How do I stay on my bulk Jow Forums?? I'm so tempted to cut.
>tfw no abs
How do I stay on my bulk Jow Forums?? I'm so tempted to cut
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Post butt.
W-where do you live? I will train you for free.
u start drinking my semen daily
Best I can do is pic-related, I don't have a butt. Sorry.
For real? Like for nothing in exchange aside from friendship and male bonding?
Disgusting. Not passable
>no bulge
please don't be postop.
never mind
We need to bring the ovens back
It's not like I'm trying to pass.
Sucks being asian.
cute legs!
Dawg, mirin those legs
Where are your fucking body hair? Are you 12 or what?
T-thanks! That's if you're not being ironic. Hard to tell sometimes.
Pits and pubes are waxed. But the rest just doesn't grow.
just go with the flow desu
W-What is this? Its very cute...
I wanna fuck you.
Where'd you get those underwear?
congrats Jow Forums
you've made me homophobic
How did you get so afraid of homos?
If I went with the flow I would still be fat desu.
Nice dubs. I was hanging out under the rain last night, waiting for that tornado or hurricane or whatever to come by. Never did. But t-hanks bro.
Don't user. That's gey.
Some random thing I found on Amazon under "swim briefs".
you're asian?
>long hair
Fix that and you'd have 100 guys breaking down your door.
body hair is gross any way you slice it
I want to nibble on your tum
You should get one of those cute androgynous haircuts and start wearing thigh highs for better blood flow
If you don't have abs you are fat and need to cut. bulking is a meme
>tfw no feminine cosplay bf
First pic should've given that away.
Seems like a waste to get rid of 3 years of barbershop avoidance.
I wear compression socks at work. They're not thigh high but they do.
It's sort of depressing that I don't have abs, but seeing myself as skinny is even worse... I think.
I dont cosplay, but I've thought about it. A couple of coworkers invited me to con, but I'm an autist.
Height and weight? wanna be your bodymode
What?? Seriously? Well I'm 145 lbs, 5'10". At my lowest I was in the 130s, but I started lifting so that's where I am now. Doesn't look that different tho.
You look good and sexy, be like Griffith
Were you the guy in the long hair thread with the pretty lips? N-no homo
w8 a sec I remember you
you slut
show dem childbearing hips
>be into NoFap
>still wanna smash that more than any girl
I-I'm not gay I swear
T-thanks. That's the plan eventually. But I think muscle-wise I have less than even him.
>pic related
Idk. Could've been anyone.
I really don't know what to feel about that. I bulk right? R-right?
Like this?
>145 lbs, 5'10"
>When a fucking twink is equally heavier and taller than you
Yeah, just bulk
Although going full trap mode would probably be easier
I don't know your sex/gender, but you're downright fucking inspo for me. Youre the type of body and aesthetic I want. Rock on.
Are you a girl or a guy
Knowing the artist, I'm never going to get that kind of benor, but hopefully the body is achievable. Heck even regular twink Griffith's fine by me.
Height's not something you can change user. But you can lift. And hey, shorter people make gains faster right? You'll look bigger than me in no time, and I'll still be a twink in a year.
Bulk it is. It's just so tempting to cut. Especially when I hang out in /fast/ so often and some bigger dude there just did a 9-fast fast. Now I want to do it too.
Thanks random citizen. You can do it too!
It should be pretty obvious at this point.
you should get into cosplay uwu
What a faggot
>145 5'10
I get that I'm dyel but how does a tiny trap my height weigh 10 points more than me
That's not possible. Either your scale or mine isn't working. And the scale at work pretty much confirms my weight. That or I have heavier bones. Kek
Don't want to turn this into /soc/ tier (pls mods have mercy) but can you show more pics for reference? I'm a drawfag and I like your body. (not for fap, I have no libido desu)
Also maybe cut down just a little bit and see how it goes. Cut down on refined sugars and processed stuff as much as possible, even if you are already, absolutely nuke them.
Cute butt
Scale isn't off, matched up with the weight taken at my doctor's appointment. 137 with clothes+shoes.
