I'm going on a date with a 14 year old (with her mom's permission). Where should I take her?
I'm going on a date with a 14 year old (with her mom's permission). Where should I take her?
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To her after school classes of course
Any movies you both want to see?
to chuck e cheese, where a kid can be a kid
Take her to the zoo or aquarium. Kids love that shit. Go eat at a decent restaurant afterwards. Finish it up with a movie at home or cut it off there if she is tired.
how old are you op? where'd you meet her?
What do you think that a >ninth grader would enjoy anons?
My teen gf loves going to the beach, I drive a convertible so its really nice to drive in the coastal road with the top down. Then we park somewhere remote and set up a picnic and cuddle.
I'm 20, she's a family friend.
careful though, 100 years ago it wouldnt get any looks but some self righteous fekinist mom might show up
police station
what the actual fuck
take her to the police so you can turn yourself in
Does the mother think it's an actual date or a friendly outing?
If you're looking to do anything funky with her stop it and watch Lilia instead.
If you're being genuine and you care about her well being, take that to the movies or have a cup o' coffee together.
I wish the best of luck young man.
God speed.
Do the same stuff I said in my post or maybe bake a cake/cookies with her. Do it from scratch though, no box shit. It will be a fun thing you can cooperate on and has a tasty treat after. Make sure to get lots of decorating stuff at the store when you go (sprinkles, icing, candy, fruits).
what country are you from?
Meant loli but whatever Google translate does whatever it wants
Take her to far away tower guarded by a great big dragon and keep her there.. Comeback after she turns 18 and then go get dinner and a movie
Yup. She's hoping we get married eventually.
Get out normie your kind isnt welcome here
From Canada.
nice.is she a qt ?
Are you a native Canadian or an immigrant?
Native. I've been here my whole life.
What's your plan w/ her?
Hope you don't get seen as a pedophile (if you're a guy ofc)
I think I settled on going to Tim Hortons.
Legal here in Canada.
Hopefully somewhere with a chair and Chris Hansen asks you to sit down.
pedos get the bullet.
Here's that's where you should take her, you digusting lolicon faggot
Doesn't mean you won't get lynched for it. Stay safe and get the fuck off my board, norman.
He's technically not a pedo. I think it's hebephilia, since she's an adolescent, not a kid. Still, its not right. You're kinda fucked up OP. I only say "kinda" because you're only 20, and you're posting here which means you're probably mentally and emotionally the same level as her anyway. If you were like, 30 or 40 I would hope you get caught or killed.
through the night, down the hills, make her have the most epic feels of her life
timmies and a movie,
and then after stop for a meal
I myself am a Canadian as well, and can tell you that what you are doing is ILLEGAL! The age of consent in Canada is 16, so if you are 103 y/o, a 16 year old is fair game. If someone is under the age of consent, you are not committing a crime so long as you are no more than 2 years older, so if she is 14, you are 16, good, if she is 12, you are 14, good.
However, you are 20 years of age, and she is 14 years of age, putting her under the age of consent. As you are more than 2 years older than she is, you are committing a crime.
>I hope people doing things I consider weird without hurting anyone are murdered
Jesus, we definitely live in a society.
>He's technically not a pedo. I think it's hebephilia
Who gives a fuck about different pedo cliques
>oh this one likes toddlers
>this one likes 5yrs olds
>this one likes 10yr olds
>this one likes between 10 and 13
I don't care what preferences child fuckers have. They are all child fuckers.
It is hurting that girl, she just isn't aware of it. Her brain isn't developed enough to understand that she's being taken advantage of by an adult. I said OP is kinda fucked up, but I don't wish him harm. I said if he were 30 or 40, a seriously grown-ass man, I would wish death upon him
>They are all child fuckers
She's not a child.
I think there's a difference of how fucked up it is. To me, if it's under 13, you're a super sick fuck who deserves capital punishment. If its a teenager, 13-16 you're a sick fuck who should serve time, possibly chemically castrated. Both are bad I think there's levels to this shit
Is she pretty, op? Can you deacribe her or post a pic that reaembles her? Also how the fuck did you get permission fr her parents.
This is such an unfair system gonna be very old when I'm ready to date and I don't wanna miss out on anything like this
This is now a POP Squad thread. You'll get yours, OP. Keep your sick thoughts in your head like everybody else. Stay away from young people.
