Be me, diagnosed autistic

Here's my story as a self aware autistic
I deeply hate my own body and refuse to wash myself, resulting in bad hygiene
I can still do it but it makes me aware of my body and I feel like death after having no choice but to look at it
The only self care I can do is brushing my teeth, but as I already said touching my own body makes me dissociate further

that's my story guys, it does make me feel better after its done but the self awareness hurts and I can't do it with any complications.

My self awareness both helps and hurts me, I'm self aware I have to clean my body, but cleaning it makes me aware of it and makes me have a mental breakdown, so it doesn't make much of difference

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I'm on the spectrum too but I don't have this problem

Okay thanks
I crave death

Just throwing this out there. If you were a cute girl, I'd help you take showers. You could just relax while the hot water hits your skin as I scrub your hair and wash your body for you; all I ask in return is you crawl into bed with me afterwards to cuddle.

if you force yourself to do things you dont like do you eventually become numb to them?

No, im ugly and fat, ironically enough I have no standards for a partner, though, not because I'm desperate, but because I only care about emotional connection

Okay then, Echo

Yes... Thats how it works right? My entire body is numb all the time though, my teeachers say my blood doesn't flow but I don't understand it,

I can't report on mobile, janitors delete this fool, this is like a classmate telling someone they're ugly and running away

yeah a lot of life is just getting used to putting up with terrible things until they dont bother you any more

Jow Forums isn't your blog Kim, go complain somewhere else.

I assume neurotypicals enjoy life since they get treated well by everyone and they're in "above" hierarchy that protects them too, they have no reason to actually be upset with themselves

I guess that statement is true for autistic people though

Who is this??
I don't want to blow up like the r9k waifus so please stop

You're not going to "blow up", that's specifically why nobody wants you to blog post here. Nobody cares about your problems.

Umm I'm not, being diagnosed with autism is my personality

And besides who are you? My impersonators may have talked to you but I haven't

I don't enjoy drama, btw, I just post about my autism

You don't have impersonators, nobody is that invested in you.

Can you just stop, I don't know if you're a troll, im just posting like any other person, im autistic and just posting about my autism

Jeez that was weird
I have posted the same thing for since this year who the heck is MAking my literal autism about them

Since November last year I mean
It's my autism, obviously, I'll stop posting when I get undiagnosed what the heck is happening

Can the user accusing me explain themselves

Innocent autist tries to reclaim their autism and gets harassed by user more at eight

Please learn to be nicer, society will degenerate further, if society wants to kill one another we will regress

I know what it's like to be depressed and fall into a weight gain rut. I've lived most my life like that. Do you enjoy walking or running? Even the littlest bit of exercise helps.

I'm walking right now with my teachers actually
My legs hurt
I have been vomiting up my food lately but I have been losing weight apparently

That's good that you're moving! Exercise and weight loss begins with small steps. Vomiting your food, on the other hand, is a terrible step to take and is only going to result in more problems with you down the line--the equivalent of short term gain for long term loss.

What should be important is the construction of a good foundation. Vomiting isn't necessary. What could and will help you is just the act of counting your calories. As long as you consume less than 2000 daily, you'll be at a defecit. Combined with your exercise, the weight lose begins at a healthy pace.

I'm not vomiting on purpose it just happens
Also for being nice to a autistic person you won't be sent to sensitivity training, I give you a pass, and thank you for the informative post

Lmao, OP eats fast food every day and is pushing 300 lbs. Don't think she's slimming down anytime soon.

No, people irl told me I'm losing weight
A autistic person doesn't care about their weight Anyway

I'm not trying to be nice to you for points. You're just a human being, and you're one that's been in my very same shoes.

If the vomiting continues, please consider altering your diet or seeing a doctor. If it's blood, then you really, really need to see a doctor.

Take care.

No, I wasn't saying that, but you get a free pass anyway

It's just food stuck in my throat, I can feel the lumps and it's pretty gross

In that case, I would definitely consider altering your diet. It could be a common food or food type you're ingesting that's ending up like this. Fast food is difficult to give up but it's what my mind immediately gravitates to.

I usually eat tacos or meat from. The butchers, my parents decide what I eat
I don't understand how to fix it, Ill just keep living like this

Meat's the problem then. Er, not to say that meat is bad in itself, but your body is clearly struggling with it. Substituting wheat based foods, fruits, and vegetables may do you wonders.

Okay thank you
I will screenshot this, I use to eat bananas alot but I Stopped I think

I think I have autism too, not diagnosed though.
I can't succeed in social situations, even if the initial interaction is favorable.
I talk random shit and can never talk for a normie for too long, have been considered a crazy man and a psycho whilst still in middle school.
I'm also deeply disgusted by my body and I hate it. However in an attempt to punish myself I work out and do boxing.
I love when someone connects a straight right into my ugly face
I hate my muscles, I hate everything about this body
Even so, the more I hate it, the more it grows.

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