know how to flirt and create sexual tension, not have a "likable personality".
Clean. Have haircut. Work out. Wear skinny jeans.
Still virgin.
Unironically got approached in a nightclub. Too much of a retard to open my mouth and talk.
Did all that, still have autism
You see this is ABSOLUTE bullshit. You yourself already said that personality isn't shit, and that women are only turn on by looks. I tried to act flirty and all , and I was labeled a creep.
You don't sound likeable desu
Naw. Looks are a fallback when your personality sucks.
T. Ugly guy who gets laid all the time
Need more context. Age, height, weight, money, education, social circles, places you meet women at.
>The real redpill is getting girls is 99.999% social skills
this. so much this
i look pretty average, dress normal and have decent hygiene. still can't get any girls because i dont know how to talk to them. nobody gets to know your personality if you never speak to anybody
fuck off normies
Looks only attract girls if you have no other redeeming qualities
Post evidence now
Yes, because you have no social skills. You're like a cat trying to bark, and women can tell.
>just b urself!
>just change yourself
I have a lot of redeeming qualities. How would they help if women never talk to me because of my looks, they literally never even give me a chance to show my personality.
I didn't say fucking anything retard, that's the only reply I made in this thread. Personality is the most important factor to women, look at the studies. They've shown that women generally rate men's looks way lower before they meet them for the first time and get to know them, while afterwards it goes up multiple points.
If you were labelled a creep after trying to act flirty, there's two possibilities, you're either doing it wrong and just think you're being flirty, or you're 3/10 or less, which would mean you're setting your sights on girls out of your league. Give me an example of how you "flirt."
Thats not true at all, its about status. There are many likable people who are low status. A likable chad is popular, a likable beta is using his only strength to get by.
All those people in the comic are trying to prove him wrong, but they won't date him. Because he's ugly. Essentially proving him right.
Also in addition like said, it's possible you're retarded socially so when you go up to a girl and instantly start flirting instead of actually trying to get to know them, because you aren't good looking, you'll seem desperate. The cold approach doesn't work for ugly guys nearly as much as it does for cute guys, meaning you still have to follow a traditional "get to know them" tactic.
Yes, only retards think that its based on looks. Its entirely based on social status and nothing more. So anybody who is lower on that social status is still fucked forever. A 30 cab driver is only going to get laid by hookers. A 15 year old who got bullied will never get pussy. A nice guy who avoids confrontation more then most will not get pussy. A extremely intelligent male will only get pussy if he is rich.
There is nothing you can do to make yourself move up the hierarchy except get rich or become an ass hole. The thing is though that the women you get once you've moved up the hierarchy are still roastie sluts who've had 30 dicks up their STD ridden bagina
Fuckin this, though I'd have included sarcastic quotes around """finding yourself" because, outside of tv/movies, shallow flings don't actually make one more self-aware and psychologically developed, but rather more damaged, semi-sociopathic, and incapable of connecting and pair bonding.
Got pissed off by the blackpill thread, I take it?
This is the kind of autism that makes chicks not like you dude.
30s, 6 feet, 240lbs, no money, dropout, wtf is social circles?, anywhere.
No, again, you're being fucking stupid. This isn't fucking high school. Social hierarchy is a sign of confidence, intelligence, wit, etc. You can be a chad at the top of the social hierarchy or you can be a normal guy who has these same traits. As long as you have likable traits and you know how to flirt girls will be attracted to you, it just so happens that people at the top of the "social hierarchy" also have these traits, because people like them for those traits.
They see you and plug their ears? That's messed up.
Be yourself means don't lie. It doesn't mean you shouldn't improve yourself.
>get to know girl
>she see's you as beta faggot because you don't have the balls to go after her
>chad comes along for a one night stand
>yes please give me attention
>beta orbiter gets cucked for years
The worst part is she knows you wanted to go out with her but she keeps you around anyway to boost her ego.
>t. fatass scumbag who preys on drunk college girls who want to revengecuck their boyfriends
No, again you're the retard here who doesn't know what he is talking about.
Wow you mean chicks aren't lining up to sleep with you?
Where did I say anything like that?