That is very good user, at that age you can change her ideas and turn her into a good housewife. Do not spoil this opportunity, or at least do not turn her into a used roastie.
An empty but romantic forest
Take a big towel some drinks and condoms wth you for pick nick
Place the towel at a nice spot somewhere and start cuddling than fuck the shit out of her
Legal sex age here in germany is 14
According to the law she is. They can't do shit and need parent/guardian.
They are still dumb kids. It's not an adult. Its still taking advantage of a minor. I'm not gonna sit around and debate which kids getting fucked is worse. It's so out of whack we're talking about some guys's pleasure and preference vs someone having their life destroyed for said brief pleasure.
>all the jealous anons reeeeeing
It's a date, he's not fucking her
you just described child grooming
I'm sure it would have to be at least that low, wouldn't want to make Abdul and Mohammad angry
jesus christ, chill dude. I'm on your side, i'm only saying that differences exist. I don't condone one over the other, but larceny and grand larceny are two different things, no?
Mfw my is muhammef wtf
Are you a magican or something
Btw german girls are best don't care about age they just want to fuck
>According to the law she is
Nobody with a brain judges morality and biology based on laws. Laws are a flawed human creation, not the end all be all.
No just kidding but i have schizoprhenia so could be
what the fuck are you talking about? You're a schizo muslim? And Europeans are disgusting in general. Lost cause, a damned people. The Sodom to our Gomorrah
Good thing I'm not Canadian then.
nice. when's she legal?
Lol, 14 and 20 wasn't even considered unusual until about 90 years ago. Fucking retarded feminists lobbied for the age of consent to be raised for "reasons".
lmao at all the alt-"right" people who bought hook line and sinker into the feminist lie about teenagers being kids.
age of consent is different in different places
not even remotely weird to be attracted to a 14yo girl
dating isn't illegal, just sex
>Where should I take her?
Home. And then take yourself to your nearest police station.
t. brainwashed normalfags
spoiler alert: the courting process is the exact same thing as "grooming"
Stop trying to reason with those people, you can't undo a century of social programming with logic and fact.
you could do something out of the ordinary but fun like rent a canoe and take it out on a lake
I think most girls would like that more than dinner and a movie
eh, it was just as much most likely fathers who didn't want their daughters being fucking so now they can use the law to punish any man who touches their child (unless he's underage at least)
First-wave feminist lobbied for raising the age of consent because they were salty artists, after they made it ,liked to settle for fresh 14-16yo girls instead of the old roasties who gave them money for art.
When I was 14 I knew exactly what I was doing and exactly what I wanted. I'm not saying everyones the same or that thats the usual age to be aware if such things. But if OPee is a nice guy they can be happy and get married eventually
>eh, it was just as much most likely fathers who didn't want their daughters being fucking so now they can use the law to punish any man who touches their child (unless he's underage at least)
No, it's well documented. Fathers didn't care about age, they cared about character. They'd rather a 25 year old upstanding man for their 15 year old girl than a 15 year old playboy.
>not even remotely weird to be attracted to a 14yo girl
Maybe not that weird to be attracted to them, but it is very weird and sick for an adult to act on that.
t. child molester
Right, when you, as an adult, "court" a minor, it's wrong, illegal, and referred to as "grooming".
Go back to faceberg, normie. Everyone with a braincell knows there's nothing wrong with courting a post-pubescent teenager.
Lolis are 10 hebes are 14+
>implying I have a facebook account
I hope you get caught one day, user. And I hope it isn't Chris Hansen or someone like that. I hope it's an angry family member.
yeah, i'm sure that was a big part of it too
I'm not going at you specifically, what I see from that argument is blurring the lines and attempting to confuse. With the larceny example you can measure that numerically, how do you measure someone getting molested at 5yrs old vs 13yrs old, does it make any difference to those people at what age they were molested at. What we have is a rule that says when you reach this point we think your competent enough to make your own decisions.
What I'm trying to say is that xPhile is a red herring, and arguing about xPhile avoids the real problem which the harm caused. It doesn't matter if its aPhile, bPhile, cPhile, what's the consequence.
>hebes are 14+
No, hebes are like 11-15
huh, makes sense. feminists really have been destroying western society since the beginning of the last century then. oh well
Nah, my entire family is tradcon and believes in traditional courting values. Even my family liberal sister believes the Age of consent should be no higher than 15. Interestingly, it seems internet dwellers have their perceptions skewed of what normal people think about consent. Most people in real life aren't the kinds of people who comment on chris hansen youtube videos.
