
That haunting loneliness edition

It's Thursday anons, the week is almost over. How was your week? How are classes? Made any friends yet?

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>Forced to take 4 classes that i despise
>Only get to study 2 classes that i actually enjoy
It sucks.

>How are classes?
don't start for two weeks like most americans

>"I'll make friends THIS semester, this time for real"

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I still have two weeks until my classes start. I'll be a senior, and my class schedule is pretty awesome (every Monday and Friday off), but I was shot down by my first choice internship yesterday and I'm having a hard time not stewing and brooding about it. My second choice seems to be a lock, though. So there's that.

I wish I could wear a mask to school without standing out

dropping out. Quit job last week but boss said I can comeback. so i have to tell everyone i dropped out and look like a dumbass

Classes have gone good thus far.
Have a physics II recitation coming up as well as fluids.
Geology and Construction seem like they'll be comfy
None really. I talked to someone that was in a class I had last semester, still only aquaintances

Delet this

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>don't start for two weeks like most americans
The fuck school you go to? Everyone I know (only 2 states included) are already back

i start this monday
tfw no qt schoolgirl gf to do homework with

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>"Okay, so I didn't make many friends if any, but I swear I'll study really hard and get good grades to make up for it!"

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>Yeah so I havent spoken to anyone in 3 weeks, I got a new vidya, thatll make up for it

>30pages until end of month

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I'm a transfer to pic related and my classes start on Monday. Anyone anons round here interested in meeting up?

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>tfw last semester the professor made fun of my fashion sense

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I still have a month before I go back to uni and I want to fucking kill myself. I live with my mom who I'm pretty sure has BPD and she keeps raging at me for not being the perfect daughter and I'm tired of being stressed out and afraid in my own home.
Parents are divorced so it's not like I can talk to my dad to tell her to chill out.

dropping my bio course for a psych course since physics is going to be a pain in the ass. havent had a math based course since fucking AP calculus and im a senior. fuck

Six months ago I said in some small talk at uni that I was sick of education and just wanted it over with. Now, still unemployed, I want fucking classes back.

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normies stop developing morally after age 18, this is why profs do this

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>tfw first week and already contemplating dropping out

>essay that's 15% of the course for a meme history class I'm taking for general education requirements
>due in a few hours, haven't started yet, feeling overwhelmed
>word limit is 500
I don't know why I do this to myself every single time even for the simplest shit

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500 words is like 2 paragraphs. wtf

>500 words
are you fucking kidding me son?

> Go to first year of uni last year
> Make a whole group of nice friends
> Study Informatics and Information systems (I wanted to study Computer Science but didn't get in)
> 0 girls in my course
>Shit university and I stay with my parents , but I have my close friends with me as well as uni friends
> Year goes by fast , decide to transfer to another university 150km away from home.
> Living alone
> This university is better and infamous for thousands of hot girls and parties.
> mfw Accepted for Computer Science
> 8 Months have passed and I haven't made a single friend

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I know, that's what I'm saying. It's literally fucking nothing but I still feel overwhelmed.

just type a bunch of crap out to answer the prompt and then edit it down
you can always start over

>its a mum tries to pressure me into asking in the group facebook chat i havent ever posted in a year for example exercises for a second chance test
How do i out

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3 weeks in and i already hate it. Top 20 schools in my country.
>in mechanical engineering, can't change because not america
>choose it because top uni
>interested in CS since childhood
>college is like every other
I hate every second of this, entire class is filled with cringy fuckers who do musically.
End me.

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That happened to me, don't worry user. People who say first year is the easiest only think about the grades and not adjusting. The last year was unironically the easiest for me.

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>to get in any uni in my country, you have to take a fuckall huge and hard test
>Most people straight up disregard HS and prepare for the test for ~4 years
>Enter top Chemistry school
>Get relatives and old teachers are praise me for making it
>Attend class
>Everyone around is a turbo normie/ roastie on steroids that still managed to get grades much better than mine while i barely made it in
How the fuck did all those people enter this place? I expected everyone to be autistic nerds who cant talk to people

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They're either richer or higher IQ than you (probably both)

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why am i so fucking lethargic about everything

>never go to class
>never actually study
>dont read anything
>it comes to midsem time and im so irredeemably behind that i just throw in the towel

how the fuck do i stop this? i just cant give less of a fuck anymore but im so close to graduating that i cant pull out now.

Starting next week. Wish me luck guys... if you want.

Figure why you're in college in the first place

>procrastinate in final year fail everything
>re-do the year
>procrastinate and fail one fucking class
At the end of the second year I finally felt like I was getting my life back on track. Fuck, why am I like this? Suicide is the only option at this point.