My body's weird, but here you go. Image quality is poor because it's a night shot. See I'm tempted to cut since the abs are sort of there, but then again I'm so thin.
Thanks. Another reason not to cut, don't want to lose the little bit of it I have.
What?! Maybe I need to get an analogue scale and see what my weight really is.
stop acting tsundere about your body
you know exactly what you're doing posing like now go out there and be the best low-key cuteboi you can be
fug i'm gay :DD
nothing gay about that. can you really call that a male?
So biteable
I was trying to make it look "decent-sized". Even still, I've been told it looked disgusting. But hey, thanks.
That is both funny and sad simultaneously.
So I don't have to cut? Or were you talking about something else??
>wanting to be big
go be dumb somewhere else
gay ass niggas...
stop fishing for comments, you look fine, cute even.
there's nothing wrong with the way you look and you're just gonna become ugly if you get muscular
You cut if you like but I like soft boys for biting
Not sure what you expected from /Fags In Training/
nude pls
Fagstolfo, regretably, is more muscular than me @5'4" 123 lbs his BMI is 21.1 being as lean as he is, that's probably close to his lean body weight. I'm 5'10" 145, and carrying some fat, my lean body weight is close to that. And who in their right mind would want go that route at 5'10"?
Thanks, I'm honestly happy that's what you're seeing. But I gotta get big. I'm 5'10". I won't look good this skinny.
So bulk, thanks!
This thread reminds me of that doujin where the MC wants to become more manly so he begs his senpai to help him, but all he does is mindfuck the MC into becoming his girlfriend.
No, no bulking either
flat chested
I'm sorry
finally found it
I wasn't finding it because i forgot "mind break" is 2 words
Wew how much are these?
M-my September streak....
I'm so sick of these doujins where they just show the first time mindrape and not the lovey-dovey sex they have after they became a couple.
mesu-nized festival wasn't exactly mind rape, the MC was already a sissy, he even sucked off his best friend in the bathroom without him finding out it was his friend
Wasn't referring to Mesu-nized Festival babe
They were real cheap when I got them. Less than $10. Just rechecked and now they're $9 with $6 shipping. Used to be prime eligible for me, but I don't know if the storm affected warehouses and shipping in my area. I think it's asian sizing, I'm a 29 waist and the ones I got were L.
>Asian size
Super cute/hot but deep down I know it makes me gay.. hold me, brahs
You hit a very fine line of being a shapely twink with just the right amount of bf to be soft to hace someto grab on to. Congrats
This thread is disgusting and everyone here should be ashamed
As long as it's in a non-homo purely platonic way.
That's good to know. I guess I'll try and maintain that while I bulk I guess.
Fags ruin everything, it’s so tiresome.
>the lovey-dovey sex they have after they became a couple
l-lewd! i bet you're into hand-holding too.
why so gay?
You know, you'd look a lot better if you used a bit of conditioner or simply didn't shampoo every single day, your hair would look so much more lively.
And I'd want to sniffe it.
>that picture
jesus christ that face
based and redpilled camera trickery
>extra lordosis
>angling camera to make hips/thighs seem bigger compared to thoracic/waist/shoulder
>hand over chest to simulate feminine posture
>almost naked, clothes that don't obscure pretend feminine visual indicators
disgusting and vomitpilled
>horrible camera angle emphasizing shoulder/chest being larger than your hips, showing typical male physical characteristic
>letting people see your disgusting male incel face
>putting gangly bony male arms/non-tapered fingers in camera shot
>no lordosis, head hunched forward
I have less than perfect hair genetics. My dad had an afro. I shampoo about once a week. Maybe the ends could use trimming.
Everything seems spot-on. I wouldn't say I'm an incel though.
7th post best post
Makes you wonder if there are live action versions of this fetish. Very sad if true.
>I wouldn't say I'm an incel though.
Do you fuck boys or girls?
its not gay if you keep your socks on OP
>this thread
It's definitely happened before.
Please post more