Fake and gay, fuck off with your plebit cuck erotica
Okay, so you just fucking recognized the problem. If you don't have the "balls" to go after her, that means you're not confident in yourself. Why should she wait for you, a pussy who is scared to go for the girl he likes, instead of taking Chad who does have that confidence and is actually willing to show that he's interested?
Nice argument buddy.
How the fuck does having some creepy beta around boost a woman's ego? The logic is missing.
That's literally the only kind of tail faggots like you can get lmao
>don't lie
>Just completely change your outward appearance to deceive people
They tell me to fuck off or ignore me you dumb normie
What's an emotional tampon/free meal provider?
Because women want attention and nothing more. Betas give women attention. They feel great knowing some stupid beta fag would be willing to give up half his saving just for a change at her pussy.
Imagine having a yandere gf that was too pathetic to actually do anything except talk to you and give you compliments and money.
why not be mature and accept that you're evolutionary sewage
You guys realize this spergy manchild attitude is why chicks won't go for you, right? Something that's pretty easily changed is the cause of your misery. The world didn't wrong you. You wronged yourself.
By the way, there's no username on that post and I looked up the title only to be met with no results. Good job.
it feels nice to know someone is attracted to you even if you have no desire to have sex with them.
It probably doesn't even cross their mind, honestly.
Now you guys are really going to have to post pics if you're really "ugly" because I don't know what I'm doing different from you guys.
Dude, you're just seething that I called you out on you predatorily smashing naive inexperiencd thots who are almost half your age lol
N-no its f-fake because I said so!
>Nice argument buddy.
I literally just repeated the exact same thing you said in less words. You are fucking retarded and don't have any argument yourself except for "no you're wrong"
>Okay, so you just fucking recognized the problem. If you don't have the "balls" to go after her, that means you're not confident in yourself.
>be ugly
>go for girl
>get rejected
Dude you got to just get to know them first
>go for girl
>get to know her
>get cucked by chad
Honestly its pretty funny how much you value pussy. Its really just not worth it for some skanks used goods.
Based on what exactly? You sound like a white knight.
By the way There have been anonymous surveys (irl not internet) that showed up to 60% of women admitted they had essentially beta orbiters. Something like 80% of women admitted that despite being in a long term relationship they continue a relationship with another man as a back up plan.
I don't have spergy attitude, I work with people a lot and can make conversations, I showed you what happens when I try to approach girls and you are just calling me a manchild.
I mean, am I wrong? ;)
Do you talk to chicks in real life? Also don't have an entitled manchild attitude.
What is this manchild attitude you guys speak of?
Chicks don't go for anybody. Name one fucking time a girl has ever initiated. It doesn't happen unless you are giga chad with superior genetics.
What do you mean by entitled manchild attitude?
I'm not ugly, I've seen ugly guys get girls that are 6/10 or above. I'm maybe 6/10 or 7/10. I used to be 5/10, and I did notice that girls took more interest in me when I started to look better, But I was still was able to flirt and talk with them and I could pull them.
I'm not saying get to know them for weeks on end retard. I'm saying talk to them for a bit, maybe a 2-3 minutes, ask them about themselves, then you start flirting. And when i say flirting, I mean playful flirting, not serious flirting. Make jokes, initiate some physical contact. You're just shit at this part and don't realize it so you get rejected.
Are you the manchild that said "fuck off normie" ?
You're supposed to go after chicks. You're a man aren't you? I didn't mean like they will do all the work. Stop comparing yourself to what other guys do. That's wasted effort.
Literally you you dumbfuck, your brain is fucking you up. Wake up
It's not women's fault I'll die alone, it's mine.
No, I didn't. You should learn how to read, I said girls tell me to fuck off and your responses make you look like an ignorant normalfag. How illiterate should you be to fuck this up?
Know it's confirmed that you don't know what you're talking about because you're not ugly yourself but "have seen" ugly guys get with girl. Is it really worth the laugh seeing a ugly guy that has absolutely no chance ask a girl in public?
>doesn't account for bad genetics or facial structure.
Still an ugly cunt so that'd change nothing for me.