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Had a test on Tuesday which I thought would be written but it was an easy multiple choice one, so that felt good.
Now it's just a matter of adjusting my absolutely dreaded sleeping pattern (fell asleep at 2pm today and woke up at 9pm). I'm also two weeks behind, but the coursework hasn't been this easy in a long time (been attending for around 5 years now, lmao). Overall, semi-comfy.

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Figure out why you're in college man. What do you want in life? Be honest. Do you want to fuck a bunch of girls? Do you want to be a rockstar? Do you want to be a scientist? Figure shit out.

>How was your week?
Don't start for another few weeks. Didn't realise people started uni before September.

>Made any friends yet?
I'm going to really try this year I swear!

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Uni starts the 10th of September here. Stay mad ameritards.

Also my timetable is pretty light since I'm repeating my year, so I've got time for a programming job next to my apartment. I have the interview next Monday.

I think I'm going to get my shit together this year.

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Uni doesn't start for like another month here in the UK
We're on summer holidays for way too long it's so fucking boring

Well its more or less a feeling of i dont even want to be here and got roped into going by my family

This. Almost makes me want to have failed a unit or two last year so I could take resits now

I've been trying to keep myself busy by studying stuff from this past year. Wouldn't want to kneecap my grades though because I need them to apply to another university lol

Does anyone else here get scared off if they fail to do some homework or go in late to class? Today for my second class I stood outside the doorway for about ten minutes until someone walked past and I got skittish.
After that I headed to my car because I have nothing better to do and I can't bring myself to turn the door handle of the class.

School girls are over, man. You're in college now

I used to be like that, then for some reason stopped giving zero shits, then regretted sorely that I stopped giving zero shits

Looking breddy gud. Talked to more the past 4 days than I have some entire semesters.

>it helps to see the guys who actually look like Nicolas Cruz
>whew, at least im not there yet

>"I'll make friends THIS time"
>finals arrive and i still barely know anyone in my classes
Don't remind me of this painful feel

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I hope that this week, as it draws to a close, is finding everyone currently enrolled well.
My personal week was quite alright, OP, thank you for asking, how about yours?
This week I got a cursory view of what my initial four online courses are going to be like, and if the layouts, syllabuses, and overall communication efforts by the professors are any indication, these online courses are very much just going to be dull. A basic outstretch of
>Submit these questions by Sunday
>Submit this essay by Friday
>Respond to at least two peers by the posted date
and as such I find myself immediately bored. The only thing I have to look forward to this semster course-wise is my student service learning to be taking place at a local elementary school that I've worked with in the past. I'm quite friendly with the staff there and I'd love to see some former students again.

What is your most-liked course so far? What course are you dreading the most?

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>gpa 3.02
>need to keep it above 3 if i ever want to get a job with my degree
>3 semesters left
holy shit wtf do i do bros?
I don't want to graduate with a 2.99 gpa

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Haven't really started yet. I'll be studying CS in October.

I also am not a virgin and have a lot of friends.

So, did I come to poke fun at all of you?

A little bit, yes. But I also came to tell you that my position was the complete opposite a few years back, so don't give up. You can make it.

c ya later, virgins

What the hell? At my uni you can only resit if you're a medic

Just finished my undergrad, and I'm starting my job at some random firm in the middle of nowhere.

All I wanna do is go back...

Looks like grad school's a happening with me.

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I unironically went to uni because my mum wanted the grant and student loan money.

Only 1 more year to go, i regret choosing veterinary medicine this shit is way too hard

>Uni starts the 10th of September here. Stay mad ameritards.
My classes start in November kek

I'm doing resits and I'm afraid I might fail one of them and get kicked out. Idk wtf i'll do if that happens I have no goals in life and actually if they don't kick me out i'll probably struggle to pass the next year.

I thought it was normal to at least make friends with your roommate, what gives user?

>Delayed on simple assignment again
Was fairly straightforward

American here, my uni doesn't start till end of September.

literally do the same thing you've been doing. With every semester your grades get more and more cemented, just bust your ass for the next 2 and don't absolutely fuck up fro the last one.

In other news, I still got a month till uni starts and I have fuck-nothing to do. Been working on music but I keep getting this impending feeling I should prep-study for classes, even though I don't know what i would study. /blog

Holy fuck its already senior year and im already getting worried about post grad plans. I start on monday, and after this semester im basically done with my degree, and next summer will just be filler classes, while I hope to find a good internship.

Good luck fadgit.
You can handle it. Just stay on top of hwk and you should be good

at least you can actually get a job lad

>say this every semester
>this is my last chance
I should be worried about finding a job with my worthless degree and here I am stressing about normalfag stuff.

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Most online courses I've taken are like that, just do X quiz by Y deadline and submit online. I had one online course that the following semester the professor died, RIP.