This isnt the life you want OP. Underage gfs are cool but also come with butt tons of problems
>be me just turned 21
>friends gf introduces me to her mutual friend
>shes 16, legal where Im at but barely
>fugg shes hot tho
>me and buddy get fucked up and go to his place
>he invites his gf over and she says she has her friend with her
>he invites them both over and he tells them Im there
>oh anonette thought he was cute! Tell him to pick us up
>drive out and pick up these two girls and make a beer run while Im at it
>take them back and fugg the shit of the girl
>we date for awhile
>have to constantly put up with high school drama crap
>have to go to horrible school dances at the age of 21 and get dirty looks from everyone
>all of your buddies make fun of you for being a cradle robber
>break up with gf cuz cant stand her annoying shit
>spreads shit around town about me that isnt true
>end up getting into a fist fight over it at a bar from some guy she knew and she told him I fucked with her or something
Just be prepared to deal with a lot of childish shit user
You retard, you're supposed to make them into less shit people.
I could only do so much. It was inevitable anyways.
Feminism was the first big movement of the socialist ideological groups in the west. Communism was still pretty niche, but feminism opened up the floodgates. Don't ever think the first wave feminists were "okay" just because they wore dresses and spoke nicely. They were much more insidious and much more capable of getting their way than second and third wave feminists.
Well age is a numeric value as well. There is a reason we have words for specific ages, and why the age of consent exists. As you get older you have a better grasp on what is right and what is wrong, your brain develops. By the time you're about 16-18 I think you're developed enough to understand the full consequences of your actions. On the flip side, a prepubescent child of like 5, as you used in your example, is completely innocent, and has no idea of the consequences, and may have a decent at best idea of the difference between right and wrong. So, in-between a literal child and a grown teenager, you have adolescents, who are old enough to know right from wrong, but may not understand the full consequences. They often know not to talk to strangers, not get involved with creepy old men, etc. But they are still impressionable enough to get suckered in by weirdos like half the people ITT. They may think they are grown enough to give consent, so they can be willing participants in what happens, whereas an actual child cannot grasp the ideas at all so they are literally victims of rape, not just statutory rape. Wrong is wrong either way but I can understand why the differences exist.
At least you had fresh pussy senpai
Or you were raised by hippie "tradcons". The age of consent should be no lower than 16, unless the two teens are within 2 years of each other. a 17 year old with a 15 year old is different from a 30 year old with a 15 year old. Pretty much everyone I know agrees with that.
>it seems internet dwellers have their perceptions skewed of what normal people think about consent.
The consensus stays the same once you get off the internet. Most people in the streets aren't going to agree with you on your opinion and some will even fight you on it (obviously). You're family deviates from the normal perspective, and this unanimous agreement you have with them over courting values was indoctrinated over a life of living under their ideals. I can give you the beliefs of friends, family, and acquaintances that I know who say your values are morally upsetting and at worst pathetic. They know mounds of people who think the same give or take a few aspects. Maybe if you'd take a look outside once in a while you would realize almost nobody is willing to take a step alongside you with this opinion, and if they are they sure as hell know better than to voice the fact out loud.
get help m8 that's just not right
It was breddy gud.
What sort of community do you live in?
>he follows feminist narratives
>he thinks he knows what traditional conservatism is
Get fucked, faggots.
So you don't know a single person?
No one gave a shit about something like this in 1850, it was the norm actually.
What went so fucking wrong?
Kill yourself you fucking paedophile
Synonyms Paedophilia, pedophilic disorder
Specialty Psychiatry
Pedophilia, or paedophilia, is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
14 year old isn't prepubescent dumb cali cunt
Lol, I don't think so.
He's probably around the same age calm the fuck down
Nobody is coming at this from a "feminist" angle. You keep bringing it up. "Conservative family values" have nothing to do with want to fuck minors, you sick freak. Does your wholesome family commit incest too?
>Nobody is coming at this from a "feminist" angle.
The notion that a 20 year old courting a 14 year old is pedophilia IS a feminist angle though.
Still, hebephilia is the same as paedophilia, prove me wrong
its not pedo to like 14yos.
I dated a 13yo when I was 19.
MFW I got her drunk and she stayed over my place and slept in my bed.
(didnt fuck her though...)
>Still, hebephilia is the same as paedophilia, prove me wrong
Because it factually isn't.