>ooga ooga I see woman, my peepee hard, I must fuck and impregnate hurr hey there baby
>ooga ooga I see another man, REEE, I must fight. hey motherfucker wanna fight?
>unga bunga sex, food, fight
Why are men literally brainless apes?
>ooga ooga I see woman, my peepee hard, I must fuck and impregnate hurr hey there baby
>ooga ooga I see another man, REEE, I must fight. hey motherfucker wanna fight?
>unga bunga sex, food, fight
Why are men literally brainless apes?
because that's what women want
Perhaps if you spent less time around niggers you'd realise you're wrong
I disagree but I'm interested in knowing what makes you think that?
tfw neanderthals are literally white people
maybe you should go outside some time
There it is!
>darkface not look like me ooga bunga I must fight darkface because he not look like me *burp* *fart*
>t. man 20,000 years ago
>Chad makes me so moist! I want to carry his kids.
>OMG, Kelly is such a bitch. I hope she dies in a fire.
>I LITERALLY CANNOT live without sex, pizza, and my phone.
Because if you're not like that women say 'oh wow you care about stuff?, what a fucking incel haha i'm sorry sweaty'. I know this is a bait post but i'm responding anyway. Fuck off.
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This is literally who we are, hormones make us that way
This is literally who we are, hormones make us that way
>I am capable of liking nerdy guys who aren't chads
>has many girl friends, capable of sisterhood and never fights other women
>vast selection of interests ranging from nerdy hobbies to sports
>stacy has big butt and big tits, unh unh ooga I must fuck her, all other women don't exist if no big butt and tits
>other man looked at the stacy I want to fuck, RRREEEEE I HAVE TO KILL HIM
>I LITERALLY CANNOT live without porn, steak, and war video games
>>capable of liking nerdy guys who aren't chads
>>never fights other women
>>vast selection of interests
thanks for the laugh baitanon
The great intelligence not the white man. Amazing.
No matter how far civilisation grows in complexity, base animal urges must govern its functions or we stop being human and society collapses. This is how the Jews plan to bring down the West, and people like you are already turned.
>insert Alex Jones bit about the hot blood etc
Eh I just fuck my hand and the primal urges go away.
>Honestly can women fuck there hand and instantly become rational?
If so they should go fuck themselves
>ooga ooga I see woman,
I read this as
>ooga ooga I see WHITE woman
She's pissed that her biology makes her weak and inferior, so she tries to invalidate masculinity altogether. Stay mad roastie
>>Honestly can women fuck there hand and instantly become rational?
A woman is always rational whereas a man can barely think straight since he's horny all the time.
Reality as opposed to female cognitive dissonance
>I am capable of settling for nerdy betas when Chad stops giving me dick
>I only fight women passive-agressively and am capable of maintaining friendships with people I secretly hate
>I have a vast selection of hobbies taken from whatever happens to be popular in the group I've selected
>my cognitive dissonance as opposed to female cognitive dissonance
Get over yourself.
Dumb esl. faggot!
Get toasty, roastie. You know I'm right.
based and informed
apes yes, brainless no