My most liked classes were 'Art of Comedy' (elective)
'History of Asians in the U.S.' the class was easy as fuck and the teacher was hot.

I've liked all my accounting courses, but only because the professors were cool and would BTFO kids when they asked stupid questions.

I hated my marketing class semester, the prof was always unorganized and would yell at us if we didnt do something SHE forgot to tell us.

Marketing research was also another class I hated because I ended up doing 60% of our group project worth like 40% of our grade.

Tried making friends, not working out well for me.
I just had nothing to say, I was only kinda friendly with 1-2 guys in the group and 90% of discussion was inside talk, so I had a hard time participating in any of it.

>Uni age
>muh haunting loneliness

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>That impending sense of doom when you realise uni is only 3 weeks away

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Masters student in applied math. I just want to get in and get out. A ton of girls around and my class is always a bunch of fat sweaty bronies.

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I'm both anxious and eager to go to uni

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>I'll be studying CS in October

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Go to boardy barn for day before? Labor Day. Tons of cuties.

Is design and manufacture a meme degree? I honestly can't tell

Which country is this? Never heard of a country where they make it hard to go to uni.

what's wrong with cs?

Rich as fuck and daddy called a few favors.
They probably didn't even do the test

Im not 21 , contact me on discord glom2thereturnofglom#2529

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holy fuck nigga that takes 10 minutes

>250 word paragraph due next month
>tfw haven't started yet
what to do bros

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>tfw trying to start work feels like trying to force yourself to wrap your hand around a hot iron
Literally conditioned into being a NEET.

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anyone else here have no friends but still find fulfillment in the little interactions they have with other people?

>walking back to room from calc
>guy asks me for help
>"where is room 2250?"
>tell him we are on the lobby floor, and he needs to go 4 floors up because the building's floors are numbered incorrectly
>offer to walk with him to his room
>learn he's taking mechanical engineering
>he's 10 minutes late because he got lost
>show him his classroom
>wish him luck
>didn't even get his name

It's ok to be happy for little things you guys.

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>live in bumfuck nowhere
>finished my summer job
>all my friends left for school already
>siblings have moved out
>retired boomer parents are home almost 24 hours a day. Always nagging me over stupid shit
>the most interesting place in driving distance is the library
>"user, why do you spend all day in your room?"
>still have 10 days until I move back

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fuck yes, after freshman year, i realized its nor realistic to expect friends, and i just focused on enjoying things.

much like you said its nice when a classmate asks a question or needs help, something small.

some of us commute

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Ask people to be study partners, join the campus groups especially those for your major go the fuck outside

My motivation is nonexistent.
Normally I have some at the beginning of a year, now none

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what is it with boomers and complaining about stupid shit?

who else here hasn't checked their grades from last semester yet because they're too scared they dropped their GPA and got kicked out?
If I'm still in I need to do signups pretty soon... damn it's scary though, I get like a pit in my stomach when I just think about it

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>3rd (final) year
>need 20 xp days in field
>only got 11 so far
>no money
>no friends
>dissertation to write
>6 projects to start#
>2 essays to plan
>classes to attend
>family pushing me to get part time job

kill me

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i know that feelinng well, u just gotta do it lad, its fucking horrible though
i only just scraped through, got email from lecturer saying they're disappointed which just tops it off

>tfw 2 hour commute
at least I don't have to deal with normalfags in dorms

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>2 semesters left
>have made 0 friends in total
>still havent taken public speaking class meant for freshman
>considering dropping out

each way? i had a 1.5 hr each way for a year. pretty comfy waking up when its dark and cold out.

Yep, half an hour walk to the train station from home then about 80 minutes train ride to the Uni

So much this, 2 hour commute here too.
The busses around my house are cancer, so 1/3 of my wait time is literally sitting around at the stop waiting for it to finally arrive, but otherwise, I don't actually mind the commute. The walking (and sometimes running, to the bus) gets me pretty good on cardio.
It does definitely add to me being pissed off if a lecture is unnecessary, like 55 minutes of homework review or some shit, because that means I'm effectively out 3 hours for nothing. But if a lecture is good I can't say I care.

26 loner drug addict
getting tats soon
former neet
2 p/t sems left
philosophy, history minor
want to make music

will i make it lads

I've had a really good week at uni anons
>Uni put on free pancakes
>Welfare group brought puppies for students
>Meet a nice girl at puppy cuddling
>Find out we have a class together
>Go get lunch, spend 2 hours just talking on the grass
>After meeting with girl go to gym
>Guys from my course in there, start talking to them
>Now have new friends in 2 classes
I've been blessed by the friends god

My classes are easy as of now and I stopped being a lazy fuck, but I still feel like I'm not really living. That's where heroin comes in

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I do, it's called smiling

Do sports lad or at least exercise, it has half-worked for me. And dont fap too often