>doesn't account for mental issues or a complete inability to function socially
Also doesn't help with that part.
You're focusing on the wrong thing.
Oh you said "you dumb normie" . Totally not a manchild reaction. Also it's pretty ironic to be sperging out now
I'm a 4/10 and have no problems getting a girl when I want.
>looks (includes physical fitness level as much as incels disagree)
In that order. 1/3 you can get a girl. 2/3 you can get a better girl. 3/3 you can get the best girl.
It's an honest question because normal average looking people make fun of me for not having a gf for being a virgin. They tell that I have no personality, that I'm hard to look at. I just trying to bring closure to this problem.
coming from an ex chad the major factor missing is always confidence and the ability to approach
I have multiple ugly friends who have gotten girls. I've known girls who have dated ugly guys. Are you slow?
Show a pic then? There's fucking way your ugly because I do the same thing you do and I still get called creepy and ugly.
You're probably creepy then?
You use ad hominem a lot and still hasn't answered my question.
you really think women would prefer an ugly manlet who's confident over an akward shy guy who looks like this?
No I'm not slow, I'm retarded. Can you really say that these guys you know are ugly show pic, because they're 200% better looking than me.
What question? I bet it's retarded
Why won't you post your pic user, surely your confident right?
Stop asking for pics of men. That's gay. Maybe you don't have a gf because you're gay?
Why are you begging for pics of men?
no. but the where the good looking guy would have a 0% attempt rate he's gunna have a 0% success rate
the confident manlet will get shut down a lot. but as most women's nights can be made by getting some attention from someone (even an ugly manlet) it feeds their ego
the ugly manlet may try 100 times and get 1
but 1 is more than 0
>but the where the good looking guy would have a 0% attempt rate he's gunna have a 0% success rate
lol implying he wouldn't have women approaching him
I mean I already know you're a troll because you have failed to answer my questions, you claimed to be ugly, yet you won't post a pic to actually prove that you are.
this. any delusional faggot that think looks get you women is UGLY i guarantee you. I'm not horrible looking and dress well, doesn't make a fucking difference. Guy who look worse than me with chad social skills will get girls above my "league"
i'm not as good looking as that guy. but i have modelled and get complimented by 7/8 out of 10's alot. i have friends that look like that and we NEVER get approached . i mean we do but extremely rarely
the guys getting all the girls are just the ones in town everyone likes. not the god tier looking ones.
this thread is so sad lmao
Absolutely. At best he might get a lay, but he wont get a gf with that attitude.
Begging for pics of men is creepy af dude. This creepy man obsession is a good thing to fix. But you don't want to fix yourself. You want an excuse to not try.
Dude, i'm not trying to lie to you to prove a point. Trust me, some of these guys are ugly motherfuckers. Acne, weird smile, weak jaws. I'm not saying that to prove a point, they really are ugly.
end this pain. aAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaA
I have done every advice I was told. I know for a fact I'm ugly. Yet you guys claim that it actually works. All I wanted as a pic to know you guys weren't trolling me and that I should keep working on the advices I was given. But all you guys just seem to call me either gay, desperate, creepy. I fucking give up.
You give up easily. Chicks hate that.
Its It's always the same. Bla bla bla I'm some how confident that everyone here is capable of doing what I do bla bla I'm so retarded the concept that other people having different abilities and potential for abilities is non existent in my mind. Bla bla everyone here just wants to get laid bla bla bla you have to work hard to get a chance at some used goods bla bla if you disagree with me your personality is toxic and you won't get pushy yadda yadda yadda just don't be boring be interesting like a movie star
Kek you guys memed this guy to death,
I really doubt that a guy who looks like a male model can be as shy as a robot.
you sound autistic. if you talk to women like that there's no wonder you not getting any
When you say ugly they think you mean a below average guy. They don't even think of actually ugly people as human. Those guys do ugly you avoid eye contact with them on the street don't exist in their minds.
I'm not bad looking, just weird as fuck and people hate me
yeah I know it's purely hypothetical
short of legitimate genetic mental problems anyone who looks like that will have such positive social interactions growing up that it's basically impossible to end up awkward and weird